bunyhuny- I hope your breastfeeding plan works out hun!
Danna and Heather- lovely bumps!
Bevziibubble- she is adorable! they do love to be a baby again when the baby stuff comes out
Donna- hope chad feels better fast.
embeth- happy brithday! and your oldest son is precious!
lesh07- so glad you are feeling less anxious about it all
Danna and Lesh- happy v-days!!!
I gave away all my maternity clothes to a friend that had none so I have just been managing wearing loose clothes and DH's shirts. I finally went and bought some last weekend. I found some shirts at second hand stores and some discounted ones at old navy. I should have enough to make it through, or at least most of the way through.
and my pregnancy induced lactose intolerance has reared it's ugly head again. had it last pregnancy too, boo. also when I turn over in bed my hips are popping in and out of socket again. had that last pregnancy too so I know it will just get worse and more painful as I go