hey ladies, sorry if I've worried anyone, just wanted to check in real quick. I've been dealing with a lot going on all at once and it's become emotionally taxing.
Shortly after his 2nd birthday Everett started getting his 2 year molars where he just screamed for hours straight and went from sleeping through the night to waking up 6 times or more for a week straight.
Then DH started to experience chest, stomach, and back pains. He went to see his doctor, who then had him rushed in an ambulance to the hospital thinking my husband was at high risk for a heart attack. DH was diagnosed with an issue with his heart (not exactly sure what the medical term is called) where the membrane around his heart becomes inflamed, so he needs to go back for a check up, more blood work, and start taking anxiety medication to help manage his stress. This also means we have a hefty medical bill, and cannot afford to buy any baby stuff for a while when 3rd tri is only a week away. This whole situation and experience was probably the most scary and stressful for me, I'm basically in a constant worry and panic now over it.
We had made appointments with Home Depot to have 2 windows replaced that had wood rot. We were blown off 8 times in the last month, finally had the windows replaced today, but only one. Come to find out Home Depot screwed up and when the contractor went to pick up the windows from the warehouse, only 1 window was there and not both, even though the receipt says we ordered 2, and we were charged for 2. So now I have to wait for them to figure out what the heck is going on and get us our 2nd window installed. That's another headache to add to my list, on top of them constantly calling me and me having to tell them over and over again we only have our 1 window, and not both (because I guess they didn't get it the 1st three times I explained it to them)
My kids keep waking up with bug bites, all over them, so now I have to worry about an infestation somewhere. The pest team didn't find anything at all, and have no clue as to what is biting them, but I've been on my feet all day for days deep cleaning everything they touch, bedding, clothing, toys, carpets ect, in hopes that I get rid of whatever is biting them. Strange thing is, they are the only ones being affected.
With everything else going on, we still have not had the time or money to start working on the nursery, so we are way behind on getting that or anything else to prepare taken care of. I've barely been able to take care of myself because I'm still feeling sick most days and am currently under weight for where I should be.
Still have no help available to me when I need it most. I'm having to deal with and take care of everything on my own.
The only thing I've managed to do in the right step so far is set up the maternity photo shoot for the end of October (something I can actually look forward to) and take the kids to get their flu vaccines next week.
But can't believe I'm past V day and practically in 3rd tri already