Adorable bumps, Ladies
Lock, that would not be fun to have a bunch of people over, right before your due date! Sounds quite stressful. My husband has been reminding me that we'll have a bunch of his family members over after baby is born, "to meet the baby", and I'm like "Well I'm not cleaning my house for them, I will have just given birth!"
Mushy, I totally understand where you're coming from with the meals, it is HARD to always be the creative one and think up new meals to make every. single. night. And cook AND watch the kiddo at the same time! Being a SAHM is a difficult job, don't let anyone sell you short.
Oh embeth, that sounds miserable

Have you tried ice packs or a heat pad or massage, see if you can relax it? Probably won't help much if it's a pinched nerve, but it might help the muscle feel better.
TTCBean, I started raspberry leaf tea this week, at 26 weeks. I'm only taking one cup a day so far, if I can remember it lol.
We haven't decided on baby names yet. We had it narrowed down, leaning heavily on one girl name and one boy name, but he's decided he doesn't like the girl name (which I picked) and I'm not feeling the boy name anymore either (which he picked).
My husband's new job is starting to drive me crazy. He has no set schedule, they only schedule one week in advance, and they keep revising the schedules. He worked day shift for 4 weeks, and now he's working nights. So I'm trying to keep the 3 year old quiet during the day while he's sleeping! It's hardly possible! He's spoken with them about getting back onto day shift, but so far we've heard nothing. I'm glad he's working again, but I feel like this company is taking advantage of him, by giving him a lunch break that's only 15 minutes, and he works for varying hours each shift (some are 6 hrs, some 8, some 12) on top of the crazy schedules

I'm encouraging him to apply elsewhere, but so far that hasn't happened. That's my rant for the day lol