thank you ladies! I remember getting zero sleep about a week before I went into labor with DS too, so I basically waltzed into motherhood with 2 already dead on my feet
Right now I'm feeling the same as I did then. The best way I can describe it is I feel restless. Every time I go to lay down I feel as if I should be up doing something, so I toss and turn endlessly. I think it's just pregnancy insomnia and the nesting instinct on steroids!
I did have some after pains after DS was born, but that was mainly from my uterus shrinking back down. The cramping was like going into labor again! I only had a graze the 2nd time around, so I actually felt great after DS's birth, was up walking like normal again 30 mins after his birth
Lucy, I'd pronounce it like Mee-la because the actress Mila Kunis pronounces her name that way also.
Donna I was the same as you, I was so adamant against having kids when I was young, now I'm on my 3rd
Claire moves around mostly in the mornings and at night, and usually she twists around, I can feel it, and it feels quite strange. Her elbow or foot drags across my stomach, and when she kicks, she kicks hard! Hard enough that it has actually hurt, and even alarmed me. I had gotten worried a few times wondering if that was normal. I don't think my other 2 kicked nearly as hard.