Lucy- I was having a lot of trouble falling asleep when I had low iron. now it's just every now and then. usually if I have a few hard nights I'll crash and sleep really good the next night.
Donna- so glad your placenta has moved! hope your gtt went well. lovely bump
Embeth- so cute!!! my baby is definitely sitting the way yours is. I've never felt one sitting this way. it feels like his back is going down the front of my bump all the time with no cushion in between. little butt is right on top. so uncomfortable when he moves!
Chelle- said a prayer for your cousin. poor girl!
Bev- yay on the bag!! I only need some snacks in mine and last minute things like a phone charger, etc. I will likely take out the clothes and wash them once more

no reason to do so, but I'm sure I will in my nesting.
TTC- if it were me, there is no way I would chance it. but I have had some of mine come close to 37 weeks. I won't even be leaving on christmas this year to visit family that is 45 minutes away and I will be just over 37 weeks. my birthing center is about 40 minutes from my house and the thought of driving all that way back to my house to drop my kids off and head up to the birthing center while in labor is not a pleasant one in my head... but also one of my babies came in 39 minutes from first contraction to birth so maybe I'm just nervous since then. you have a lovely bump!!!
Pita- we cook for family on thanksgiving too and even though I'm excited for it to come, I'm thankful when everything is all cleaned up after. we had my fil and step mil, my brother, and my sister with her husband and their 6 kids.
Mushy- I hope you're feeling better fast!
Danna definitely feel as though time is flying by with all the holidays in between!
LockandKey- bet it's nice to be home! we finished up our christmas shopping with some black friday deals.
afm- we bought a car today so we will have 2 vehicles. our other one is a 15 passenger van. it's nice to have a regular car to get groceries and what not. we also took the kids to pick their secret sibling presents today and let them unwrap them as well. everyone was happy with what they got from each other.
the heartburn has become ridiculous. nothing helps. I have it all day and when I wake up to pee at night I have it then too.
I have no idea what to expect with this baby and when he will come. my children have come at all different times...
#1- 37+6
#2- due date
#3- 41+4 (had to be induced to get him out)
#4- 38+3
#5- 37 weeks (induced early for complications)
#6- 37+4
#7- 38 weeks
seems like the majority of mine come on their own between 37 1/2 weeks and 38 1/2 weeks which is end of december for me.