Heather, you look great!
TTC and blessed, hope your little ones stay for put for a bit longer so you girls can have the birthing experiences you want. Not too long to wait now!
Hopeful, I get BHs every day, around 10 or 12. They've been happening since around 20 or 22 weeks, I don't remember exactly, but have slowly been increasing in frequency.
athena, that sounds SO adorable! Love it when they do stuff like that on ultrasound
We're team yellow too, can't wait to find out if baby is a boy or a girl! My MIL showed me some baby pictures of my husband, he had a ton of hair when he was born! Compare that to me, who had a tiny bit which came off with my first bath and then I didn't grow any more until about 18 months

This baby has a chance of having a bunch of hair!
I'm having the gbs test done at my next appointment. I was negative last time, so hopefully I am this time too.
My brother is moving out!

He's been packing his things the past couple days and working on getting his boxes out of the house. I'm so excited to have that room available

First things first: I'm gonna rent a carpet cleaner and get the floor clean!
I still have more Christmas shopping to do, lots of wrapping to do, and I plan to make caramels and truffles to give away as well. I should probably get on that lol! Hard to believe Christmas is only 2 weeks away, where has the time gone?
In other news, my husband put in his 2-weeks notice to resign from his job. It was just not working out, with working night-shift, different hours on different days, the schedule changing weekly, being given extra shifts with little notice due to other employees leaving, poor communication from higher-ups... Add to that the fact he was falling asleep on his drive home after working all night... It was time for him to be done with that job. He's going to put his time and energy into starting his own business now, which is exciting! New baby, new business, it's a new chapter in our lives