donna- I hope he turns soon. is that maybe the reason your others went over due? I've heard their position can effect things like that.
ttc- so glad you haven't progressed any further! come on friday

I have the same feeling so I know how it goes. I'm eagerly waiting for thursday to come.
sakura- sorry baby is breech still and that you're dealing with so much. wonder what's going on with the dizziness and breathlessness! it would definitely worry me. are you anemic or is your blood pressure really low? that's the only two things that I get dizzy from while pregnant.
bev- I know exactly what you mean! some of my bh are very painful and I've been using my labor breathing techniques to practice when I have one. sometimes it's just too much though, and these are the practice ones!!! ugh
well, I have successfully been on my rear since saturday. I did have to go to the store last night for printer ink and by the end I wanted to cry. had several contractions and severe crotch pain. lost some more plug today. think even a short run to the store needs to be done by DH from now til thursday at least.
and my youngest who is 21 months old is teething. think the big ones are coming in. poor monkey is miserable. but also means she is up a couple times a night screaming. haven't slept good for a couple weeks now and it's really wearing me down

hope her teeth come in before landon gets here