donna- so nice you're getting to move sooner and possibly before baby comes (even though it's christmas week!)
bev- sounds like great signs!!!! can't wait to hear an update that your LO is here. maybe there is something on spinning babies to move him to anterior and speed things along??
yay for the christmas parties ladies
pita- I hope you aren't getting sick
fit- you look gorgeous
ttc- happy full term! and that sounds like some good signs you're having
spud- hope you're able to have a home birth. I'm sure it won't matter how messy your house is
I always wanted to make sure my kids weren't born on anyone else's birthday or a holiday, but I have to admit the thought of having a christmas eve, christmas, or new years eve baby sounds very unique and lovely
I didn't have a lot of contractions last night, but definitely some today. I took a nice hot shower and things settled a bit. I'm certainly having prodromal labor now. I realized it last night since I've experienced it in the past. painful contractions that feel like the real thing, are in patterns, but fizzle out after a couple hours.

this is becoming exhausting. still losing bits of plug every day so I'm sure they are doing something, but prodromal labor usually only gets you to 3-4 cm dilated and helps effacement along. oh well, I guess anything helps!