Fit Mama - no it didn't make any difference. I used it last time as I heard that it helped to make everything a bit more stretchy and less likely to rip. Last time my waters broke 17 days after my EDD based on my 12 week scan and 13 days late based on my IVF due date. I tried raspberry leaf tea, clary sage oil (I was literally doused in the stuff although it is meant to be really potent), hot curry, long hilly walks, bouncing on my ball and daily sex. I also had four sweeps (every other day from 7 days after my IVF date). I basically tried everything aside from castor oil which I bought but didn't have the nerve to drink (thank goodness as there was thick meconium in my waters and I would have blamed the oil, and myself, if I had drunk it) I think that if the baby isn't ready then nothing apart from being induced will get labour started. I had a scan when I was 7 days over which suggested the baby was over 9lbs at that stage but when he was born a week later he was only 8lbs 2. They put a lot of pressure in you to induce here, but all of my friends and I resisted induction until it was really necessary which for me when the thick meconium was found which they claimed was a sign that the baby was in distress.