I have definitely had labor start both ways, so I know either can happen. I've had signs for weeks and went into labor and also had it just start out of nowhere.
oh bev how awful and scary!!! I hope you get him engaged and no problems with cord prolapse if your waters do break
lock- I'm in the same boat. I have at least twice a day when I have painful contractions for two-ish hours at a time and they die down every time. then I usually have once in the night when it happens again. It's exhausting and frustrating! I'm nervous I won't know when the real thing happens and have a baby in the car on the way

my pregnancy that went like this before I barely made it to the hospital. my total labor was 39 minutes. this new place I'm going is 45ish minutes away and that's if we speed. having a lot of anxiety about it all and may be what is stalling everything out.
my mw yesterday said I could induce next tuesday at my next appt if I wished. I didn't give her an answer either way, but I need to call back if I'm gonna go through with it. I'll be 39+5 by sono and 39+2 by lmp. I really wanted to go on my own, so it's not ideal. plus they don't induce with pitocin, they will use a foley bulb, breast pump and possibly castor oil. I know my body responds well to pitocin, but not sure on the other methods. just don't know what I want to do.
today is my anniversary and since tomorrow is nye, it would be ok if he stays put. I'm having contractions, but that's every day. I don't expect anything from it anymore.