Okay, I'm gonna have a nice long gripe.
My in-laws are very nice people, I like them. But I'm irritated right now.
My mother-in-law was dismayed when we told them we weren't finding out baby's gender because she wanted to shop for baby. She insisted that she wanted to buy "whatever you need!" It's their first grandchild, but since I already have a child, I already had everything we need, except for an infant carseat. MIL was like "Dibs on buying the carseat!" That was several months ago. We talked about what kind of carseat I would like, but she ignored my preferences and decided to buy an All-in-one type. I told my husband "That's not what I want. We have 2 of those that the baby can move up into. I want an infant car seat that detaches from the base. It's gonna be wintertime, no way am I putting my tiny baby in a freezing carseat." and he relayed that message.
We went to Christmas at their place, and I was thinking we might get the carseat then, but no. The next day we went to Walmart because MIL wanted me to show her what type I wanted, so I did, thinking that she would buy the carseat then and there, but no. She was like "Oh, okay, now I know what to look for" and we left empty-handed
A couple days ago MIL sends my husband pictures of a travel system she's thinking of getting. Great, it has an infant carseat, the kind I want, but it comes with a stroller.
We have 2 strollers, don't need another stroller, and have no place to put one. My in-laws are the type who are always giving us things: things they no longer use, or they found in storage, or they bought at a yard sale or on clearance. Not things we ask for, just random things. We live in a tiny house and half our possessions reside in storage, we don't have room for more! So I tell husband "Okay, if that's the one she wants to get, fine, but
she's keeping the stroller."
Then today my husband tells me that now they can't afford to buy us a carseat!

I told my husband it was no big deal, we'll just buy one ourselves. But truthfully, I'm irritated. In my mind, when you say you'll do something, you do it! I know it's not that big of a deal, especially since we
can afford to get it, but it's rude. Anyways, that's my vent for the day