Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow Tasha and Baby starts moving more.
Bev hope your baby turns and then decides to come meet you soon - you have such a great attitude about it though, you have my admiration.
Hope everyone who has had sweeps and/or is seeing signs gets some labor action soon!
Blessed hope your little man chooses his birthday before your induction. My induction is now scheduled as well so Thomas's birthday will be January 14 (or possibly the 15th or 16th I suppose) unless he chooses his birthday before then.
Today is my due date but no sign of Thomas! So weird to see my ticker with no days left to count down. We have an u/s on Friday to check on him. The midwife examined me yesterday. Only 1 cm dilated but my cervix is very soft and the examination triggered my bloody show which the midwife says is a good sign.
I woke up yesterday with an awful cold, blech, first one my whole pregnancy. And Thomas is measuring at over 41 weeks, so no wonder I'm so uncomfortable.
TMI but since my examination I've had this weird odor down there...like mushrooms or herbs or something, so weird. The midwife says it's normal and just my body preparing itself