Hope her weight picks up soon Lily. She looks absolutely gorgeous. I always thought they expected a baby to lose up to 10% of body weight before starting to gain? Try not to be too disheartened about the breast feeding. Your milk should increase once she starts to take it directly from you as babies are much more efficient than pumps. I struggled to get anything much out with a pump until Joshua was four weeks old last time and I always had much less on my right hand side than my left.
Have been looking back on the thread from when I had Joshua and found all of the details of my old sweeps, which was quite interesting. Last time my waters broke at 4am the morning after my fourth sweep and my sweeps went as follows:
40+6: Sweep 1, 1cm dilated, posterior cervix, high position, medium firmness
41+1: Sweep 2, 1-2cm dilated, posterior cervix, slightly lower, started to lose my plug after this sweep
41+3: Sweep 3, 1-2cm dilated, 50% effaced, stretchy posterior cervix
41+5: Sweep 4, 3cm dilated, -1 station, mid position cervix, soft/medium stretchiness
41+6: Waters broke, but meconium stained and didn't have any contractions. Induced.
This time round it's been as follows:
40: Sweep 1, 2-3cm dilated, 50% effaced, posterior to mid position cervix
40+1: Started to lose plug
40+2: Sweep 2, 2-3cm dilated, 70% effaced mid to anterior position cervix
40+4: Sweep 3, 2-3cm dilated, 70% effaced mid to anterior position cervix, -1 station, very stretchy
So, at least I can take comfort from the fact that I am further along this time than last. We have delayed my fourth sweep from 40+6 to 41+1 so that my body can have a chance to do something on it's own and also because my midwife is off now until Monday and I'd rather they were all done by the same person for consistency of findings.