She's here!! Pains went from
10 minutes apart to a 1/2 minutes apart only just got to the hospital in time! She was out within 20 minutes of being there.. Was 9cm when I arrived.. 8lb1 of perfection... Can't decide on a name will post a pic v soon xxx
Congratulations Embeth she's gorgeous! Looking foward to hearing the name.
Elizabeth slept for 3.5 hours during the night, she's normally starts screaming after an hour and I have to start my 'shift' and go downstairs with her, but got to stay in bed until 5:30 she constantly makes noise at night, it's like being in the same room as a little piglet with all the snorting and whines she makes.
Aww, congrats Embeth. She does indeed look perfect
We've gone from having a baby that was sleeping for four to five hours at a stretch and hardly ever crying (he was so good I would sometimes forget he was here!) to one that wants to feed constantly, won't settle in his chair or crib and will only sleep for short spells whilst I'm holding him. Not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but the change seemed to occur when his tongue tie was cut last Friday.
My Chad was the same after his toungue tie was cut frustrated. But he had a cows milk allergy so in general was a miserable baby with colic and reflux till it was sorted.
I'm sure he will settle back down for you soon he's probally getting use to his world now and wants to be more alert lol x
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