Sorry I haven't posted much lately girls. I read everyday.
Been feeling a lot of baby blues, I'm worried it could turn to PPD. I suffer from serve anxiety my whole life, but I feel it on a totally different level right now. I've left the house a total of 3 times with baby in the past month. I have opportunities to leave but I get so anxious and over think every detail I end up sitting at home. DH is amazing and says he will watch baby, he said I could even go out with DS1 alone and even go to the salon, etc and he'd watch both... but because of my anxieties I am so scared to drive... I've never driven alone. I feel like a terrible Mom and I'm missing out on a lot of fun activities with DS1 because I'm scared to take him.
It's silly things too, I'm bfing and would have to pump some milk for DH to feed baby if I were to leave the house without him. I've never done that before, and have been so anxious he won't take a bottle, etc etc I've put it off. I don't know how much to pump, how to store it, how to heat it up, etc.