You no when you look at ur babies and think wow I can't believe your mine and you no it's funny because as much as I stil do wish i could have a girl I feel so happy and content with my boys like I'm ment to be a boy momma ! They actually being me so much joy. x
Aww Donna you have gorgeous boys!!They are so lovely!!
That's a great weight Bev.. I haven't taken Isabelle through fear they ll tell me she's too fat!! On a rough weigh in at home she is around 17lb I think!! Nothing I can do if they say she's too big she's only has breastmilk on demand.. She just demands quite a lot!!😂😂
I'm going for a walk with my cousin and her 3 week old baby this morning, I'm looking forward to pushing my pram with another mummy! Annabel never gets to go in the pram as I've usually got my toddler in the stroller and her in the ergo. lol the things I get excited about these days!
Now I don't mean to brag and I'm not I'm just so proud after weeks of Cruz not sleeping so good he slept thru 😁
He went to bed at 6pm I heard him stir around half 12ish when oh came to bed but he didn't wake he woke at 6.20am so did just over 12 hours super proud ino probably won't happen again and Shane I didn't sleep lol X
Benjamin according to my scale at home weighs about 16 pounds.
Isabelle is a cute little chunk! And the same doctor would tell her she weighed too much that if was less would tell her she didn't weigh enough. They're never happy with a baby's weight it seems.
The sleeping didn't last lol I'm so tired he went to bed early at 5.40pm last night and slept til 12.40 which I no is great as its 7 hours but then he was awake again before 5 wouldn't go back to sleep did a poo finally went back to sleep at around half 5 and then was awake at 6.10 CJ and Chad are both poorly as well it's going to be a long. Day . Ino Cruz goes to bed early so I shud expect early mornings but I hate them lol X
He's tired again now I don't like this stage where there tired so often yet won't nap or cat nap seems all I do is get him to sleep he fell asleep drinking his bottle at 7 lay him in cot and he woke up I'm now rocking him in his bouncer and he's having none of it even tho he's crying cuz he's tired X
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