Don't worry lily, I think it's extremely common to have low grade abnormal cells and also hpv infection... You ll be fine and be trying for a baby in no time!
Lucy I have no clue what to do about work.. My head of department has changed and a couple of people have left so I don't think in going to enjoy it if I go back and having to put my two little ones in childcare stressed me out! My older two have never needed childcare as dh worked very flexible hours when they were little, I want the same for the little ones. I am considering if there's a way I can at least go back to to my 3 months or il
Have to repay part of my mat pay which is about £1300!
Isabelle is a nightmare for being put down at the moment! She wants to be on me but then doesn't want to sit still she keeps standing up on me and wiggling everywhere! It's like she's ready to move but can't!