Isabelle was up at 5! Tired here too!😩 Hope you get through the day ok Donna it's Rubbish being tired!! We've been to music train class this morning.. Isabelle clapped away was so cute, she loves it! I have her place at gymbabes confirmed from
Monday so hopefully
She ll like that too! Xx
I'm always ok once the day starts lol he had a hour and 20 mins nap this morning I just relaxed on the sofa lol . He is into everything literally every wire he wants always at the fire to lol x
That's great lily better night here he only woke once roll on when there all sleeping thru ! lol he was stil Wake at 5.40 tho monkey lol. It's getting really cold here now had the central heating on yday lol x
Been up since 5.40 here too Donna!although Isabelle has been going to bed around 6.30. I think she has a temp today.. Not taken her temp as don't have a thermometer but can feel that kind of heat on her.. Although apart from tiredness as she hasn't slept all day really she seems fine. Can teeth cutting give them
A temp?
It is definitely a little cooler now.. What temp is it where you are now Lucy? Xx
Bless them little monkeys
Some say teething doesn't cause a temp it's not meant to give a fever but can raise there temperature in my opinion. Can properly feel cruzs tooth now won't be long til it's up it's properly cut the gum and he crawled on his actual hands and knees today I can't believe how big he's got x
She def had a temp, gave her some medicine and she was much cooler this evening hope not a bug on the way.. Little bub fell asleep in her highchair at dinner! Still no crawling here! Xx
Aww poor little Isabelle. Hope no nasty bug on the way. Bless her falling asleep in her highchair!
Go Cruz! Proper crawling is the cutest!
It's usually around 18/19 degrees here in late September and some sunny days but it's been cold and so wet! More like 15 and rain 👎🏻 I need some vitamin D!
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