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January Snowdrops 2016: 58 BFPs and counting (12 boys / 8 girls / 4 surprises)!

Me neither Bev!! I'm not feeling broody at all at the moment! Maybe that's because Annabel is still a shocking sleeper!
Excellent spud goodluck with it all x

Lucy goodluck with your assessments.. hope it all goes well, no pregnancy news from me that's for sure! 😉 Lovely sunny day here for once going to let the little ones plod around in the garden! X
No pregnancy news from me. Trying to get LO to sleep the night w/o nursing. It's been about a week really trying, he'll go 4-6 hours now without. Wonder how long that will last lol. RE won't touch me now unless he's down to 1 nursing a day, but will go in if he's at least night weaned. Will get my GP to check my prolactin tested before I even go see him.
Thanks :)

He doesn't really eat solids, which is frustrating so he "makes up" at night. He just spits his food out all day, we do BLW and he still just wants milk. While I'm feeding him food he tugs and me and says "this this this!!!" and goes crazy lol. Milk obsessed!!
My DS was (is!) milk obsessed too Spud. He's 3 now and would be happy to just drink milk all day!
Hi girls cj had his blood results back and there all normal apart from his Hemoglobin which has gone down slightly again even despite being on iron
His first results were 10.2 then 11 now then 10.6 I think it was
I've had to get him more blood tests today there going to check what type of Hemoglobin cells he has
The doctor told me his level should be at least 13 and Ino he is the dr but I'm confused because I googled and Ino it's only google but all the info I can see says they should be 11-13 so that would make sense with the dr saying at 11 he was borderline
Anyone he's had the bloods done today he's so brave the dr said this will give us an idea of what type of cells he has and he will get a specialist to look at the results and I think he said will we get an appointment from them I'm a bit worried about the specialist being needed but I'm not actually worried and I thought I would be all his other blood results are perfect he's ok in him self he's gaining weight he stil does have the gland but it hasn't grown any and sometimes does get smaller I'm quite calm but if anything is wrong with him and I've been going since October and they didn't listen I'll be fuming x he said these blood tests can take up to 10 days because of the Hemoglobin one x his ferretin is also fine which he said is his back up iron stores x
i also now have a swollen gland in my neck and have a sore throat in on antibiotics but it's just another thing to worry about on my end even tho Ino it's nothing x
I'm glad the gland isn't growing and I hope that you get some answers soon. Doctors can be so slow about things. He's such a brave boy xx
Sure all is fine donna, sure if they tested all children's blood levels a lot of them would have slightly low heamoglobin.. i know what it's like though, just another thing to have to worry about.

I keep feeling randomly sick, started about a week ago woke in the middle of the night for a wee and then this sickness came over me happened a few times now then goes and I'm fine.. very strange and it's not pregnancy so not sure what it could be!

Isabelle is also milk obsessed, altho she is also good obsessed! She will eat anything!! I was eating a stir fry with quite a spicy sauce and she kept grabbing veg&noodles off my plate to munch on!
James was up all night with a barking cough and wheezing. I took him to the doctors today and he's got croup and has to take steroids for two days. I can't believe how many illnesses he's had lately, it's been one after another :(
Oh you poor mums. Sick children all around. Not so good. I hope they are all better soon.

Donna - I second what embeth says.

I saw the bad moms film for the first time the other night. I cried and I laughed. If you haven't seen it I recommend it. And it's a feel good film too.

No pregnancy news here. I really don't want a no3 yet part of me would like to produce another little human.
Oh dear bev not another illness.. poor James.. is this hollys first year of school?i remember when my boys first started they were constantly ill.. maybe she's bringing things back that james is catching.. will all strengthen his immune system tho. Croup can be terrifying tho I remember I thought Isabelle had it she was up one night coughing and sounded like she was struggling to breathe. Hope he's better soon x

Spud I've still not see that film! I plan on going to see the new beauty and the beast next week on Mother's Day.. a couple of hours peace from the little two as my treat! 😉

Hope everyone is ok.. happy Friday!!xx
Poor James! Hope he gets better soon. My nephew picks up croup a lot, he responds well with the steroids. Hope he doesn't get too much extra engerfy from them though!

What's the new beauty and the beast embeth? Like a more adults version? The thought of going to the movies with a big bag of popcorn sounds sooooo good!
Yes it's Holly's first year of school. James seems to be catching everything off her!
I'm so frustrated. Seren will not sleep tonight. It's 2am and still no sleep. I'm thinking about a drive in the car but then I still have to.love her to her own bed. It's not the first time she's done this. She did it two nights ago too. Any ideas?
Yeah Lucy it's supposed to be quite good, I'll take my older two to watch and we'll pig out on sweets and pop corn!!

Sorry spud no advice, she surely will give in soon tho.. Isabelle sometimes randomly wakes in the middle of the night and wants to play/chat! Like last night 3am then she was up at 5.45am! Hope she sleeps soon for u xx

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