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January Snowdrops 2016: 58 BFPs and counting (12 boys / 8 girls / 4 surprises)!

My kids have all been really good sleepers as long as they aren't sick or teething. But they usually still wake up for boob or bottles at night and go right back to sleep at this age. I don't know why he isn't all of a sudden. I'll take it though, at least until July when I'm up with a newborn again.

Spud- that's so rough!!! :hugs:
Huge spud.. I sympathise I always have awful healthy anxiety, the trick for me is to exercise.. it's so good for my mind as well as my body. Just 30 minutes and you ll feel so much better..hope you feel
Better soon x
Huge spud.. I sympathise I always have awful healthy anxiety, the trick for me is to exercise.. it's so good for my mind as well as my body. Just 30 minutes and you ll feel so much better..hope you feel
Better soon x

Thanks embeth. Exercise is great. And eating enough veg too.

Two nights bad sleep. Seren had a sick tummy two nights ago and last night Isla was vomiting everywhere. Today is a soda and cartoon day lol.
Sorry you have bad nights. I hope they're both better soon :hugs:
Sick kids is the worst :( :hugs: I hope they feel better and everyone sleeps better soon.
Hope your all well girls I went out Saturday night I ended up coming home as the baby sitter text me at 12.30am telling me she had got Cruz up as he wouldn't settle which was a load of rubbish he sleeps through I told her if he has a winge which he sometimes does just ignore him unless her really crying anyway she said he was coughing so went up picked him up and he wouldn't go in cot so she got him up I got back he was sat on the sofa the lamp was on and everything I was far from happy I NEVER ever get my kids up in the night he slept last night tho but I'm so tired of getting up early even cj wakes around 6 now I think chad waking him so much has had an effect
Cruz was awake at 5.10 today 😩 I didn't get up till 6 tho he was just babbling in his cot x
How frustrating about the babysitter :( Sorry the kids are waking up so early :(
Oh dear donna, sorry it was a bit of a nightmare! Isabelle wakes at half 5 most mornings and Jacobs usually up from 6ish, my older two boys were always like it as this age too I just tell myself it won't last forever... I
Don't mind so much if I have plans for the day it's when I don't it's such a long day!!! X
It does make the days so long when they wake up that early. The mornings seem to take forever!
Yup mine have always been early risers to cj didn't wake quite so early but he went to bed at 7.30pm so slept a bit later where as chad always liked to be in bed for 6pm so always woke early and then woke cj so had two boys up early then Cruz obv is in bed early and to be honest I moan about early mornings but I would still prefer that over hem being up late I love my evenings and after a long day I love come there in bed and I can relax .. it doesn't seem as bad getting up early now it's light.. yup they don't stay little forever do they!
Cruz didn't wake til gone 6 today anything after 6 and I'm ok lol x
Donna it's good you have them going to bed early so you have some evening free!
I agree! I prefer early mornings over late nights too 👍🏻

I'm coming to the end of my first semester back at uni. The biology subject is so full on! Each week we do a different part of the body, there's no way I can learn it all for the exam. We have 3 lectures, a prac and a tutorial each week just for the one subject.. it's crazy. If I pass I'll be so happy!

Annabel is so grown up and it's making me broody!

Heather, I remember you saying you were going to start TTC next month! Good luck!
Yes! Next cycle well be trying for #3! Im excited to have more kids...but dreading being pregnant. Its a weird feeling. With my previous pregnancies i was 100% ready and excited...this time not so much. Ive come to the conclusion that its ok to not be excited about the pregnancy part as long as i know 100% i want more kids overall....which i most certainly do! It took me 10 months with landon, 1 month with chelsea (mmc), and 3 months with hadleigh ttc...so who knows how long itll take!

Anybody else thinking of ttc soon?

And lucy good luck! Im so glad to be done with school! I still have nightmares about being back in school!
Lucy- sounds rough! I couldn't be persuaded back to college if my life depended on it lol. Much sympathy and respect for your hard work.

Heather- yay! Hope it doesn't take long :)
Yay for ttc Heather. I don't enjoy being pregnant aka permanently sick either. I don't have the energy for 3 children. 2 is it for me. I'm looking forward to a full nights sleep and a lazy evening perhaps in a year or two.
Thanks ladies, it's hard work and will probably take me at lest 4-5 years to finish but I hope it's worth it in the end.

That's so exciting Heather! Hope you're not TTC for long. I think I would like a third but I'm not ready yet. Kids are terrible sleepers lately so I don't think I could add pregnancy/newborn on top of everything. Maybe by the end of the year I'll feel differently..

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