January Snowdrops 2016: 58 BFPs and counting (12 boys / 8 girls / 4 surprises)!

I have another private scan on Sunday and then my NHS one is on the 7th July. Just hope baby is ok! Going to buy a few bits on Sunday if all looks good.
Well we know when to expect the next big influx of scan pics! :haha:
I just realised, we are the smallest group in this forum with only 49 BFPs, January is not popular!
so i had a read of my paperwork when the test came back it said i was 15 weeks 6 days as of the 23rd of june i hope its a typo cause that would mean im 16 weeks n 3 days weird thing is its exactly what id be from my march period... ive had 2 scans n bub was measuring from 7th of april, my april period haha sooo confusing ill find out on tuesday though hope im not 17 weeks by then hahaha
my next scan is the 30th, this Tuesday!!!! I'll be 13 + 1. I couldn't be more excited :happydance:

It is a small group, I realized that too Danna, but honestly I really enjoy it, it feels more intimate, like I can keep track of and get to know you ladies better, and I don't have to worry about catching up on pages upon pages.

I was looking at rainbow colored woven wraps for carriers. I've not tried a woven wrap yet, but I wanted a rainbow carrier for my rainbow baby :blush: I guess I will look through some youtube videos and learn.
Woah Sakura what a difference in dates!!

Lockandkey- I agree I like it smaller. I have looked at the rainbow wraps, so so pretty!
I prefer the smaller group as well. I was in the October group last year, and while it wasn't huge it was a lot bigger and some days I'd be off for a few hours and come back to so many pages to read up. Sometimes posts would go unnoticed but many of us.

Sakura, that would be crazy! Which way are you hoping for?

I am looking for a ring sling for this next one. I saw someone in a store with a woven one that looked pretty awesome. The brand was Maya brand, I think. Definitely hoping to get one of those this time.
I just realised, we are the smallest group in this forum with only 49 BFPs, January is not popular!

Im glad Jan is a quiet month as I'm already worrying about getting to the hospital in labour and getting turned away as all delivery rooms are full :haha: the original hospital I was booked in at only allow TWO women in active labour to be in the hospital at one time!

Also i keep reading about the supposed 'heat wave' that's due to hit UK next week and I'm really glad I won't be giving birth during that!
Haha to be honest I want to stay around 12 love all of you guys :D your all soo nice
Morning girls. I like it quieter as well I also loved my March group last time was so many girls bt somehow we all managed to keep up saying that probably only about 10 of us posted regularly.

Can't believe it's 3 days to my scan I'm excited scared also coming on forums u here all the sad stories don't you. All I could eat yday Wad a chip butty and I mean that was it I felt horrendous I was sick and was just acid . I had such a bad head and fort I was gna faint really hope I don't feel like that again today. I need to aim to drink more cause I'm sure that doesn't help me .

In still haven't told everyone I didn't even get past 8 weeks last time b4 we told everyone. I think it's more because this one wasn't planned and I stil have days I'm petfried and also that I'm not looking forward to the comments . I mean 3 isn't a huge number but my boys are only three and one . I'm also dreading tje comments if it's another boy. I don't mind what we have I'd like a girl but if it's a boy ill be just as happy . But ino Ppl will be saying oh u want a girl this time etc. One person even said to me when we were having Chad oh that's a shame it's a boy isn't it . I wasn't happy .
Think we have chose a boys name we like I'm not sure if it will still be the one once we know what we're having . But we really like cruz.
I like cassie fot a girl. We want to stick with the letter c
we have craig my partner cj (Craig Junior) and Chad . I'm donna tho obv lol. X
Not long for you scan Donna very exciting. I can understand you not telling anyone yet.
Hope you mange to eat some more today.
So lovely to read about lots of lovely scans coming up ladies. Xx

I also prefer the smaller group.

AFM...I went to the docs and she listened into baby and found baba's HB straight away and said it sounded all good. I told her about the red streaks and she told me not to panic but did refer me to the EPU I have an appointment on Monday morning for a scan to check on baby. I checked this morning and baby's HB is thumping away fast in there and baby has also moved up over the last 24 hrs and is slightly higher in my pelvis. Hopefully if baby is measuring a good size (As I will be 10+5) Then the bleed was due to just pushing myself to hard. Not had any in nearly 2 days so that's good too. Xx
Mushy, I have a Maya wrap ring sling which I bought and used after DS was born, it's so easy to use, and comfy too. I really enjoyed it. I don't actually need a woven wrap at all, butv will be talking DH into getting me one based on the fact that I just want it. And it's fun to try new carriers :blush: I found my perfect wrap and immediately bookmarked it.

Donnarobinson, that's right, we both have scans on the exact same day. Can't believe it's time already!

Are any of you ladies familiar with skull or nub theory? I may ask for a gender guess once I've had my scan. I'm just so curious as to who will be outnumbered soon, the boys or the girls :haha:

Since this is my 3rd I'm wondering when I'll start to feel movement. There are some points where I think I've felt a little flutter, only to realize it's gas moving.
^ I love analysing scan pictures looking at nub/skull, it does seem to be right quite often! Also read about the Ramzi theory where 'apparenty' you can predict the gender from which side the placenta is on! :wacko: but think you have to be under 10 weeks, mine is apparently :blue:

At my private scan on Sunday I think they do a 4D freeview, it will be just my luck that she will do it and a willy will pop up on screen when we're meant to be team yellow haha:dohh:
I've seen another thread with January 2016 mums on and whilst there was some overlap with this group there were lots of names I didn't recognise so I guess there are more out there on the board than our number would suggest!

Here here to not being pregnant during this heatwave. I was 38 weeks pregnant this time last year and when I eventually gave birth at 41+6 it was the hottest day of the year. To make it worse our hospital has serious ventilation problems. The maternity ward is like a sauna. They kept me in overnight as they were worried my son's temperature was a bit on the high side but that was because our room was like an oven. Thankfully we had a window so slept with it open all night. That seems like a long time ago now!

I must admit I am a bit nervous about the smallish gap between our two (17 months). My son has been really clingy for the last five weeks and will no longer go to bed awake. I have to sit by his cot (crib) until he falls asleep. I'm not sure how I will cope if he is still like this when the new arrival is born. No doubt we will muddle through tho!
There's January blizzards, which is the rainbow thread. I think some women that go to that one just feel more comfortable there.

Frustrated, I too am worried a out the small gap and being able to cope. We are looking at a 15 month gap, so super close! Mine has also been super clingy, but I wonder if he senses my pregnancy and it's causing the extra clingyness.
I have a two year gap between my boys it was hard at first but totally worth it and doable . My second had reflux colic and cmpi so was even harder. I will have almost a similar gap this time . 22 month instead of 24.x
I can't wait for scan and hope I get and good nub shot . X

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