January Snowdrops 2016: 58 BFPs and counting (12 boys / 8 girls / 4 surprises)!

Oh wow, had no idea that was the situation in Australian. A good friend of mine here is a midwife from Australia but had never asked her how things were back home :blush:.

Good for you for choosing to free birth. Wish I had that confidence... My family has massive babies and although mine weren't *that* big (little over 4kg, smallest of our generation), complications are always on the back of my mind.

But who knows, my confidence may grow :wink wink: or I'll find an alternative I'm happy with.
Morning girls hope ur all well.
I'm getting more excited
I tried for 3 years to get pregnant with cj my ffirst I had a lap and dye to see why I wasn'tggetting preg it come bk fine and I got my bfp that same cycle
then we didn't use an protection after having him and got pregnant with Chad 16 months later lol. And now pregnant again!
I've tested again today and my cheaper ones have finally got darker lol. Stil not as dark as the control line but getting there x I've alredi seen a Dr he just confirmed pregnancy and I registered with the midwife ill see her about 8 weeks I think x
Oh wow, had no idea that was the situation in Australian. A good friend of mine here is a midwife from Australia but had never asked her how things were back home :blush:.

Good for you for choosing to free birth. Wish I had that confidence... My family has massive babies and although mine weren't *that* big (little over 4kg, smallest of our generation), complications are always on the back of my mind.

But who knows, my confidence may grow :wink wink: or I'll find an alternative I'm happy with.

Ha I wonder if she's he same midwife I know of - I had been going to tell you I know of a mw in Thailand (don't know her personally but I know her from some facebook groups)

One option you might not have thought of would be to see about a travelling midwife? I know of at least one (and where there's one surely there are more) who will travel globally - just pay her airfare (and I'm assuming offer room&board) near your birthing time. We considered hiring" her for a while before we were confident to freebirth, but I wasn't sure I'd want someone living with me for a few weeks towards the end of my pregnancy. Bu it's something to consider for yourself at least :thumbup:
NDH - Ha! Funny. I know two of them actually, but one is a closer friend.

In fact, I do know of a midwife who could come but seeing how it's illegal and it can land them in jail, I'm still undecided on wether I want to go that route. The last thing I would want is to get in legal problems that could get us deported... :nope:
Sorry guys not been around for a couple of days feel like if missed loads in the middle of moving its all a little crazy!

I was starting to stress at the lack of symptoms yesterday then last night the sickness hit me and this morning I'm dizzy and really crampy and uncomfortable I think its more constipation than anything else, previous MMC has made me a little paranoid
I found out I was pregnant on Monday which was 4 days before my period was due - so technically I still have 2-3days until I'm classed as being late!

Anyone else in this boat? Although clear blue says 1-2weeks I'm so nervous that I'm just going to come on! Please tell me I'm not alone in these crazy thoughts? x
yeah i was crazy bloated its gone down a little but my jeans are still uncomfy
Bubble I also tested two days before my period was due, although I'm in a slightly different situation as I had IVF and therefore knew the exact time of fertilisation!

It also means that my period shouldn't arrive even if I miscarry, which is what scares me the most, due to all of the meds that I'm on. My tummy is incredibly bloated from the meds and is covered in bruises from my daily injections. I have, however, managed to be somewhat artistic and managed to create the shape of a smile around my belly button with the bruising! A long seven days to go until my scan date. Just looked back on some of my posts from the last time I was pregnant and I can see that I had lots of days where I thought it had all gone wrong which makes me feel slightly better. My OH is away at the moment so I have no one to tell my worries to in the small hours of the morning :( Am not looking forward to going to the scan on my own though just in case it is bad news.

Is free birthing having the baby at home without a midwife i.e. just you and your husband/partner? Wow, that would scare me! We will hopefully have a home birth (I still have the birthing pool in the loft from last time...), but I don't think I could do that without a midwife. Thankfully I know the midwife that I will see during the course of the pregnancy and she is lovely. Am planning to see her for the first time at 8 weeks.
im tempted for a home birth this time but then im scared cos Alannah got stuck last time and I was 22hrs
How far are you from your closest hospital? We are only 5-7 mins away, so could get there quickly if we needed to. Nowhere is far on Jersey! I am going to plan a home birth and if for any reason it doesn't feel right on the day I will go into hospital.
It's so hard not to get your hopes up I guess. I've had two healthy pregnancies before so I shouldn't be worried I just its just nervous knowing so soon!

It's been a year of trying which doesn't help with the feeling of being desperate!! x
BBK - we'll have a 3 year gap which is what we wanted. My son will be in preschool by the time baby comes so I can give it lots of attention and my son will have his mornings full of fun and outings which I wouldn't have the energy for! We were lucky and got pregnant first time we dtd.

He's a very hyper child who doesn't stop ever, I reckon if he was easier I would've had the second quicker :D

How's everyone today? X
Hi ocean_pearl - I'm all good thank you, how are you feeling today? I was quite nauseated again this morning but some plain biscuits sorted that out! I was never sick this early on in my previous pregnancy :(

I've just got back from playgroup with my son and I'm back to thinking how am I going to cope!!!?? He's going through a 'phase' (really hope it's a phase anyway!!) where he is bundling other children or pulling at their faces. It's getting embarrassing. Not too sure how to deal with it so I just take him away from the child he's scratched or poked. Anyone have any advice?
Ugh. I did what I *promised* I wouldn't do and did my last CB digital last night at exactly 5 weeks...and got 2-3 weeks again. So now I'm freaking myself out.

I busted the tests open (yes I really have gone insane) and compared the one from last night to the one from 5 days before and the test line has definitely gotten darker, but still...wish I'd gotten the stupid 3+ so I didn't have to worry. :-(

And my scan isn't for 2 weeks and a day.

Think I am still really traumatized from my loss.
Hi ladies, I'm cautiously here pregnancy no 8 potentially baby no 5, I have a 19 yr old a 18 yr old a 16 yr old n our littlest is 3 on Tuesday, I'm roughly due on January 5th, my last pregnancy ended in a mmc so booked in for a scan may 26th praying for a hb, I've took every test lol CB digital is currently flashing at 2-3 which was only saying 1-2 on Sunday so happy with that, have sore boobs horrible nausea and absolutely shattered even after sleep, oh I'm 37 and my OH is 41, xx
Yey more lovely BFPs :hugs: welcome

Phoned the doctors this morning and they are going to pass my details onto the midwife so hope i get a call from them this week. Really didn't feel pregnant at all last night so tested again this morning and line is definitely darker so that's a relief.

I am having such bad pregnany brain! Last weekend I saw some U.S. Flags in a shop window and said to DH "ooh it's that American holiday today, the 4th of July" and also ended up polishing our furniture with air fresher! (In my defense the can packaging was similar)

On and to the person who asked if I am French (sorry can't remember name) I'm not, I'm English, think I was trying to sound 'cultured' when I put fleur in my username haha :dohh:
Welcome all the new ladies!

I am feeling quite awful today! I'm absolutely exhausted! I keep waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, and then have an awful time falling asleep. And, I just don't feel right. I don't feel like I'm going to throw up, but I do feel sick. Like, before getting a cold sick. I didn't get any kind of sickness with DS, except from my prenatals (which took me too long to figure out!) so I don't know if this is how it's supposed to feel.

Fit mamma, don't put too much into those tests! They're so inaccurate and cause so much more stress than they do anything else. You said the line was darker, and that's all that should matter.

Hope everyone is doing well!
mushy- same going on here. exhausted during the day, wake up to pee at night and cant fall back to sleep.

lily- love your baby brain moments :rofl:

welcome new ladies!!!

afm- just got my second betas back. mondays were 278 and todays is 734. happy with them
Blessedmomma that's amazing. A doubling time of about 34 hours. You must be so pleased.

Welcome all the newbies. I will update the front page with your details now.

Had a major dizzy spell when doing the weekly shop today. Probably didn't help that I hadn't eaten for five hours. Really felt like I was going to faint at the check out.

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