January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

My personal opinion on early testing is to wait until double digit dpo. That way you are less likely to have the heartache of a false negative. My personal history is that I test and then have af show the following day so now I wait until the day af is expected, which is probably easier since I have a shorter lp (~11 days).
Hi there! :hi: Would love to join! I'm testing January 19th. :)
My personal opinion on early testing is to wait until double digit dpo. That way you are less likely to have the heartache of a false negative. My personal history is that I test and then have af show the following day so now I wait until the day af is expected, which is probably easier since I have a shorter lp (~11 days).

I also now have a short LP, 10 days, so I usually test at 10 dpo, that's when I got my bfp with dd.
Wow. So much action in our little thread! I can barely keep up. We can't go online during work hours so I have to resort to my phone on breaks. So sorry I can't address everyone personally navigating this tiny screen.

Turtle - I have resisted the urge to pee on sticks so far, but then again I'm only 2 DPO. I usually get the itch around 6 and 7.

And we didn't get as big a snowstorm as they said but the temperatures are going to plummet. Greeeaaaat.

I'm having a hard time with the waiting this month. The time is seeming to pass really slowly. Waiting like 8 days to test feels like an eternity to me right now. And work is not really that challenging so my mind wanders to things like, "am I preggers yet", "is it time to test yet". But I know I'm preaching to the choir.

I'll try to catch up on more thread reading when I get home from work tonight.
Baby dust to everyone!!!
Hi, Eclaire! You're getting close to testing date, yay! How exciting! :)

ROn, ugh! So sorry that you're still in limbo! :( I do really hope SOMETHING starts happening on your end soon!

Mrs n, hi and welcome! :hi: Good luck, I'll get you added!

BabyWanted, I've definitely heard of increased hunger being a symptom! Lots of women start testing around 9dpo so you definitely could if you wanted to...but of course the longer you hold out, the less likely you are to get a false negative. I would try to hold out a little longer if you can! I know it's hard!

Tryin4, I'm so sorry about the long struggle you've had. :hugs: I love this site and have found the best, most supportive women on here! I definitely think it helps.

MnG, ha! Like you're one to talk...I'm pretty sure you do your fair share of encouraging to test as well! :haha: :D I'm excited for you with boot camp, I hope it goes great!...and doesn't kill you! ;)

DHBH and Tag, hi and welcome to you as well! :hi: Good luck!!! DHBH, yay for +opk! Go catch that eggie! :winkwink:

Dojen, I'm glad you didn't get all the snow they were expecting! I hear ya on the cold front moving in...I'm in Kansas City and I think they said the high tomorrow is supposed to be around 6 here. Before wind chill, mind you. Brrrr!!!!
I just found out that my pregnant niece is having a girl. While happy for her I am having hard time. She is due about 6 weeks sooner than I would have been.
Hello everyone!

Welcome to the new ladies! You will find that this is a great group of people to surround yourself with during this time of TTC.

Mamms~Welcome Back! Great to see you! :hugs:


Turtle~Where did you land with your insurance stuff? I hope it got all straighten out. Can you still make your January appointment? I can't wait to hear how it goes! I agree insurance is such a pain!

MnG & Turtle~$16K is crazy right?! I know… I am very fortunate that insurance picks up 90% of it and our portion will come out of the FSA. It covers 3 attempts with IVF. I am super fortunate that my insurance is so good and I work for a privately owned company that takes such good care of us. I am beyond grateful.

Eclaire~Chin up lady love. It’s going to happen for you too. :happydance: You got pregnant in the past and it will happen again. :hugs:

Baby dust to all! :winkwink:
Aww eclaire I'm so sorry you're struggling, it does make it harder when it is a loved one.. I'm sure your niece values your support and advice. It will be your turn soon :hugs:

I've had a rough evening, baby wouldn't sleep and the house had to be cleaned and daddy is working so much he couldn't help so I'm just ugh.. I've had to go to bed and I'm lying here thinking of it all not done. Guess I'll set an early alarm 'sigh'.
I'm tic #3 my last period was 12/19 I'm not sure when I should be testing we've decided we're not trying to prevent pregnancy for 6 months if it happens it's meant to be if not we werent ment for #3
Okay. Home from work and DF made a nice dinner. So good to be in my jammies after wearing work clothes (and freezing in my office) all day. It's supposed to be 2 degrees tomorrow and they've already cancelled school. Crazy.

Turtle - Insurance is crazy stuff. I have no idea yet what my new insurance will cover. My Cobra ended 12/31 and my new company's insurance started 1/1. Phew. Talk about cutting it close. I hope you work it out.

Eclaire - I know how you feel. My best friend just announced she's preggers. We're both the same age (41) and I can't seem to get pregnant while all it seems she has to do is look at her husband the right way. I want so badly to be happy for her (and don't get me wrong, I am) sometimes it just feels like....like it just points out what you don't have. I don't know. I'm just babbling now. But I know our turn will come. I believe that.

I'm watching bad TV now to distract myself. Of course it's a sitcom about a couple who just had a baby. Of course....
Hi Ladies!

I'm new to the site, and my husband and I are on our first cycle of TTC #1. AF is due Jan 13 - I'm going to test Jan 16 if it doesn't come. Fingers crossed and good luck to you all!
Okay, so we couldn't wait to test (husband is almost as bad as I am), and ofcourse.. BFN! I feel really down right now, because if I had some implantation symptoms, it would have been 6DPO. I'm now 9dpo, and they say that 3 days afterwards you should be able to detect pregnancy with hpt.
I guess I'm not really out until AF shows up, bit I kind of feel 'out'. :(
I think I'm out. I'm on vacation, due on Friday, and I'm seeing brownish red on the tp. I also got a massive pain in my side while I was trying to pick my daughter up. It was unusual, but I was supposed to o around Christmas, so it's too late to be an implantation cramp.
Hi everyone, mind if I join? I recognize many of you from previous months. :) A little history and update on me...I'm 30, and we've been TTC since april last year. We succeeded the first try, with only one time of BD 4 days before ovulation, but I miscarried at 6 weeks. Since then I've only ovulated twice, and my cycles have been irregular and long (as they were before the pill) between 38 and 74 days so far.

I tried clomid 50mg and then 100 mg with my midwives, and I didn't ovulate with either. I just saw the fertility specialist on monday. He prescribed me 5mg of femara, which I have taken two days of so far. I also had an ultrasound that showed very polycystic ovaries. OH has a SA on Thursday. I have an HSG next Tuesday, and I will get a bunch of blood test results back then. I'm hopeful for good things and successes this month...I've always thought an October baby would be nice :).

Anyway, assuming the femara works, I'll be testing around Jan 30th. Baby dust to everyone!
I am going to test on Jan 15th I hope that I can join in on all your excitement!!
Wanted- Don't forget its still too early to test and you're definitely not out!

Dojen- way to cut it close with insurance lol, Glad that worked out for you. Hubby and I almost had a huge issue with it this year as well. Our insurance only covers 3 IUI tries. .. that it :cry:
When we were looking at new plans he got a letter welcoming to new a new plan yet we never changed it. It was so confusing and gave us a scare but in the end turned out to be a fluke. Thank God, i would have freaked.

Welcome to the new girls! Lots of baby dust all around!

Bootcamp kicked my ass yesterday and today i can hardly pick my mobile. This will all be worth it in the end :) I got canceled from work today so i get to moan and groan to the dog lol
I'm still here turtle! A big group of us are just waiting to test till Friday. Fx!! Good luck ladies!!
A quick question for all you ladies who already have at least one baby. How long did it take you to conceive your first child? I'm 28 and DH is 31, we have been TTC for 2 months. BUT DH has been taking testosterone for like the last 10 years. ](*,) He says he also takes HCG so it shouldn't affect sperm, and he stopped taking the tes last month, but if we don't conceive this month I think I'm going to get one of those home sperm testing kits. Just to remove the worry from my mind. No point obsessing in the tww every month if he isn't producing spermies anyway :spermy: I joke... But the thought of that is so painful. Anyway, if you ladies could tell me your journey with your first I would appreciate it! :friends:

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