January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

Craigbaby: we were pretty lucky with out first, dd was conceived on cycle #4. We had a chemical on cycle 2 and our first cycle was very laid back (didn't temp or anything so BDing probably didn't line up with O)

AFM: didn't get my temp rise today. Hope to see it tomorrow. My first positive opk was 2 days ago, but it was in the evening so I'm hoping that's why I haven't seen my temp rise yet. Maybe O was late yesterday night so too early for temp to rise by early this morning? :shrug:

What do you ladies think? On my chart 1st positive opk was in the evening second was the morning...
Craigbaby- we ttc our first for the best part of 18 months and after using the clearblue monitor and lots of stress we stopped for a bit,went back on pill until I was feeling ok again and after a hospital trip landed me on Antibs for 2 weeks we just caught...kind of amazing but stress really can affect it all,I truly believe that now xxx
Craigbaby it took us 6 months of opk using and temp taking to get my dd. I thought it would be easier than it was since my whole family seems to get pregnant at the drop of their pants. I know it is pointless to say this but you are young and haven't been at very long, try not to worry about it. I am sure it will happen for you soon.
Welcome to the new ladies. I hope this is your month for a bfp!

Mng- boot camp sounds intimidating. I wish I had the energy/desire/motivation to try something like that. How frequent is your class?

Afm- 9dpo and my cm is back, which is a little unusual for me. Also I am feeling sick. Sore throat, achy back and didn't sleep well last night.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.
Elcaire, I'm sorry about how hard it must be with your niece being pregnant, and due so close to when you would have been. :hugs: I do hope your unusual signs this month are something good, and that you start to feel better soon!

Yoga, I'm STILL in limbo with my insurance!!! The company I'm using keeps assuring me that I do have insurance and that the insurance company is just really behind in getting all of the paperwork processed, but that it will be retroactive back to the 1st once they do get it all entered. But I can't exactly go to the Dr next week and say "Trust me, I do have insurance, they assure me I do, even though I have no card to give you to prove it". Plus, I'm still not 100% sure that I believe them that I DO. So I'm really kind of at a loss for what to do regarding my appointment. :( That's so great that your IVF will be covered!!! That's wonderful news!!!!

Mummafrog, I'm sorry your evening was so rough! :( I hope you got some good sleep last night and are feeling better today. :hugs:

Desiree, hi and welcome! Good luck!!! I have my FX for you!

Dojen, thanks! To say I'm stressed about this insurance stuff is putting it lightly. Hopefully I get it figured out soon! I hope you're able to stay warm today, it's FREEZING here today too so I completely understand!

Fit, welcome and good luck! :hi: I'll get you added to the front page, I hope you caught that eggie! :)

BabyWanted, I know it's really hard but try not to feel too down about getting a bfn! It's still really early. And while yes a bfp could show up 3 days after implantation, it doesn't always. It all depends on what your starting hcg level is (it's 0-5 for a non-pregnant level). If you start at 0, and it doubles eod, it could take awhile to reach the point of being detectable on a hpt. Especially if your hpt isn't a super sensitive one. So don't give up hope yet! :hugs:

Mh, I'm sorry that you're feeling out. :( I still have my FX for you though, and I hope you're enjoying your vacation!

Drjo, nice to see you! Of course we'd love for you to join us, I'll get you added! :)

MnG, I must say, your boot camp sounds brutal! No thanks! I'm impressed that you're doing it though! :thumbup:

Craigbaby, hi! I'm excited to hear how it goes on Friday when you test! :)

DHBH, I'm sorry I can't really be of any help with your opk and your chart. That does seem strange, although I have seen some people not get their temp rise for 3-5 days after they O'd. I do hope you get your temp rise tomorrow though!

Eleanor ace, good luck testing today! Be sure to let us know how it goes! :)
A big hello to all my old friends (and I'm sure new ones!)

I hope you didn't miss me too much during my break away from the boards! :wink: :wink:

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas & New Year! Mine was hectic but good fun.

Turtle - please can you put me down for testing on 10 January? (AF is due tomorrow or Friday but I've ran out of HPT and don't want to jinx anything by buying any more so I'm going to wait until I'm definitely late! Although I've probably jinxed it now by coming back on the boards and joining this thread! :rofl:

So for those who don't know me, a little about me...I'm 29, DH is 36. TTC #1 for almost 17 months. All tests have been normal so far. I'm due to have a laparoscopy and dye test on 4th feb. If it comes back all clear then I'll be in the unexplained infertility bracket. Oh and we have 2 gorgeous fur babies 😻😻

So I took a little break from the boards as I was getting very stressed so felt I needed some time out...but I did miss you guys! :hug:

Anyway over Christmas I think I relaxed a little 2 much. No OPK's or temping and I ate and drank what I want (definitely paying for it on the waistband!) and just tried to forget about TTC. Symptom wise I have had sore BB's on and off for about a week (but they usually get a little sore before AF anyway) and I came down with a stinking cold a few days ago. I took a HPT yesterday morning with SMU which was bfn (although there is a hint of a shadow but it's a blue dye test so I know they are prone to evaps). But FX'd I'll get a nice new year surprise.

How has everyone else been? How are all your journeys going? Sorry to still see some of you on here! :(

Bing! So great to see you, I'm happy to have you back with us!!! :hugs: I'll definitely get you added. Oh, I have everything crossed for you that you do get your nice New Year's surprise this month! :) :)

Pinkowls, hi and welcome! :hi: Would you like me to put you down for a testing date? :)

Afm, I thought I was 2dpo today (originally I thought I O'd on Sunday which would make me 3dpo, then I thought it was Monday making me 2dpo). But then this morning I had a bunch of ewcm making me think maybe I haven't even O'd yet at all! :shrug: I stopped temping and using opk's because it was making me crazy and I'm much more relaxed without them. I always have O pains so I've just been relying on those. I'm cd16 today, and I usually O on cd13 (which would have been Sunday). Sunday I did have some pains, but then Monday I had a ton of cramping (more than normal) and lots of watery cm, which is why I mentally moved O date to be then. Now with this ewcm I don't know what to think! I think I'll do an opk when I get home today to see if I can shed some light on this? :shrug:
Bing--- turtle kept me up top tabs on everything and I'm so happy to see you back here! I'm sorry it took so long to reply to you. I know you can relate to the taking time off from here. So happy to hear you had a great holiday! :hugs2:
Welcome to the new ladies. I hope this is your month for a bfp!

Mng- boot camp sounds intimidating. I wish I had the energy/desire/motivation to try something like that. How frequent is your class?

Afm- 9dpo and my cm is back, which is a little unusual for me. Also I am feeling sick. Sore throat, achy back and didn't sleep well last night.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.

Bootcamp was tough! Its 2x a week for 5 weeks but I'll be missing 2 classes due to work schedules.
We did mostly upper body with TRX training and some cardio (planks, burpees, switch kicks etc) I am sooo paying for it. I thought I had to skip tomorrow but I'll be able to make it after all...and I'm actually excited bc itll be core work.
Bing! I an so happy to see you again. And yes you were missed. It is beginning to feel like old times again. I hope you get your bfp this month.
MnG: don't think I could do a boot camp! Ugh just seeing the worword burpee makes me cringe! Haha

I have started a routine of my own, just elliptical while dd naps. Now that see consistently takes about a 2 hour nap I have no more excuses :blush: it's been a year since I had her and still have a good 20-25 lbs to lose :dohh: (gained WAY too much with her!)

I'm only on day 3 of eating better and exercising. I plan to continue it even when I get pregnant and try much harder this time, I ended up with preE and and emergency c section, hope if I can stay healthy to have a natural birth!

Wish me luck, I have AWFUL self control :nope:
MnG: don't think I could do a boot camp! Ugh just seeing the worword burpee makes me cringe! Haha

I have started a routine of my own, just elliptical while dd naps. Now that see consistently takes about a 2 hour nap I have no more excuses :blush: it's been a year since I had her and still have a good 20-25 lbs to lose :dohh: (gained WAY too much with her!)

I'm only on day 3 of eating better and exercising. I plan to continue it even when I get pregnant and try much harder this time, I ended up with preE and and emergency c section, hope if I can stay healthy to have a natural birth!

Wish me luck, I have AWFUL self control :nope:

Sounds to me like you have PLENTY of self motivation! Getting started is always the hardest with me so I felt like I had to go since we both paid for it. Otherwise Id just keep gaining and I have no one to blame but myself.
You're doing great and we have to remember it gets easier every day! :thumbup: :hugs:
Turtle - I've heard you can still get a bit of ewcm after ovulation. Do you get any other symptoms? For me, my nips always hurt the day after ovulating so that my sign.

MnG - boot camp sounds fun! Just wish I had the motivation to do something like that. I have decided to so the Walk 1000 Mile challenge this year. It's not as hard core as what your doing. You basically have to walk 1000 in a year. It works out about 20miles a week, just under 3 miles a day. Only managed 8 miles this week though because of being ill, so I have lots of making up to do!

Eclaire - I hope you get yours too!

DHB - good luck with your healthy eating plan!
Turtle - I've heard you can still get a bit of ewcm after ovulation. Do you get any other symptoms? For me, my nips always hurt the day after ovulating so that my sign.

MnG - boot camp sounds fun! Just wish I had the motivation to do something like that. I have decided to so the Walk 1000 Mile challenge this year. It's not as hard core as what your doing. You basically have to walk 1000 in a year. It works out about 20miles a week, just under 3 miles a day. Only managed 8 miles this week though because of being ill, so I have lots of making up to do!

Eclaire - I hope you get yours too!

DHB - good luck with your healthy eating plan!

1000 miles a year really isnt that hard, Im sure you'll do it in under a year! Thats a great challenge though! Do you have a job that you can walk a lot or extra? I average about 8 to 10 miles/day at work and by the time 330 comes Im ready for a glass of wine and a foot massage haha
Thanks eclaire! That really raises my spirits! Everyone in my family also gets pregnant immediately, some back to back!, so I have been a little sad. This definitely gives me hope!
Turtle - I've heard you can still get a bit of ewcm after ovulation. Do you get any other symptoms? For me, my nips always hurt the day after ovulating so that my sign.

MnG - boot camp sounds fun! Just wish I had the motivation to do something like that. I have decided to so the Walk 1000 Mile challenge this year. It's not as hard core as what your doing. You basically have to walk 1000 in a year. It works out about 20miles a week, just under 3 miles a day. Only managed 8 miles this week though because of being ill, so I have lots of making up to do!

Eclaire - I hope you get yours too!

DHB - good luck with your healthy eating plan!

1000 miles a year really isnt that hard, Im sure you'll do it in under a year! Thats a great challenge though! Do you have a job that you can walk a lot or extra? I average about 8 to 10 miles/day at work and by the time 330 comes Im ready for a glass of wine and a foot massage haha

Nope - unfortunately I'm an accountant so I'm sat at a desk for 8 hours a day! So it's a real challenge for me! :)
Turtle - I've heard you can still get a bit of ewcm after ovulation. Do you get any other symptoms? For me, my nips always hurt the day after ovulating so that my sign.

MnG - boot camp sounds fun! Just wish I had the motivation to do something like that. I have decided to so the Walk 1000 Mile challenge this year. It's not as hard core as what your doing. You basically have to walk 1000 in a year. It works out about 20miles a week, just under 3 miles a day. Only managed 8 miles this week though because of being ill, so I have lots of making up to do!

Eclaire - I hope you get yours too!

DHB - good luck with your healthy eating plan!

1000 miles a year really isnt that hard, Im sure you'll do it in under a year! Thats a great challenge though! Do you have a job that you can walk a lot or extra? I average about 8 to 10 miles/day at work and by the time 330 comes Im ready for a glass of wine and a foot massage haha

Nope - unfortunately I'm an accountant so I'm sat at a desk for 8 hours a day! So it's a real challenge for me! :)
Replace your desk with a treadmill? :haha:

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