January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

Does anyone have any experience with cysts? I normally o around cd 18 I think. Last cycle I had a cyst and delayed AF by weeks. That was on the right ovary. This cycle I had a pos opk on cd 16, o pains left side, on cd 18 so I assumed that was the day I o'd. Well had a pos opk today and more o pains left side, so im confused. The last two cycles that were longer, the result of a cyst I believe both times, the following cycle was shorter by a day or two. Has anyone experienced o changes with a cyst? It was a corpus luteum cyst
Wow so much action in our thread again. I guess when trapped inside during the cold there's not much else to do...:haha:

I just got home from work so I'm sorry that I haven't been able to keep up with everyone. We're not allowed to go online during the workday (boo) but I sneak on my phone during lunch.

How's everyone holding up so far in the TWW? It's 3 DPO for me today and time seems to be dragging soooooo sllllloowwwwly. I'll never be able to hold out until 10 DPO to test. I'll probably break out the Wondfos at 7, which is still like over 3 days away!

Welcome to the new ladies.
I don't have much knowledge of cysts, sorry :/

I was awake ALL night, partly because I had a late nap and couldn't go to sleep and partly because of fussy baby, sort of half and half. Dragged us out of bed at 8am feeling like death, she's happy though of course! :haha: lying in bed last night I had a lot of dull achey cramping which got strong enough to be 'annoying' but not really painful, didn't think about painkillers or anything. It's 6dpo today... so that might be related? X
Hi ladies :hi:

Can I join please, will be 'officially' testing on 12th. But I am a weak poasaholic so have started testing already :haha: I'm only 6dpo!! I know I know :wacko:
Hi all!
I used An OPK on fmu this morning. I guess it was still too early, but I couldn't stop myself. I decided not to use the OPK for it they are meant, so I just decided to give it a try, in stead of wasting a hpt...
It gave me an almost invisible pinkish line, could ofcourse be residual LH and not HCG, but it's a little glimmer of new hope.

I'm so tired of waiting! I need to just KNOW, even if it's not my month... Any of you know this feeling?
No experiences with cysts here either...

TWW is super hard, though with a short LP it's over pretty quick, which I'd trade for a longer LP, 10 days IS technically enough but on the very low end. Hope Bcomplex helps! I'd be happy with even 11 or 12 days...

So looks like slow rise for me this month. When playing with FF if I put in slightly higher temps that follow my current trend it gives me solid crosshairs on cd16... so at least there is that!

Anyone else a slow riser after O? Wonder why this month is different for me...

Hoping my new weight loss adventure helps keep me distracted for my TWW

GL ladies! Hope your TWW flys by and ends with a BFP!
Hi ladies, I haven't been very active on this thread- my bad. Congrats to all the :bfp: testers! :dust: to everyone else. I did test on the 5th- I used a cheapo store brand frer and it was neg. However, I honestly got tired of watching it- so there's a minuscule chance it turned pos after I threw it away. I only say this because now is CD 38 I am 6 days late. I will test again on the 10th.

Good luck all!
Good morning ladies! Wishing you all a great day!
Tryin here is a quick low down on temping.

Use a basal body thermometer (one that goes to two decimal places).
Temp either orally or vaginally at approximately the same time each morning before you get out of bed or speak.
Use an application like fertilityfriend.com to track your temp, time and cm. You can also track the frequency you bd as well as any opks and symptoms.
Generally speaking you will be able confirm ovulation by seeing a shift in temperature immediately following ovulation. The temp shift can be slight like .3 degrees to higher. After ovulation your temperature will be higher as progesterone takes over. For most women your temp will drop the day af comes.

That is a short dirty explanation. I can go in more detail if you would like.

Eclaire Thank you times a million! :flower: So the temp spike is after ovulation and I want it to stay high. That's what I'm understanding. I had to delete my phone app because I was relying too much on the app rather than signs from my body. Since then I have learned that I ovulate later in my cycle, cd19, and have a shorter LP. Now I'd like to try temping again since learning this new information.

Thanks for taking the time to explain!
Eclaire Thank you times a million! :flower: So the temp spike is after ovulation and I want it to stay high. That's what I'm understanding. I had to delete my phone app because I was relying too much on the app rather than signs from my body. Since then I have learned that I ovulate later in my cycle, cd19, and have a shorter LP. Now I'd like to try temping again since learning this new information.

Thanks for taking the time to explain!

Yes you are looking for a temp rise after O, however some women some cycles it jumps quickly up, making it obvious just a day or 2 after. Like my chart last month.

Or sometimes it goes up slowly over a period of a few days. Like my current chart, O is cd 16 (as long as my temps continue to gradually rise) so it's harder to see O till almost a week or so after
I am glutton for punishment today. I still feel sick and didn't sleep well again last night. I tested this am at 10dpo to see if there was a hint of a line so I could take cold medicine. Of course it was a bfn. I still won't take any meds just incase, but I am losing hope for this month.
Yes you are looking for a temp rise after O, however some women some cycles it jumps quickly up, making it obvious just a day or 2 after. Like my chart last month.

Or sometimes it goes up slowly over a period of a few days. Like my current chart, O is cd 16 (as long as my temps continue to gradually rise) so it's harder to see O till almost a week or so after

DHBH This is why I got frustrated before and quit temping. Bodies are so complicated!!
Good morning, everyone! :hi:

BabyWanted, I am definitely not trying to shatter your hope, but I will say that for me and I believe quite a few women, there's ALWAYS at least a faint line of an opk, regardless of where in my cycle I am. Nowhere near positive of course, but something there. But, I will try to restore your hope by telling you that I heard that while an opk will eventually pick up hcg, it doesn't actually pick it up (and therefore turn the opk positive) until well after an hpt would have already detected the hcg. In other words, you'll get a positive on a hpt before you ever would an opk. So not all hope is lost! :)

Desiree, hang in there hon! You can do this, I have faith! :hugs:

Hiphop, hi and welcome! :hi: I'll get you added. Good luck!!! I had a TON of symptoms last cycle too and was totally convinced, more so than any other cycle so far (other than my first cycle off the pill). When AF arrived, I was pretty convinced that I must have had some cysts going on instead, based on all of the cramping and pulling I had the entire tww, plus the other symptoms I had. I never confirmed it, but I feel ya on that! I hope things are better for you this cycle and you get your real bfp! :)

Startd, sorry that AF started early for you this cycle! :hugs: Good luck in February! You're of course welcome to hang out here to chat with us while killing time if you'd like!

Dojen, this is a busy thread for sure! I love it! Keeps me entertained and helps to pass the time.

Mummafrog, so sorry that you were up all night! I hope you're at least able to take a nap today while dd is down for hers! :)

Babylove, hi and welcome! :hi: Nice to see you again! I'll get you added, and good luck!

DHBH, sorry that you're body is being so confusing! Why can't they just act normal every month and do what we want them to do?!

Littlejune, it's sounding very promising with you being so late! Can't wait for you to test on Saturday!!!

MnG, hi! Wishing you a great day as well! :flower:

Eclaire, rats for the bfn! :( I still have my fingers crossed for you!

Tryin4, good luck! I hope the temping goes smoothly for you this time around! :thumbup:

Afm, I took the opk yesterday when I got home and it was definitely negative...nowhere near positive! So I would say that either A) I did O on Sunday or Monday like I had originally thought and the ewcm yesterday was just a fluke, or B) it would have been positive for me had a taken one on Tuesday, and I was actually Oing yesterday. I did have cramps again yesterday but they felt the same as the ones I had on Monday, only less intense. So I'm thinking it was really Sunday or Monday as I had originally thought. Who knows. Stupid confusing body! :dohh:
BFN this morning at 13 dpo... I am definitely out. :(
I caved and tested this afternoon at 10dpo (been on a nightshift with an 8hr hold), so was equivalent of fmu. Tested with a FRER and got a BFN. My luteal phase is 12-13 days so I'm pretty sure that I would've got a positive by now with a FRER. So I'm pretty certain I'm out. Won't test again unless AF doesn't show. Good luck to all those still testing xx
Expecting af tomorrow or soon after and I think I'm feeling the dreaded symptoms of her arrival! 😩 But! If that's the case I'll look forward to February and perhaps a Valentines Day :bfp:!

You ladies have renewed my spirits! :dust:
Hi all! I'd love to join... I haven't gotten my crosshairs yet but pretty sure I O'd in the past day or two. So I'll be testing... let's say on the 21. My LP is usually pretty short (9-10 days) so in all likelihood I'll have an inkling before that date, but I'd like to hold out if possible.

Good luck everyone and congrats to the BFP!

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