January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

Startd... I'm sorry! :hug: to you and good luck in February!!
Had a spot of red this morning when I wiped, but nothing since. Af is due today but she hasn't shown yet. Of course the day isn't over just yet either. Cervix is high and soft like my lips. I know that means nothing either. Will update if anything changes. Good luck to all you wonderful ladies.
Laura are you planning to test again or just wait this out?
Good luck Laura!! I still have no normal af symptoms or further spotting beyond the tiniest bit I had a few days ago- but I have weird pressure and mild but on and off back cramping. It's not the intense hot feeling of AF but more dull.Who knows.
Littlejune those were the only symptoms I had when pregnant with my daughter. Hope they are positive signs for you too.
Still no af, but I went ahead and tested tonight with a bfn. Oh well, guess I'll wait it out and see if I get af next month. Guess this was just an off cycle or something.
Littlejune those were the only symptoms I had when pregnant with my daughter. Hope they are positive signs for you too.

Thanks eclaire! I am very nervous because we hadn't *planned* on getting pregnant JUST yet, but we will be very happy nonetheless! We will find out soon, hopefully! The back aches keep making me think its af but it's not- just moderately uncomfortable back pain.
Can I join the group? I am new to the threads as of today and am currently 8 DPO. DH and I have been TTC #2 since March and this TWW seems to be draggginnggg! I'm not feeling too confident since I am feeling symptoms that I have felt in other months, but I am just praying really hard that this cycle is it for us. This month I tried baby aspirin and Mucinex :)
Welcome snshine! Good luck to you and everyone else testing this wk.

Afm, I'm cd4 :coffee: and ready for AF to hit the road!
I always forget what a Rollercoaster the tww can be. With both kids I got my bfp's at 9 and 10dpo. It's so tough getting bfns yesterday and today (it's still way early, I know)

Yesterday and today I've been feeling stronger pinchy pains in my right lower abdomen, feels like it's in my uterus. Reeally hoping it's implantation, but would it be weird for it to happen so late?
Hi ladies may I join you? Hi turtle and mng, I remember you from last year! I decided to take a few months off TTC as my cycles went wacky and unpredictable. Had a couple of 43+ day cycles followed by a 26 day cycle! Now I think (Fx'd) I've settled on 30-31 days so we're trying again!
CD15 today. Set to O CD18 so I'm hoping I get my +opk tomorrow! A blaring - today so maybe I'll be late? I hope not, waiting to O can be just as hard as the TTW!!
**baby dust to you all
welcome sunshine..

sorry about your BFN laura.. did AF come ?? FX not!!!

how is everyone else..

CD23 here and stlll no POS opk!!!
hi everyone- I hope it is okay that I join! I am sort of in the TWW by mistake but it is still a roller coaster... the boards helped me pass the time before! I have a nearly 7 mo old whom I am still breastfeeding. I finally had my first AF in December. I thought I ovulated last week as that would have been my usual day and I got EWCM and cramps... so DH and I haven't been very careful this week. I thought it was weird I was STILL having EWCM yesterday (a week of it! and a lot!) so I took an opk and it was positive! and we had BD'd the night before. whoops. I'm not sure what my body is doing as this is my first cycle and we are NTNP... I've never had this before. EWCM for so long I mean and even worse cramps. has anyone else?? is it a breastfeeding thing? is my body just gearing up to release an egg but failing?

anyway I have no idea what my luteal phase will be and I hear implantation is just trickier while breastfeeding so we shall see. ideally we were going to start trying again in March so that isn't too far away...

ps Bing I was happy to find you here! tho I'm so sorry you're still here!! fingers majorly crossed this will be your year!!

test date- I think ill do jan 20. THANKS!
Morning everyone! :wave:

How is everyone? I haven't had chance to catch up properly yet but will do shortly.

So, afm - AF was due yesterday/today but that's going off me guessing I ovulated on CD14 which was Christmas Day. I didn't use OPK's or temp this cycle, just roughly know when I ovulated from my EWCM and the fact my nips were super sensitive on Boxing Day, which they always get like the day after ovulating. Anyway no AF yet. So FX'd she stays away but I have a feeling she'll show her face by the end of today!

Off to catch up now!

Welcome to the new ladies and sorry to those that got a visit from the witch and to those who got BFN's.

MnG - if only I could replace my desk with a treadmill! :rofl: How are you finding the cbfm?

Turtle - From the sounds of it I would say you ovulated Sunday or Monday too. GL this cycle. Btw...How did you find the preseed? We use it and love it, as I can suffer from dryness at times so it really helps things go more smoothly!

Momma frog - I hope your feeling better today

Laura - I sometimes get spotting before AF too. I find mines worse when I've had a stressful cycle.

Baby wanted - no matter where someone is on there TTC journey, the TWW is always difficult. :hug:

Hiphop - sorry no experience with cysts. I hope you get some answers.

DBH - when I use to temp I had months where my temp shot up straight away and other months where it didn't rise until 4 days after ovulation. I just put it down to every cycle being different.

Little june - GL when you test again. Things definitely sound good for you!

Eclaire - remember there is always hope! :hug:

Trying4no2 - I like the sound of a valentines BFP! Good thinking! :thumbup:

Sophia - I think implantation can happen any time between 6-12dpo.

Mrs right/Emma - go catch that eggy!

Just - how lovely to see you again! Wow 8 months old already! Has it really been that long?! And to think I was on these boards when you announced your first BFP! Good luck for no.2! And thank you...I do have a feeling this will be my year! :)

Anyway I have a busy weekend planned as I'm hosting a dinner party for some friends who are visiting...so lots more drinking and eating (as if I didn't do enough of that over Christmas!). So I won't be around until Monday now. Have a great weekend everyone and I'll catch up with you all on Monday Xx
Justagirl2 - Oh my god we're in exactly the same situation haha. Can we be buddies? My girl will be 7 months on the 13th and we also had an oops this month when I was almost definitely ovulating, released the egg the day after our fun I'm sure of it. Also still breastfeeding, I haven't had a period yet though but I was on the mini pill until a month ago which stops my periods anyway so I don't know whether it was the pill or breastfeeding.. but yeah I'm sure I ovulated on the 2nd.
I do recognise your profile picture, must have seen you around :)
So 7-8dpo today! Getting the urge to pee on things.. :dohh:

Emma is that an ovulation test? YAY :happydance:get some :sex: going on haha

Bing thanks hun, we have all caught up on sleep, phew.. and baby is not poorly today so things are looking up. We're going to see my lovely friend on the coast today because it's her birthday :thumbup: Have a brilliant dinner party!!
Because we're going away today and probably saturday night as well.. I should probably leave my tests here and test on sunday when we come back which will be about 9-10dpo.. but I almost want to take some with me. How stupid...

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