January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

Thank you for welcoming me! I swore I wasn't going to test early, but then I found a Dollar Tree test in my drawer and the urge to POAS took over! Not sure why I did it, I'm only 9 DPO and of course there's a stupid ghost test line. Now I just have more to obsess over!!
Bing: thanks! It's nice to know someone else has experienced both types of rises. I knew both were possible, but wasn't sure if one woman can switch between the two sometimes. When do you plan on testing??? :flower:

Emma: yay for positive opk!!! Go catch that eggy :winkwink:

Snshine and mummafrog: preaching to the choir, I think we are all poas obsessed! :haha: good luck holding out!

AFM: crosshairs today!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: 3 dpo so officially in the TWW, though for me it's more like the TDW (10 day wait) with short LP :? So 7 more days!

Looking forward to more BFPs on here!
Good morning ladies! Still no af this morning. Sometimes when I think she's going to show up and it's taking forever DH and I BD to...ya know...jump start things (that may be a little tmi...sorry). So we did yesterday and still nothing this morning. I haven't bought any hpts because I know I'd just waste them too early. 10dpo and still waiting!

How's everyone else? Laura! Waiting to hear those results girl!
Justagirl2- I've had the same thing happen while bfing both kids. Some ppl just ovulate some easily- I had 3 to 4 months of mostly EWCM and ovulation cramps and positive opks off and on. But no egg. I didn't really ovulate either time until I stopped nursing (but again that's different for everyone ) but now I FEEL ovulation. Every. Bit. Ow. Good and bad. Hope that your eggie did release this time!
Ok so I know I said I don't have any hpts, but I DO have some opks ☺️ So I took one just now and here's the result 10dpo read at 3 minutes. What do we think?? Do I need to go get a hpt?!


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Good morning, ladies! Hope everyone is well! I'll be out of town this weekend so probably won't be able to update properly or get any new ladies added (although I'll try!)...so please bear with me over the weekend! :)

Craigbaby, you're not out yet! Are you just going to wait it out now, or do you plan to test again?

MUMOF, you're not out yet either! I know it's easy to get discouraged this far into it, but some women really don't get their bfp until after AF is due. When are you due to start?

Tryin4, that's great that AF is still staying away so far! Yay! I have my FX that it continues to stay away for you! :)

Coucou, hi and welcome! :hi: I'll get you added, and good luck!!! :)

Laura, any news, have you tested yet? I'm hopeful for you! I hope the :witch: has continued to stay away.

Littlejune, your symptoms are sounding really positive! Yay! And it's even more encouraging that Eclaire had those symptoms with her bfp. Good luck, I'm hopeful for you! :)

Snshine, hi and welcome! :hi: What day would you like me to get you added for? I'll just put you down as TBD until you let me know one. :) What did you think of the Mucinex? I've heard of people doing that...does it really work? Good luck! :)

MnG, how are you feeling after boot camp last night? I hope you're not feeling as bad as you were on Wednesday! :hugs:

Sophias, how many dpo are you now? I second what someone else said, implantation can be anywhere 6-12dpo on average. I really hope that's what it is for you! :)

Mrs_Right, hi!!! Nice to see you again! I'm glad to hear that you cycles have started to sort themselves out, finally. That must be a huge relief! Good luck, I really hope you get your pos opk today! What day do you want me to put you down for? Or would you rather give me a date after you get your pos opk, when you have a better idea? Go catch that eggie! :winkwink:

Justa, hi and welcome to you as well! :hi: It sounds like your body was doing some crazy things this cycle, I don't blame you for being a little confused by it! :haha: I'll get you added, and good luck! :)

Emma, yay for the pos opk!!! Now go catch that eggie! :winkwink: Good luck!!!

Bing! That's great news that there's still no AF yet! You wrote that a little bit ago, is that still the case? Do you plan to test at any point if she doesn't start? Ohhhh, I so have my FX for you!!! :D Oh, and we're loving the Pre-Seed as well! I've had less of a problem with dryness since getting off the pill (we used to have to use lube most of the time and haven't really since I came off the pill) but still of course noticed a HUGE difference with it. I would say we were both fans of it! :haha: I'm thinking since there's so much of it (and I don't use anywhere near the full plunger each time so we're sure to have extra), I'll probably try to save using the plunger method with it for around O day to utilize it giving those swimmers more of the...fluid...they need to get where they're going (I don't think I typically create enough cm), and maybe just use it like normal lube the rest of the month. So far, two thumbs up! :haha: Anyways, hope you have fun at your dinner party tonight, and have a nice weekend!

Yoga, how have you been doing? I hope you've had a nice week! :flower:

Mummfrog, glad to hear you're all caught up on your sleep now! That's so funny that you're tempted to take some tests with you when you go out of town! :haha: I can completely understand the urge, but I would try to leave them personally, if at all possible! I get so annoyed with myself when I test too early, and leaving them would eliminate that temptation! :)

Snshine, I just saw that you updated that you tested and got a bfn...don't give up hope yet! You're still in this until the :witch: arrives! :hugs:

DHBH, yay for crosshairs finally! Wahoo!!! :dance: Welcome officially to the tww!

Tryin4, just saw your updated post with the opk...hmmm, that's a tough call!!! I know opk's don't pick up hcg until after an hpt would, and that it really has to be positive to be considered a good sign pregnancy wise. That being said, that looks pretty damn positive to me! If it were me, I probably would go get an hpt and try it out! Good luck, and please keep us posted!!!
Tryin4 I agree! Usually to get a positive on an opk is after you'd get one on a hpt, so :test:

GL let us know! Hope it's a good sign for you!
DHB- good luck on the tortuous wait! only 7 short days...right? lol

tryin4- dtd always speeds up my af too- this month I have like a negative 10 desire for any of that- poor dh, he's very patient with my mood swings. I assured him, preg or not- being 7 days late means there are some funky hormones and to bear with me. Now for you- go get a preg test!! Good luck!!

turtle- have fun out of town, get some good mental and physical r&r

afm- I am cd 39- that makes me at least 7 days late. I have watery cm and always feel 'wet' I am regularly checking for af, even though my backaches and cramps feel much less hot and sharp than they normally do. I will test again tomorrow. I have also been waking up in the early am feeling super nauseated but I don't throw up. That's a tricky symptom though, I have a GI disorder where when I flare I throw up a lot- so nausea could mean I ate too much salad lol.
Tryin4 I'll be interested to see if you get a BFP, I am wishing so hard for you that this is it! I've heard there is an LH surge just before af as well which is why people say it's not reliable, but surely not enough to give you a dark line like that :D testest!

Haha okaay turtle I won't take them, for you! But I'm doing one when I get home ;)

Wow littlejune, that must be so confusing.. but you know it just takes time for some ladies to see a bfp. Missing your period is the biggest sign and the one everyone wants. I really pray you see those two lines so soon x it took my friend till she was 7 weeks to see one, and a different friend till six weeks.

Still feeling crampy on and off and uninterested in food and a bit sicky.. but could just be me haha. My symptoms last time started about 4 days before af was due and it was stupidly intense cramping, slight waves of nausea/dizzyness and weird lumps under my armpits.. so I'll be looking out for those things :p
Bfn ladies :cry: there's still a few days left to hope so I'm not counting myself out til the evil :witch: shows up! Thanks for your support ladies! :flower:
Trying4No2 you are definitely not out! 10dpo is quite early.

littlejune, very confusing! Could you have O'd late? I hope you get some answers soon.

Thanks everyone for the welcome!

Got my solid crosshairs on FF today, makes me 4 dpo. I have had a bunch of mild cramping yesterday and today, very strange. It's unlike any of my other cycles. We'll see... I'm glad the weekend is here.
Hi ladies

Just an update :) af still hasn't shown up I am now 6 days late. I took a test on 5th and 6th both were bfn. I am going to test again this evening as see what happens if it's still bfn then I will be making a doctors appoint for Monday. I have never been this late before, so frustrating
Hello Ladies! Mind if I join, this is our first month of NTNP and AF is due around the 25th so I'll be testing then. Although I know it's going to be a real struggle to not do it anytime sooner. I think I'm about to ovulate or am ovulating now but I am truly going to start the TWW on Sunday or Monday.

Good luck to everyone! Lots of baby :dust:
welcome sunshine..

sorry about your BFN laura.. did AF come ?? FX not!!!

how is everyone else..

CD23 here and stlll no POS opk!!!

No, she still hasn't made an appearance. No more spotting either though. :shrug:

Good morning, ladies! Hope everyone is well! I'll be out of town this weekend so probably won't be able to update properly or get any new ladies added (although I'll try!)...so please bear with me over the weekend! :)

Craigbaby, you're not out yet! Are you just going to wait it out now, or do you plan to test again?

MUMOF, you're not out yet either! I know it's easy to get discouraged this far into it, but some women really don't get their bfp until after AF is due. When are you due to start?

Tryin4, that's great that AF is still staying away so far! Yay! I have my FX that it continues to stay away for you! :)

Coucou, hi and welcome! :hi: I'll get you added, and good luck!!! :)

Laura, any news, have you tested yet? I'm hopeful for you! I hope the :witch: has continued to stay away.

Littlejune, your symptoms are sounding really positive! Yay! And it's even more encouraging that Eclaire had those symptoms with her bfp. Good luck, I'm hopeful for you! :)

Snshine, hi and welcome! :hi: What day would you like me to get you added for? I'll just put you down as TBD until you let me know one. :) What did you think of the Mucinex? I've heard of people doing that...does it really work? Good luck! :)

MnG, how are you feeling after boot camp last night? I hope you're not feeling as bad as you were on Wednesday! :hugs:

Sophias, how many dpo are you now? I second what someone else said, implantation can be anywhere 6-12dpo on average. I really hope that's what it is for you! :)

Mrs_Right, hi!!! Nice to see you again! I'm glad to hear that you cycles have started to sort themselves out, finally. That must be a huge relief! Good luck, I really hope you get your pos opk today! What day do you want me to put you down for? Or would you rather give me a date after you get your pos opk, when you have a better idea? Go catch that eggie! :winkwink:

Justa, hi and welcome to you as well! :hi: It sounds like your body was doing some crazy things this cycle, I don't blame you for being a little confused by it! :haha: I'll get you added, and good luck! :)

Emma, yay for the pos opk!!! Now go catch that eggie! :winkwink: Good luck!!!

Bing! That's great news that there's still no AF yet! You wrote that a little bit ago, is that still the case? Do you plan to test at any point if she doesn't start? Ohhhh, I so have my FX for you!!! :D Oh, and we're loving the Pre-Seed as well! I've had less of a problem with dryness since getting off the pill (we used to have to use lube most of the time and haven't really since I came off the pill) but still of course noticed a HUGE difference with it. I would say we were both fans of it! :haha: I'm thinking since there's so much of it (and I don't use anywhere near the full plunger each time so we're sure to have extra), I'll probably try to save using the plunger method with it for around O day to utilize it giving those swimmers more of the...fluid...they need to get where they're going (I don't think I typically create enough cm), and maybe just use it like normal lube the rest of the month. So far, two thumbs up! :haha: Anyways, hope you have fun at your dinner party tonight, and have a nice weekend!

Yoga, how have you been doing? I hope you've had a nice week! :flower:

Mummfrog, glad to hear you're all caught up on your sleep now! That's so funny that you're tempted to take some tests with you when you go out of town! :haha: I can completely understand the urge, but I would try to leave them personally, if at all possible! I get so annoyed with myself when I test too early, and leaving them would eliminate that temptation! :)

Snshine, I just saw that you updated that you tested and got a bfn...don't give up hope yet! You're still in this until the :witch: arrives! :hugs:

DHBH, yay for crosshairs finally! Wahoo!!! :dance: Welcome officially to the tww!

Tryin4, just saw your updated post with the opk...hmmm, that's a tough call!!! I know opk's don't pick up hcg until after an hpt would, and that it really has to be positive to be considered a good sign pregnancy wise. That being said, that looks pretty damn positive to me! If it were me, I probably would go get an hpt and try it out! Good luck, and please keep us posted!!!

Nope, :witch: hasn't shown yet. One day late...
A good friend of mine just had her baby. I am actually genuinely happy for her and feel no jealousy. It took her 18 months to conceive him and she had at least one chemical during that time. I know she was heart broken when I had my daughter because she wanted to be a mother so badly. Now her time is finally here and I know she will be an amazing mother. So I guess my point is that though it is really hard, waiting and trying is worth it.

Now if only I didn't have this cold then I could go and meet him.
Turtle- I'm 11dpo today. Should have been temping but was trying to be relaxed this month. Instead I'm not at all relaxed!!!
I have a charting question...I decided to try temping for the first time this cycle. The problem is, I work nights so I don't sleep on a schedule and I don't sleep well. I know this will probably cause some difficulty interpreting the chart and possibly some erratic temp changes, but I figured I'd try. So last night I worked 7pm to 8am, and I'm trying to stay awake all day today so I can sleep at night during my 3 days off. Which means I won't be taking a temp today. Will it be a huge deal or will FF just make a dotted line between yesterday's temp and tomorrow's temp?
Drjo ff will do the dotted line between the two temps. It shouldn't be too big of a deal unless it is right around ovulation. They want the three temps post ovulation to confirm ovulation. Hope that answers your question.
Littlejune, thanks! Unfortunately I don't think it will be good mental r&r, we're going to my grandma's house to help my mom go through things and clear it out (she passed away in October). It's like a home away from home for us and I spent a lot of time there growing up so clearing it out to get it ready to sell is really hard on all of us. But, the bright side is that we're all going (my parents and sister and her family) so that should be fun! :thumbup: I can't wait to hear what you find out when you test tomorrow, your symptoms are sounding so good!!!

Mummafrog, thanks for agreeing not to take them, just for me! :haha: It will be something to look forward to when you get back on Sunday! Just look at it that way! :winkwink:

Tryin4, I'm sorry it was a bfn. :( But that's a great attitude to have and you're right...you're not out yet! :hugs:

Coucou, that's great on getting your crosshairs! Yay!

ROn, that's so odd! I really hope it's leading to something good for you. Good thinking on making an appointment if it's still a bfn! Keep us posted!

Akirk, hi and welcome! :hi: I'll get you added, and good luck! :thumbup:

Laura, weren't you going to test again today? Or was that tomorrow?

Eclaire, that's wonderful news about your friend! I'm so happy for her! And thank you for telling us that uplifting story, it does help. :hugs: I hope you get over your cold soon!

Drjo, I second what Eclaire said about temping! :)
Ladies please tell me your thoughts?!?! This pic was taken after 3 mins and I did the test after a 3 hour hold!

Can this really be after all this time?!?

I don't know for sure but think I ovulated Xmas day so I would be 14dpo today.


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