hiphop, that's great news!!! FX that it gets darker for you over the next few days, keep us posted!
TTC, hi and welcome! Glad to have you with us, good luck!!! What day would you like me to put you down for?
Babylove, I'm honestly not sure if I see something or not. I sometimes think I see a faint squinter, then I'm not so sure anymore. I do wish you good luck though, and hope that you get a more definite answer soon! It sounds like they're pretty evident on your end though so it's all sounding good for sure!
mrs n, I also don't see anything on your test, but FX for you as well that they continue to get darker and a more definite answer!
MnG, so odd that you got a high fertility reading so early at cd8!
Glad to hear you were able to get some bd'ing in though, wahoo!
dojen, I see a line too, but agree with others about blue dyes being tricky. Good luck, and keep us posted! Can't wait to hear how it goes on a pink test!
RedDirt, hi and welcome to you as well!
Good luck, I really hope you caught that eggie!
I'll get you added!
Laura, are you still holding out on testing again?