January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

DHBH, I really hope those are symptoms for you and not just being sore from exercising! But, even if it is from working out, it means you're doing a good job with that too. Keep up the good work! :thumbup:

Laura, so sorry. :hugs: Just a few more days until you can test again!

Lillian, I hope it's a good sign for you as well! :)

Mummafrog, I completely agree with you about the pill messing stuff up. You said it much better than I did. :thumbup:

Butter, hi and welcome! :hi: I'll get you added, what day would you like me to put you down for? (I know you said AF is due on the 20th but didn't know if you were waiting it out for testing or not). Just let me know, and in the meantime I'll put you down for TBD. Good luck!

hiphop, I'm so sorry, I don't see anything. :( But I'm really not a good squinter, so I could be wrong! I really hope there's something there!!!

Afm, I had my "haven't conceived after 6 months of trying" dr's appointment this morning. She said we're really doing everything "right", that our timing sounds good and everything. She suggested we go ahead and do the HSG for me and SA for hubby. She's also going to do an US since I have fibroids to make sure they're not getting any bigger/causing any problems, and wants me to do cd3 blood work. I have no idea what that's for, but I guess that's why I'm not the dr! :haha: She said it's all at our own pace, of course. I want to wait until I know for sure on this cycle before I do anything. Then once AF arrives, I'll go ahead and do the cd3 blood work and have DH do the SA, and I'll probably the US as well. I think I might wait a month of the HSG though...I have a procedure scheduled for 2/9 where I'll have to be put under and that will be after O but before I could get a pos on an HPT. She suggested I either reschedule the appointment or not try that cycle. I really don't want to reschedule it again, and I would rather wait until after that to do the HSG. If we're not going to try that cycle, I don't want to miss the opportunity to have the HSG help us get pregnant like it does for a lot of people. So, that's where I am! FX that I just am already pregnant this cycle and don't have to worry about any of that, but I seriously doubt that's the case. I guess we'll see!
Feel so crapoy and tacky today,bfn still as of an hour ago,feeling like I'm out even though impn still 7 days from af.i have a cbfm that I brought before so if I'm out I'll be using that next month onwards,is anyone else using this? X
Afm, I had my "haven't conceived after 6 months of trying" dr's appointment this morning. She said we're really doing everything "right", that our timing sounds good and everything. She suggested we go ahead and do the HSG for me and SA for hubby. She's also going to do an US since I have fibroids to make sure they're not getting any bigger/causing any problems, and wants me to do cd3 blood work. I have no idea what that's for, but I guess that's why I'm not the dr! :haha: She said it's all at our own pace, of course. I want to wait until I know for sure on this cycle before I do anything. Then once AF arrives, I'll go ahead and do the cd3 blood work and have DH do the SA, and I'll probably the US as well. I think I might wait a month of the HSG though...I have a procedure scheduled for 2/9 where I'll have to be put under and that will be after O but before I could get a pos on an HPT. She suggested I either reschedule the appointment or not try that cycle. I really don't want to reschedule it again, and I would rather wait until after that to do the HSG. If we're not going to try that cycle, I don't want to miss the opportunity to have the HSG help us get pregnant like it does for a lot of people. So, that's where I am! FX that I just am already pregnant this cycle and don't have to worry about any of that, but I seriously doubt that's the case. I guess we'll see!

I think that sounds like a good plan! :thumbup: and FX'd you don't need any of those tests done!

Oh and I think cd3 bloodwork checks your hormone levels. You can also have CD21 bloodwork which checks for ovulation.

Thanks, Bing! :hugs: I knew about cd21 blood work (which I wondered if she would do today since I'm on cd22 now) but I wasn't aware of cd3 blood work. That makes sense! :)
Thanks..planning on waiting out til the 20th have tested early before and then felt so disappointed with a :bfn: been checking my co and its seeming to stay v high and fairly hard but with still a lot of creamy cm since around the date of ovulation- has anyone else experienced this? :help:
Hello ladies, haven't been here in a while and was happy to see some BFP for this month... Congrats to all of you, BFP ladies!

I am 10 DPO and i find it so hard to resist my brain telling me to test. I'm sure i'd get a BFN now.. This month i barely had any symptoms, so my expectations are quite low... Even if the past months had lot of symptoms and only BFNs.

Mrs n.. I am using the CBFM too. This was my first month with it and I have to say i think it s a great thing :)
Turtle-I hope you get some answers with the SA and HSG. Dh and I both had those done. I am praying for good news! I also have a procedure scheduled for after I O and before a HPT. I'd be approximately 6-7dpo �� I know we should probably skip trying this month but man I can't bear the thought of skipping a cycle!! ��
Tryin, thanks!!! I think I'll end up being about 10dpo at the time of mine, which could potentially be early enough for an HPT to pick something up but not in enough time to cancel the appointment without getting charged. I don't like the thought of skipping a month either but...I also don't want to keep juggling around when I'm going to have this done. I was actually kind of surprised that she said not to do it if there was a chance. She did say that really the main reason is that if I was pregnant and ended up having a miscarriage, I would most likely blame myself and feel bad thinking it was from that...while in reality, it really wouldn't be. So that made me feel better but I don't think I should do it still when she said not to! :/ What are you going to do?
Turtle-I really don't know. I know it sounds selfish that I do not want to skip a cycle. Grrrr...I've discussed it with DH and he thinks we should just not prevent. The way I see it is at 7dpo there shouldn't be implantation and exchange of blood between baby and myself yet. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It doesn't sound selfish. I completely understand that! And honestly, I'm not 100% sure what we will do either. I need to talk to DH about it when I get home. I'm just such a baby, I'm afraid that if we don't skip that month and I end up getting pregnant and then miscarry, my Dr will scold me for not listening to her. Isn't that sad? I'm always scared of getting scolded by Dr's! Ha! I do believe you're right, and I don't think I would either at 10dpo. And she even specifically said it's really to avoid any guilt you might have if you do miscarry, because it really wouldn't cause it. But then again, they do always ask if there's any chance that you could be, so there must be a reason for them asking that, right? :shrug:
It's definitely a joint decision. Perhaps we should wait to see when we O and go from there. 😊

I just don't know when I'd have my procedure done if I don't now.
Yeah, that's a good idea! I just know I have to cancel mine at least one week in advance or I get charged...so as long as I have an idea before then, I'm good! :thumbup: That's my issue too, if I don't have it done now, well I still have to have it done at some point. I've already had to reschedule once and don't want to do that again. And when scheduling something far out in advance, it's hard to schedule for sure around your cycle when you don't know exactly what days you'll be where in your cycle. You know? :)
Turtle I'm not quite following what you're talking about but it sounds ruddy annoying! Your doctor sounds sweet though, really talking you through things. Doing the tests you can do without disrupting your TTC first, sounds good.. then maybe if they all come back normal you can skip a different cycle for the HSG?

Tryin4 I'm sorry you're dealing with the same tricky decision too... hmm!

AFM I am now 11-12dpo and feeling UTTERLY AWFUL, my god. Like wow... I tried to walk today, only about five minutes and it felt like it did in later pregnancy where all my ligaments were loose and I was so achey and like I was walking through syrup.. twinging and cramping and feeling sick and super thirsty. I really don't think I'm pregnant though? Because it is nothing like how I felt when I was in really early pregnancy before? Ugh I don't know.. it just feels like my period is coming and I want it to hurry up, usually my LP is the standard 14ish days so shouldn't be long.

I don't know what to think, when I get home tomorrow I will test xx
Thanks, Bing! :hugs: I knew about cd21 blood work (which I wondered if she would do today since I'm on cd22 now) but I wasn't aware of cd3 blood work. That makes sense! :)

Turtle, CD 3 bloodwork can be a lot if things. That's what I'm getting back today but I'm with a specialist so it may be more thorough. Basically they could check a bunch of hormones, including those related to your pituitary and thyroid.
Turtle I'm not quite following what you're talking about but it sounds ruddy annoying! Your doctor sounds sweet though, really talking you through things. Doing the tests you can do without disrupting your TTC first, sounds good.. then maybe if they all come back normal you can skip a different cycle for the HSG?

Haha, sorry to be so confusing! Basically I'm having a colonoscopy done on 2/9 for my Crohn's Disease, completely unrelated to TTC. But they have to put me under for that and on the 9th I should be about 10dpo if I haven't conceived this cycle. So, since that will be too early to know for sure, my OBGYN is suggesting that either reschedule that procedure or take a break from trying that month, just to be safe. I don't have to take a break from trying when I do the HSG, but I would rather not do it during the cycle that I'm taking a break due to the colonoscopy. A lot of women seem to get lucky and get their bfp after having a HSG and I wouldn't want to do it the month of my break and miss that opportunity. Does that make more sense now? :)

Also Mumma, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so icky! Boo! I really do hope you get some answers soon and start to feel better! :hugs:

Drjo, thanks! That all makes sense! My Dr did do some blood work testing prior to me TTC when I first told her that we were going to be starting soon, which included thyroid levels as well as some other things. See, she's a great Dr! :) That makes sense though that there would be lots of hormones for them to be testing on cd3! Have you had your appointment yet?
follow the link to a list of all the test
Turtle - oooohhh yeah I did not get that :haha: I see nooow. Good luck with the decisions. I don't know if I have much I can say to help but I know you'll work it out. Hopefully you won't need to at all though xx
Hi ladies, I'm new to all this, hope you don't mind me joining in?
Congrats to all the BFP's - it's been lovely to follow, sorry to anyone that's out this month...!

AFM: stopped BC in April, started trying in June a bit half heartedly assuming it would be easier! Im the last of my gf's to announce and they all told me that it only took 1 or two cycles to get their BFP.
This is my first month on OPK and got a positive on cd20. DTD that day, the next and the two days before, hoping we had done enough and feeling like how can we fail this time?! However a slight complication is that for the last 5 cycles I have had brown spotting for 3 - 10 days before AF. This cycle I was convinced I wouldn't see it but right on cue cd23 it was very faint but it was there and now today cd25 there is a bit more, possibly tinged with red. I'm assuming its a long run in to AF and that I am out this month? What do you think... have any of you come across this before? Feeling pretty disappointed today tbh.
Sorry for the long post : )
TD 20.01.15

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