January Testing Thread...All Are Welcome!

Yep, finally got a faint line on my ic and my frer was darker! Phew! 12dpo today, af has normally shown by now and nothing, hardly any cramps, just a weird pulling sensation every now and then! I'm still in shock and finding it hard to believe! Boobs are still sore as well and they usually stop hurting before af. Hoping these are all good signs!!

Perfect line! so wish I could get that this week but I am feeling nothing today :nope:

what dpo did you get the first hint of line?
I was getting are there aren't there lines on 9dpo, 10dpo gave me some bfps and some bfns, 11dpo I got bfps on all tests except ics and then today, 12dpo I finally got a bfp on the ic!! I'm hoping that they keep getting darker! I have a digi to use on Friday, assuming af doesn't show!! :happydance:

Good luck! Hope you get your bfp! :dust:
Congrats hun, I can see a def see a very faint line but obv you can see it clearer and also I'm rubbish at line spotting...!

I just tested bfn :-( :-( :-(

Assuming I'm out now although the test I used says only 50% get a positive at -4 days to period so maybe there's a tiny chance??
Thank you! :happydance:

It's so weird, the pic stored on my phone is so easy to see but when I look at the pic I uploaded it much harder to see. Does the quality get lost on upload!?

Ah fx your bfp is just around the corner! Your not out till the :witch: shows! How long is your lp?
I was getting are there aren't there lines on 9dpo, 10dpo gave me some bfps and some bfns, 11dpo I got bfps on all tests except ics and then today, 12dpo I finally got a bfp on the ic!! I'm hoping that they keep getting darker! I have a digi to use on Friday, assuming af doesn't show!! :happydance:

Good luck! Hope you get your bfp! :dust:

Thanks, Babylove!!

I saw on another thread that you a 10 day LP. I have has the same last two cycles (first cycles in a few years due to ongoing breast feeding).I am not sure if this is the norm for me as i never noted my dates before (luckily got pregnant first time with both my babies and got pregnant first cycle after first baby). So maybe that is why I had early bfps with my pregnancies too? (both at 9dpo).

I think i will try B6 if I don't get bfp this cycle :thumbup:
Lillian, b6 is def worth it, after taking it for 2 cycles my lp went up to 11days :happydance:

Good luck!
I really don't know how long my lp is to be honest as I'm rubbish at tracking all that kind of stuff... I just always assume it's 14 days ....

Have asked hubby to get some tests as I'm
ill in bed, he probably won't though as says I should wait till
I've missed af!

Congrats fitpregnancy! We needed some bfp positivity..

And to everyone else best wishes to all- don't count yourselves out till the witch shows , with my last pregnancy I didn't get bfp until 15 dpo!! And had no symptoms, was convinced I was out!!

I'm currently in bed with flu- feeling abs awful !
So bad I've not been able to get out of bed to bother testing- one way to keep me from testing early I suppose! I'm about 10/11dpo today no symptoms to speak off but obv so ill not sure id notice them anyway.
If I can raise the energy I'll test later although I only have sainsburys blue dye tests so not holding out much hope!!

Baby dust to all xxxx

Oh no! Hope you feel better! Hope you get your bfp!

Yep, finally got a faint line on my ic and my frer was darker! Phew! 12dpo today, af has normally shown by now and nothing, hardly any cramps, just a weird pulling sensation every now and then! I'm still in shock and finding it hard to believe! Boobs are still sore as well and they usually stop hurting before af. Hoping these are all good signs!!

It's faint, but I can definitely see it now! H&H 9 months to you!
Congrats babylove and fitpregnancy! Afm: Af still hasn't shown, testing in the am.
8 dpo, 2 days to go!

Super pissed at husband right now, judging my parenting last night with dd :growlmad:

Backstory: I was working on that thing where you make like a dozen freezer meals at once, so bunch of cooked stuff was out that I was working on.

She is teething really bad and had more wake ups than usual. But last night she wouldn't fall asleep. I'd get her asleep in my arms and try to put her down and she would shoot up and scream. So I kept trying and trying. At one point i went downstairs and in frustration was just saying to husband "I don't know what to do!" And saying that I won't be able to finish the dinners so most will have to be thrown out since there wasn't much room in the fridge to save it. (I was over reacting, due to the situation) His response is just leave her to scream and cry (I wasn't ACTUALLY looking for input, just venting) I know the difference with her screams and this was a in pain/scared scream. I refuse to just leave her to scream and cry herself to sleep. She normally goes down on her own with a little fussing, but not this terrified and painful scream. (She was on tylenol, not sure why that didn't help more) after many attempts we both needed a break so I brought her downstairs. My husband (playing games on his computer) gives me this angry/annoyed look. Starts telling/yelling saying she is gonna grow up to be a spoiled brat since I always give in. So on and so on. This is NOT the norm, maybe happened one other time a few months ago, she isn't gonna be spoiled by me soothing her when she is scared and in pain! She is still a baby! Ugh I saw red and wanted to punch him in the face!

She played while I did manage to fit it all in the fridge. And i finally got her down like 3.5 hours after her bedtime.

Sorry for the novel! Just needed to rant! I hate when he tells me to leave her to scream or judges my choices. I do 90% of the parenting and 100% of the night time stuff so he can keep his opinions to himself! My choice didn't affect him at all, he wasn't the one giving up his free time in the evening to soothe her.
Am I ok to join? I don't know my date til,I get a positive opk. I lost my baby last tues :( and scan confirmed one tiny clot still retained
Little_Owl, hi and welcome! :hi: I really hope your spotting doesn't turn into AF and that you get your BFP this cycle! Good luck, and I'll get you added! :)

Drjo, so glad to hear your HSG went well and that you don't have any blockages! Yay! What are they planning on doing for your fibroid? I was told about 2 years ago that I have some but they were small so we didn't do anything about them. We're planning on checking them again soon to see if they've grown since I've been feeling more twinges, etc. Good luck today, I hope everything goes smoothly!

Psulion, I hope you get good news today! Please keep us posted and good luck!

Dojen, sorry about you and DH having a fight. :( I hate that! Don't count yourself out yet though, you still have time to get your bfp! Hope you're feeling better today! :hugs:

Fitpregnancy, congrats!!! So happy for you!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Would you like me to change it on the front page? :)

Coucou, happy birthday (late)! I hope you had a really wonderful day! Sorry about your bfn, but it's still really early and you have plenty of time to get one still! :)

Sugargully, I hope you get good news next Monday, keep us posted!

LadyV, so sorry that you have the flu! :( That's the worst. I really hope you get to feeling better soon, get some good rest and drink plenty of fluids! :hugs:

Babylove, I'm so happy for you that your lines are progressing! Yay!!!

Laura, good luck with your testing tomorrow! Keep us posted! :)

Twickywabbit, hi and welcome! :hi: I'll get you added, good luck! :)

DHBH, I'm so sorry. :( Feel free to rant to us, that's what we're here for! You can vent to us any time. Sending big :hugs: your way!

Wantinga, hi and welcome to you as well! :hi: So sorry about your recent loss. :hugs: I'll just put you down for TBD and you can give me a testing date once you decide on one. :)
Ok last test pic I promise! So happy to finally have a very clear bfp!!! :happydance:


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Haha thanks Turtle!! I tell you there were a few moments when I wondered if I was crazy!! :haha:
Haha! Well I figured they must be really evident on your end, and pictures never seem to do them justice! :D
Hello everyone! I would love to join!

It's my first cycle TTC #2! I am pretty sure I ovulated yesterday as I had a positive OPK in the morning and a negative one in the afternoon and today. Also I had some intense O pains all day yesterday. It was CD 13, so I think I ovulated a little earlier than usual (usually CD 15). We couldn't DTD yesterday :( but we did the two previous days and will try to today. Not feeling too hopeful with timing but we'll see!

I will start testing around next thursday I think if not earlier (I can't contain myself)!
Borr, hi and welcome! :hi: Your timing doesn't sound bad at all, good luck! I would definitely dtd again today if you can, just because since your positive opk was yesterday, you could be Oing today instead...and the O pains are sometimes your body gearing up for it instead of actual O. I bet you're right, but that would cover your bases for sure! :) I have my fingers crossed for you, and I'll get you added!

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