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Jeremy Forrest

As I said earlier the correct term is ephebohilia but I don't suppose it really matters in the grand scheme of things
He shouldn't be labelled a paedophile as thats just not the correct term. I expect his sentence was harsher because of the abduction and though she went willingly with him which almost makes me feel sorry for him, but he was a complete idiot to take her (and a complete idiot to have a relationship with her, of course, if they really loved each other they should have waited until she was 16 and he should have stopped teaching her the moment he felt an attraction), he should have known better so I guess he does deserve the harsher sentence.

A Paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children, is it not? Pre pubescent or not, thats a very fine line to draw imo?

The term is defined in the DSM as having a sexual attraction to prepubescent children but it is used so readily and frequently in the media that it is often interpreted as referring to children of all ages.

By that definition he isn't a paedophile, but still a child abuser who groomed an underage girl and I find that absolutely disgusting. I'm shocked when I read people trying to defend their relationship as some kind of love story, he is no different to a paedophile in my eyes.
He shouldn't be labelled a paedophile as thats just not the correct term. I expect his sentence was harsher because of the abduction and though she went willingly with him which almost makes me feel sorry for him, but he was a complete idiot to take her (and a complete idiot to have a relationship with her, of course, if they really loved each other they should have waited until she was 16 and he should have stopped teaching her the moment he felt an attraction), he should have known better so I guess he does deserve the harsher sentence.

A Paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children, is it not? Pre pubescent or not, thats a very fine line to draw imo?

The term is defined in the DSM as having a sexual attraction to prepubescent children but it is used so readily and frequently in the media that it is often interpreted as referring to children of all ages.

By that definition he isn't a paedophile, but still a child abuser who groomed an underage girl and I find that absolutely disgusting. I'm shocked when I read people trying to defend their relationship as some kind of love story, he is no different to a paedophile in my eyes.
I've no idea if the rumours are true that he tried it on with a few girl if the same age before this girl in question but if it is true he obviously has an affection for young girls rather than the 'love story' he's trying to portray to the court.

In that respect I guess he won't be that interested in her when he's free in a couple of years!

I'm not suprised the sentence was that long, it doesn't seem that bad with the age she is now but it started when she was 13. I have a son that age and his girl friends are very mature for their age but they are still children... That make him a paedophile in my eyes.

Is there anyone we can truly trust with our children now without some pervert breaking laws and moral conduct?!

Some of the DM comments have me scratching my head..alot dont think it was that bad and his sentencing was OTT . If your daughter or son was having sex at 15 with a teacher who's meant to be looking after her then flees with her to another country... Well That's abduction in my eyes... Hes in a position of care , regardless of her willingness to go.
Anyone read this?

He shouldn't be labelled a paedophile as thats just not the correct term. I expect his sentence was harsher because of the abduction and though she went willingly with him which almost makes me feel sorry for him, but he was a complete idiot to take her (and a complete idiot to have a relationship with her, of course, if they really loved each other they should have waited until she was 16 and he should have stopped teaching her the moment he felt an attraction), he should have known better so I guess he does deserve the harsher sentence.

A Paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children, is it not? Pre pubescent or not, thats a very fine line to draw imo?

As Missy86 said, a paedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, not teenagers.
Anyone read this?


Even if they were in love I doubt she will wait for him but saying that she may just do it to prove a point

She is already not taking to her family I believe
He shouldn't be labelled a paedophile as thats just not the correct term. I expect his sentence was harsher because of the abduction and though she went willingly with him which almost makes me feel sorry for him, but he was a complete idiot to take her (and a complete idiot to have a relationship with her, of course, if they really loved each other they should have waited until she was 16 and he should have stopped teaching her the moment he felt an attraction), he should have known better so I guess he does deserve the harsher sentence.

A Paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children, is it not? Pre pubescent or not, thats a very fine line to draw imo?

As Missy86 said, a paedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, not teenagers.

And what age is pre pubescent then? Surely you can't put an age on that?
He shouldn't be labelled a paedophile as thats just not the correct term. I expect his sentence was harsher because of the abduction and though she went willingly with him which almost makes me feel sorry for him, but he was a complete idiot to take her (and a complete idiot to have a relationship with her, of course, if they really loved each other they should have waited until she was 16 and he should have stopped teaching her the moment he felt an attraction), he should have known better so I guess he does deserve the harsher sentence.

A Paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children, is it not? Pre pubescent or not, thats a very fine line to draw imo?

As Missy86 said, a paedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, not teenagers.

And what age is pre pubescent then? Surely you can't put an age on that?

I guess you would put the average starting age of puberty
I don't mean to sound pedantic but the title of paedophile could well be correct, I know about half of my daughters friends are showing signs of puberty and about half not. Regardless of the 'official' title what he has done is a betrayal of trust and sick and if that were my daughter even 10 years wouldn't seem enough.
It doesn't matter what you call him, he broke a position of trust, he broke the law and regardless of whether she "led him on" or consented to anything, as the adult in a position of trust his job as a teacher was to put a stop to it and tell her nothing was to happen. His job as a husband was to be faithful to his wife.

Every action he took was reprehensible, there should be no sympathy for him and I hope he serves every day of his sentence regretting his actions.

Stuart Hall should be behind bars until he dies.

That one sentence was shorter than the other is irrelevant.
I don't mean to sound pedantic but the title of paedophile could well be correct, I know about half of my daughters friends are showing signs of puberty and about half not. Regardless of the 'official' title what he has done is a betrayal of trust and sick and if that were my daughter even 10 years wouldn't seem enough.

I looked it up, it says it is generally consider 11 years and under but diagnostic criteria extends it to 13
This happened in my hometown.

It's his wife I feel the most sorry for.
I'm really torn on this one. I think in 5 years when he's out we'll she, apparently she wants to wait for him and marry.
He deserves the sentence. He knowingly broke the law and he can't be allowed to get away with such a massive abuse of his power.
Society should take some blame, we are willing to let teenagers be little adults, it is much more common now for teenagers under 16 to be having sex, drink, dress like 20 year olds, socialise like 20 year olds and often have a lack of proper discipline such as curfews and educational encouragement, all because we think this is 'normal' teenage behaviour, and probably in fear of losing relationships with them. I am proud to say at 15 I was a child still, I wasn't having sex, I wasn't getting drunk, I had a bed time, a curfew and my parents knew where I was every minute of the day, because I was a child and they loved me. I don't believe teenagers are emotionally ready to deal with what a lot of adults let them deal with these days, yes this school girl was probably not unusual for having sex at 15 but I think it will have a damaging effect on her in the future, he was a teacher, in a position of authority, he ABUSED her, and some people believe it is ok because if this girl had of done the same thing with a 15 year old no one would bat an eyelid. Teenagers grow up too quickly today, and the silly thing there is no reason for it in 2013, 100 years ago teenagers were leaving school at 14 having to enter the work place to help their families forced to grow up, now they are able to have this horrid interim of "childhood" with lack of responsibility but "adulthood" doing things they don't fully understand and appreciate the repercussions of. Sorry I am going way off tangent here but I think we need to re-develop what the teenage years are and take charge of them and start looking after teenagers properly and not neglecting them or being too quick to dismiss them, letting them make awful mistakes because "it is their teenage years, the time they can mess up". The reaction to this case just kinda reflects this issue with society today. He should be in prison, he should be locked up a long time, he should never teach again, he should be ashamed and I hope that girl gets a lot of counselling, she will never get her childhood back, it is over.
We have a lovely story at my previous school. One of our biology teachers used to tutor quite a few of us. He was a great laugh, probably about 25 and bloody gorgeous!! One day we came in and he was no longer tutoring and we had a different class teacher.
So many rumors went around. Turns out he'd fallen for one of the girls he tutored (we were 5th year, so about 16 and 17), had gone to our Head and told her that he couldn't be in that situation and how he felt. 8 years on she's just finished uni. They're still together. They got together when she was about 19.
Sam was over the age of consent and quite mature. But he did the right thing and removed himself from the situation and dealt with it when it was appropriate.

If he was willing to run away to France with her then surely he was willing to give up his job and wait the few months until she was?

I do think he's been made an example of though, because of the media coverage. And I do feel sorry for them both as the romantic in me would love for it to be a genuine love story that will survive time. Whether that happens. You'll probably find it in 'Take A Break' in 5.5 years!
I don't know what to believe the media have distorted it so much now
This happened in my hometown.

It's his wife I feel the most sorry for.

Me too!! Where abouts are you? His family's house is about a 10 minute walk from mine. I think I recognise his brother too!

I to sure about this though to be honest. I think he deserves prison because he did abuse a position of trust, and if he loved her like he said he should've removed himself from the situation, changed schools and waited until she was 16 to begin a relationship. I don't like the label peadophile though if I'm honest, I was sexually active at 14 and once with an older guy, and I never aw it as him being a peaodphile, I still don't (although I think he thought I was older!) but I was very mature and knew what I was doing and I have no bad feelings towards him. I think we'll never know fully whether he is some kind of sexual predator or just a silly naive bloke doing the wrong thing.

It reminded me of a teacher/student relationship at my school, it was a few years before I went there but a teacher fell for a student, and nothing happened, he waited until she left her her a levels and then at 18 they got together and are happily married with children.
Tbh its not the age thing that bothers me. At 14 i went out with a 23 yr old and had many friends of similar age. We were together 18 months and are still good friends 20 yrs later! What i see as wrong is the huge breach of trust and the secrecy that surrounded them and it is this that has made the situation so wrong.
This happened in my hometown.

It's his wife I feel the most sorry for.

Me too!! Where abouts are you? His family's house is about a 10 minute walk from mine. I think I recognise his brother too!

I to sure about this though to be honest. I think he deserves prison because he did abuse a position of trust, and if he loved her like he said he should've removed himself from the situation, changed schools and waited until she was 16 to begin a relationship. I don't like the label peadophile though if I'm honest, I was sexually active at 14 and once with an older guy, and I never aw it as him being a peaodphile, I still don't (although I think he thought I was older!) but I was very mature and knew what I was doing and I have no bad feelings towards him. I think we'll never know fully whether he is some kind of sexual predator or just a silly naive bloke doing the wrong thing.

It reminded me of a teacher/student relationship at my school, it was a few years before I went there but a teacher fell for a student, and nothing happened, he waited until she left her her a levels and then at 18 they got together and are happily married with children.

Eastbourne not far from big tesco...yaaaay!
Ooh lol I'm from Petts Wood which is where his family live. It didnt happen here but he used to teach this way I believe before he moved.

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