So this morning I stupidly caved and tested with an ic. I got a blazing bfn! I dont know why i did this as now im just going nuts. Half of me thinks af is defo on her way and then a part of me hopes its too early as when i got my bfp last time i was 2 days from af whereas im now 5 days from af, and i only got a bfp on an frer, ic's didnt show a bfp for me last time until a week later!
I honestly dont know how much longer I can keep doing this. The toughest part of it all is that you have no control over any of it! I honestly dont even know myself anymore, i feel constantly down, on the edge of tears, I cant see positivity in anything. I was driving to work this mornin, the sun was shining and i just thought I should be really happy but I'm so miserable all the time! It doesnt help that in an office of 4, im the only girl with no baby, one of the girls is pregnant too so the office is constant baby talk. and the irony is I started trying before anyone else and they are now back from maternity leave!
I try my best to put a happy face on but my poor dh must struggle with me being like this all the time!
Neway, I spose we have to keep plodding along!