Ahh, thank you mia_leacey
Jokerette, in my experience, it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Some weeks it's great, and you're totally convinced it's right to continue, then other weeks you wonder how the heck you got into this! I almost always found Alice increased enthusiasm just before a big developmental patch, so that could be part of it.
I guarantee you, they do stop one day! Don't be afraid of putting in restrictions on duration or number of feeds though if you aren't comfortable. I'm not a big supporter of self weaning. I think it's marvellous if you can, but the mother is an important part of the partnership, and both of you have to be happy.
Have you tried any time away from him? I found Alice managed without milk just fine when I was away by around 18 months , which made me feel more relaxed about it. By the time she was 2, she'd happily spend nights away from me, then go back to nursing again when she came home.
If you do decide to wind it down, I'd suggest waiting until this current wave of enthusiasm eases off a bit. You'll both find it easier that way.
Good luck, whatever you decide! xx