Jon Venables - Identity Exposed - UPDATE PAGE 32 (In the papers again today)

I don't understand why people think that killing is the right way to do things? Yes, if someone did that to my child of course my first reaction would be to hunt them down and kill them. But, as an outsider to this particular crime, I would much rather see them have to live like they are, Venables not being able to function outside of a prison wall and Thompson, although he has managed to remain on the straight and narrow, what's to say he isn't always looking over his shoulder or has to live with what he has done and I'm sure that those images haunt him every day. I would much prefer someone to live wracked with guilt and the horror of what they did, whether it be in or out of prison, than just getting rid. That's an easy way out for them because they don't have to face the real consequences of their actions
he should be killed, anybody that does sick things like that to a child should, anybody that harms a child in anyway should!

But then who ever killed the boys would be killing a child, so do we kill them too?
It's tough to argue really because the crime they commited was beyond horrific. It was brutal. But is it not also brutal to dispose of someone when the very reason you are doing so is because they did the same thing? As much as we hate murderers, rapists, paedophiles, unfortunately for us they DO have human rights and they have a right to a fair trial and also to a second chance. In this instance, Venables has screwed up his second chance. Thompson on the other hand, hasn't and is an example that rehabilitation can work, even on the sickest of people.
It's tough to argue really because the crime they commited was beyond horrific. It was brutal. But is it not also brutal to dispose of someone when the very reason you are doing so is because they did the same thing? As much as we hate murderers, rapists, paedophiles, unfortunately for us they DO have human rights and they have a right to a fair trial and also to a second chance. In this instance, Venables has screwed up his second chance. Thompson on the other hand, hasn't and is an example that rehabilitation can work, even on the sickest of people.

so far.....or that we know of
It's tough to argue really because the crime they commited was beyond horrific. It was brutal. But is it not also brutal to dispose of someone when the very reason you are doing so is because they did the same thing? As much as we hate murderers, rapists, paedophiles, unfortunately for us they DO have human rights and they have a right to a fair trial and also to a second chance. In this instance, Venables has screwed up his second chance. Thompson on the other hand, hasn't and is an example that rehabilitation can work, even on the sickest of people.

so far.....or that we know of

There was meant to be a yet after that "hasn't" lol
i dont know why people disagree with why he shouldnt be killed,
he should be killed, anybody that does sick things like that to a child should, anybody that harms a child in anyway should!

If it was my LO or a member of my family, or my friends LO id want him killed, and im sure others that knew that child would agree and want the same, i hate to even imagine the pain that familys going through, expsecially the mother! he should be left to rot in a cell actually, he isnt even worth the trouble!

So when would you have had them killed for their crimes? When they were 10? Or would the sentence have been that they were locked up until 18 and then killed then?

Now that he has reoffended I do not believe that he should ever be released. I will never agree with killing people for their crimes, whatever those crimes are. The first reason for this is that morally I do not believe in the eye for eye mentality. Secondly, mistakes can and have been made. In this country (along with evey other country) we have a history of people who have been wrongfully convicted, sometimes of crimes which would have resulted in the death penalty.
Venables is a product of society. Maybe we are so disgusted by what he did, because part of it is that our society created him.

No child is born evil, he committed this murder as a child but why? Has anyone looked into his past? His family were known to police for alleged cases of abuse against him and his siblings. Thompson was similar, and his mother left him alone for long periods so she could go off and get drunk. Both came from broken homes, raised by single mothers, both were abused, both were abandoned, etc

Neither boy had love, security and proper parenting.

Both boys showed signs of violence, at 10 they were both regularly skipping school, getting into fistfights with other children, using airguns to harm animals, etc

The NSPCC said about them: "The Thompson report is a series of violent incidents," he reported, "none of them in itself enough to justify the kids being taken into care but the sum of them appalling. The boys, it's said, grew up 'afraid of each other'. They bit, hammered, battered, tortured each other."

So when they were being abused, where was the help? Where were social services? When they were bunking off school, where was the concerned parents or teachers? When they were seen to be causing trouble, where were the concerned neighbours?

These two boys are monsters, but they were created. Created by their parents, their relatives, the social care system, the police, their schools, their neighbours, their community and by our society.

Rather than pointing fingers at individuals we should make sure that no children like them ever slip through the net again, and that we are always taking care of our children and the children of our wider society as they cannot care for themselves.

Totally agree with you! :thumbup:
i dont know why people disagree with why he shouldnt be killed,
he should be killed, anybody that does sick things like that to a child should, anybody that harms a child in anyway should!

If it was my LO or a member of my family, or my friends LO id want him killed, and im sure others that knew that child would agree and want the same, i hate to even imagine the pain that familys going through, expsecially the mother! he should be left to rot in a cell actually, he isnt even worth the trouble!

So when would you have had them killed for their crimes? When they were 10? Or would the sentence have been that they were locked up until 18 and then killed then?

Now that he has reoffended I do not believe that he should ever be released. I will never agree with killing people for their crimes, whatever those crimes are. The first reason for this is that morally I do not believe in the eye for eye mentality. Secondly, mistakes can and have been made. In this country (along with evey other country) we have a history of people who have been wrongfully convicted, sometimes of crimes which would have resulted in the death penalty.

This is probably my main reason that I disagree with it.
Did you know that in Florida alone, they have wrongfully executed 22 people to date? 22 innocent people killed because some states in the US still believe that an eye for an eye is acceptable
Did you know that in Florida alone, they have wrongfully executed 22 people to date? 22 innocent people killed because done states in the US still believe that an eye for an eye is acceptable

How recent was this?

With DNA evidence its pretty hard to get it wrong now
I can't fathom some people's view on this. It's not mature or adult just saying "yeah let's kill them let's torture them". It's wrong. No matter which way you spin it they were still 10 when they committed this crime and there is no way that the way they were bought up and failed by the system has nothing to do with what the did. I am in no way defending what they did as it makes me sick to my stomach to think about it but the law is there for a reason and noone has the right to play God or take someone's life no matter the situation. Venables should not be released as rehabilitation obviously did not work and he reoffened, but, who are we to say it doesn't work? As of yet, thompson hasn't and I pray it stays that way. I will reiterate my earlier point, they have to live their lives with the fear of ever being revealed and the potential fatalness of it. They're prisoners in their own mind and I hope they suffer mentally for the rest of their lives.
I don't believe that Venables and Thompson should have their identities released. None of us are the same person we were when we were 10 and Thompson has not reoffended since he was released. The fact that both of them have such close tabs kept on them by police is why Venables was caught commiting a crime. For all you know your next door neighbour could spend all night downloading indecent images of children but unless they are caught and you find out you'd have absolutely no idea about it so why do so many think that Venables should have his identity released to the general public?

I do however think that a long hard look needs to be taken with the fact that he has reoffended as to what happens next with him. Rehabilitation can and does work on some people but sadly for some it never will and appropriate measures need to be taken in these cases.
So what they were 10? A 10 year old knows the difference between basic wrong and right. They may have been failed by their parents/schools/social services but so have alot of other kids but those kids didnt torture a baby.

They went out that day and tried to take another kid so to me it was pre meditated. They took him on a long walk which at any point they could have just taken him back or abandoned him but they didnt.

To do something that evil at 10 shows to me how bad to the core they are which is why they should never have been released
I don't think he should have ever been let out of prison. It wasn't an "oops" crime, the poor child was tortured. I can't help but my myself in James Bulgar's parents shoes, how much I love my daughter and I think I'd snap mentally if she died, let alone find out that she was tortured and had a horrific death. :cry:

I say at least with John Venables they tried the rehabilitation route and like Lottie said, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The fact that they've caught him with cocaine and distributing child pornography doesn't exactly scream "well adjusted member of society" to me. :shrug:

Just my opinion. I don't fully know everything as it isn't headlines over here. :(
I've never understood why so many people think that the fact James was 2 is so so important but apparently the fact that the boys were 10 and therefore also children is of no significance at all :shrug:
I've never understood why so many people think that the fact James was 2 is so so important but apparently the fact that the boys were 10 and therefore also children is of no significance at all :shrug:

:wacko: Because he was a defenceless baby, an INFANT, who stood no chance at all, wouldnt have known what was going on, and would just have wanted his Mum. Cant believe you even said that?
The only reason they caught venables this time is because he rang his probation officer because he thought his identity had been compramised.

He downloaded child porn over 12 months so how close were they being watched?

10 year olds know the difference between wrong and right
I've never understood why so many people think that the fact James was 2 is so so important but apparently the fact that the boys were 10 and therefore also children is of no significance at all :shrug:

it is massively significant, they were TEN old enought to know the difference between right and wrong

of course the fact that they chose a defenceless 2 year old is significant

i dont know why people disagree with why he shouldnt be killed,
he should be killed, anybody that does sick things like that to a child should, anybody that harms a child in anyway should!

If it was my LO or a member of my family, or my friends LO id want him killed, and im sure others that knew that child would agree and want the same, i hate to even imagine the pain that familys going through, expsecially the mother! he should be left to rot in a cell actually, he isnt even worth the trouble!

So when would you have had them killed for their crimes? When they were 10? Or would the sentence have been that they were locked up until 18 and then killed then?

Now that he has reoffended I do not believe that he should ever be released. I will never agree with killing people for their crimes, whatever those crimes are. The first reason for this is that morally I do not believe in the eye for eye mentality. Secondly, mistakes can and have been made. In this country (along with evey other country) we have a history of people who have been wrongfully convicted, sometimes of crimes which would have resulted in the death penalty.

I dont know, but i just cant actually believe they will be released + allowed to lead normal lives it just makes me really angry sick to my stomack that its allowed! If they know somebody has murdered somebody, have all evidance ect then why cant they hang these people? like old days? but yet theyre left to roam the streets, live there lifes again like nothing ever happened, this sicko could walk past me and i wouldnt even realise it was him, he could be living next door to me and i wouldnt know, and that shouldnt be allowed, they should have life at least and never come back out
he should be killed, anybody that does sick things like that to a child should, anybody that harms a child in anyway should!

But then who ever killed the boys would be killing a child, so do we kill them too?

No not at all, i mean like hanging them or leaving them to suffer in a cell, i dont mean walking up to one of them and shooting them or stabbing them

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