Jon Venables - Identity Exposed - UPDATE PAGE 32 (In the papers again today)

I was just pointing out that people are constantly going on about how he was a toddler etc etc well Venables and Thompson were children as well, they were not adults.
Yes at 10 most children know the difference between right and wrong (provided they have been brought up to know the difference which sadly not every child is) but I find it amazing how the majority of parents are usually always going on about how children are children and not mini adults etc but in a situation like this the fact that 10 year olds are children seems to be totally ignored.

Murder and torture are absolutely horrific crimes that ruin peoples lives (and not just the families of the victim either) no matter how old the person who is murdered is. In my eyes all lives are worth the same no matter how young or old the person is.

Right I'll leave it at that!
Did you know that in Florida alone, they have wrongfully executed 22 people to date? 22 innocent people killed because done states in the US still believe that an eye for an eye is acceptable

How recent was this?

With DNA evidence its pretty hard to get it wrong now

It's just in total. And they can still get it wrong now, no matter how good forensics etc are
So what they were 10? A 10 year old knows the difference between basic wrong and right.

The point is that most 10 year old would know the difference between wrong and right, but their definition of that would have been skewed by their upbringing. Abusing children is wrong, yet in Thompson and Venables case that was normal to them as thats what the adults in their lives did to them.

I don't doubt they knew that they shouldn't be doing it, but they had been taught that violence and abuse was normal and ok. They had never been shown the correct way to act by people who were in a position of responsibility over them.

Yes they should have accountability for what they did, personally I don't think they should have been released because they are not normally functioning people. They don't know right from wrong, and they are still very much the children we read about in the papers.
So what they were 10? A 10 year old knows the difference between basic wrong and right.

The point is that most 10 year old would know the difference between wrong and right, but their definition of that would have been skewed by their upbringing. Abusing children is wrong, yet in Thompson and Venables case that was normal to them as thats what the adults in their lives did to them.

I don't doubt they knew that they shouldn't be doing it, but they had been taught that violence and abuse was normal and ok. They had never been shown the correct way to act by people who were in a position of responsibility over them.

Yes they should have accountability for what they did, personally I don't think they should have been released because they are not normally functioning people. They don't know right from wrong, and they are still very much the children we read about in the papers.

Fair points

I think they are probably worse now then when they were kids as they have been mollycoddled for the last 10 years and what they did been justified to them
I think it is worth pointing out in all this that at the moment, the only boy who has proven to be 'just the same' or not rehabilitated is Jon Venables. Robert Thomson is not known to have committed any other crime. If this proves to be the case throughout his life then is he not an example of rehabilitation working?
I think it is worth pointing out in all this that at the moment, the only boy who has proven to be 'just the same' or not rehabilitated is Jon Venables. Robert Thomson is not known to have committed any other crime. If this proves to be the case throughout his life then is he not an example of rehabilitation working?

That's what I was getting at lol
I knew the lady that interwiewed Venables & Thompson, who is now deceased. She was a specialist for the police in interviewing children mainly who had been sexually abused & wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the interviews.
A few years ago she told me that not all of the atrocities those boys did to Jamie we're publicised due to thier graphic nature.
Like they cut his fingers off with scissors, and cut his penis off & stuck it in his mouth.
What was publicised was that they beat him with bricks & an iron bar, poured paint into his eyes, pushed batteries in his anus, Thompson kicked him in the face so hard the imprint of his metal shoelace hoops on his face.
Then laid him on the train tracks so a train running over him would destroy the evidence.

It is beyond belief what they did to that poor little boy. I know they were young themselves but at that age they still knew right from wrong, and they knew that was wrong, very wrong.

Me personally think that what they did to Jamie should be done to them, so they understand what pain & suffering that boy felt in the last hours of his young life.
I do think a death sentence would be apt for this crime, none of them has showed any remorse or regret over this crime, and is obvious that Venables hasn't changed his ways so to speak & learnt from his time in care & rehabilation. He's just moved onto drink, drugs & child porn.
Soon to be released back into society with a new identity costing tax payer hundreds of thousands, again.

These men do not deserve to live let alone live in our society protected & lazily supervised so it seems.

As soon as they were adults they should have been executed..This crime was so evil & awful it can only be the just punishment I think.

Or be imprisoned for life at the very least. Especially in the light of recent events.
Venables is a danger to society especially children.

I cant imagine the pain that poor little boy was in :cry: upsets me so much. I wonder how the people who think he should roam free with a new identitiy after 7 years would feel if it was their baby turtured and killed :nope:

omfg the things they did were beyond evil. they should have been locked up for the rest of their lives for what they did to that defenceless 2 year old boy. its more than sick its pure pure evil!!!! i cannot even write down a word for it all. i agree with the above that if it was "your child" ((speaking generally not to a particular person)) then you would want them hung drawn and quartered.

if someone had done that to my son i would make it my lifes ambiition to find them, and kill them slowly and painfully with my bear hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:growlmad::growlmad:
I knew the lady that interwiewed Venables & Thompson, who is now deceased. She was a specialist for the police in interviewing children mainly who had been sexually abused & wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the interviews.
A few years ago she told me that not all of the atrocities those boys did to Jamie we're publicised due to thier graphic nature.
Like they cut his fingers off with scissors, and cut his penis off & stuck it in his mouth.
What was publicised was that they beat him with bricks & an iron bar, poured paint into his eyes, pushed batteries in his anus, Thompson kicked him in the face so hard the imprint of his metal shoelace hoops on his face.
Then laid him on the train tracks so a train running over him would destroy the evidence.

It is beyond belief what they did to that poor little boy. I know they were young themselves but at that age they still knew right from wrong, and they knew that was wrong, very wrong.

Me personally think that what they did to Jamie should be done to them, so they understand what pain & suffering that boy felt in the last hours of his young life.
I do think a death sentence would be apt for this crime, none of them has showed any remorse or regret over this crime, and is obvious that Venables hasn't changed his ways so to speak & learnt from his time in care & rehabilation. He's just moved onto drink, drugs & child porn.
Soon to be released back into society with a new identity costing tax payer hundreds of thousands, again.

These men do not deserve to live let alone live in our society protected & lazily supervised so it seems.

As soon as they were adults they should have been executed..This crime was so evil & awful it can only be the just punishment I think.

Or be imprisoned for life at the very least. Especially in the light of recent events.
Venables is a danger to society especially children.

I cant imagine the pain that poor little boy was in :cry: upsets me so much. I wonder how the people who think he should roam free with a new identitiy after 7 years would feel if it was their baby turtured and killed :nope:

omfg the things they did were beyond evil. they should have been locked up for the rest of their lives for what they did to that defenceless 2 year old boy. its more than sick its pure pure evil!!!! i cannot even write down a word for it all. i agree with the above that if it was "your child" ((speaking generally not to a particular person)) then you would want them hung drawn and quartered.

if someone had done that to my son i would make it my lifes ambiition to find them, and kill them slowly and painfully with my bear hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:growlmad::growlmad:

Would you not rather they spent their days living in fear of being found and always having those images on their mind when they sleep and on their conscience for the rest of their lives? I'd rather they were tortured like that every day rather than them being killed
Given the utter utter barbarity of the crime, the complete lack of remorse and the vileness of the reoffending, I think that he should be shot through the head like a fucking animal.

Put him out of his own fucking misery.

I'm not religious but I feel like praying for these poor innocent children whose lives end in such a way.
I've never understood why so many people think that the fact James was 2 is so so important but apparently the fact that the boys were 10 and therefore also children is of no significance at all :shrug:

:wacko: Because at 2 a little boy would not have been able to try and fight them off or get away or shout for help. he would have been frightened and wanting his mummy.

cant believe your comment. i look at my nearly 2 year old and how he cries if he hurts himself accidentally or trips and falls so imagine how Jamie felt being multilated and hurt, by all those sick painful things to private parts of his body he must have been in such pain and crying and scared beyond words so of course its relevant he was 2!!!!!!
they were 10 and knew right from wrong. even a 10 year old knows that the graphic things they did are SICK!!!!!!!!!! and WRONG.
I knew the lady that interwiewed Venables & Thompson, who is now deceased. She was a specialist for the police in interviewing children mainly who had been sexually abused & wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the interviews.
A few years ago she told me that not all of the atrocities those boys did to Jamie we're publicised due to thier graphic nature.
Like they cut his fingers off with scissors, and cut his penis off & stuck it in his mouth.
What was publicised was that they beat him with bricks & an iron bar, poured paint into his eyes, pushed batteries in his anus, Thompson kicked him in the face so hard the imprint of his metal shoelace hoops on his face.
Then laid him on the train tracks so a train running over him would destroy the evidence.

It is beyond belief what they did to that poor little boy. I know they were young themselves but at that age they still knew right from wrong, and they knew that was wrong, very wrong.

Me personally think that what they did to Jamie should be done to them, so they understand what pain & suffering that boy felt in the last hours of his young life.
I do think a death sentence would be apt for this crime, none of them has showed any remorse or regret over this crime, and is obvious that Venables hasn't changed his ways so to speak & learnt from his time in care & rehabilation. He's just moved onto drink, drugs & child porn.
Soon to be released back into society with a new identity costing tax payer hundreds of thousands, again.

These men do not deserve to live let alone live in our society protected & lazily supervised so it seems.

As soon as they were adults they should have been executed..This crime was so evil & awful it can only be the just punishment I think.

Or be imprisoned for life at the very least. Especially in the light of recent events.
Venables is a danger to society especially children.

I cant imagine the pain that poor little boy was in :cry: upsets me so much. I wonder how the people who think he should roam free with a new identitiy after 7 years would feel if it was their baby turtured and killed :nope:

omfg the things they did were beyond evil. they should have been locked up for the rest of their lives for what they did to that defenceless 2 year old boy. its more than sick its pure pure evil!!!! i cannot even write down a word for it all. i agree with the above that if it was "your child" ((speaking generally not to a particular person)) then you would want them hung drawn and quartered.

if someone had done that to my son i would make it my lifes ambiition to find them, and kill them slowly and painfully with my bear hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:growlmad::growlmad:

Would you not rather they spent their days living in fear of being found and always having those images on their mind when they sleep and on their conscience for the rest of their lives? I'd rather they were tortured like that every day rather than them being killed

No sorry but i would not rather that to be honest. i can see your point though. Personally i just think that the fear they are living with and images are nothing compared to what the 2 year old endured and what his mother must endure knowing what happened to her baby! The should be locked up for ever never to get out or killed. sorry but thats how i feel and i know alot of people wont agree with me or will think i am horrible but thats the truth how i feel x sorry though not having a go at you, just saying what i am thinking.x
I agree that they should have been locked up and the key thrown away but obviously because of their age they weren't tried as adults and so their sentences weren't near as drastic.
I agree that they should have been locked up and the key thrown away but obviously because of their age they weren't tried as adults and so their sentences weren't near as drastic.

I believe they were tried as adults, which 7 years later was concluded was against their human rights. The sentences and custodial care was more geared towards adults, not 10 year old children.
I think that he should be shot through the head like a fucking animal.

You think a 10 year old should be shot through the head?

Not that I agree with the statement that they should be shot... but I can understand what she is saying. Not just a 10 year old... these particular ones.

I don't feel sympathy for them, if I'm honest. There are quite a few people in the world who have had HORRIFIC upbringings yet don't turn to that sort of crime. Not saying that it doesn't contribute, because it does IMHO.
I read this thread earlier this afternoon but I was too disturbed to reply. What those 'children' did was pure evil. And the people I would blame partly for it are their parents. Didn't they have awful childhoods themselves? I believe their age to be irrelevant tbh, 10 year olds know better. most 10 year old know no more than footballs and climbing trees but these two particular ten year olds had the gall to kidnap a child, take him two miles, inflict horrendous abuse on a defenceless baby then carry on as normal I presume for the two days it took to find him. Were they known to social services does anyone know? Surely they weren't normal behaved children until one day they decided to play truant and kidnap?

What do I think should be done to them? I won't say specifically but I hope when they do die they die in immense pain.

They didn't know what a real jail was! Trips out to football games, playstations etc. Family visits 3x weekly.Bollocks to that. That's not punishment, infact it's probably better than their childhood experiences.

I don't believe he should ever be released, especially not now. Sick sick b******. And yes, if he was my neighbour and I found out who he was I'd out him too I think. Disgusting excuse for human beings!
I read this thread earlier this afternoon but I was too disturbed to reply. What those 'children' did was pure evil. And the people I would blame partly for it are their parents. Didn't they have awful childhoods themselves? I believe their age to be irrelevant tbh, 10 year olds know better. most 10 year old know no more than footballs and climbing trees but these two particular ten year olds had the gall to kidnap a child, take him two miles, inflict horrendous abuse on a defenceless baby then carry on as normal I presume for the two days it took to find him. Were they known to social services does anyone know? Surely they weren't normal behaved children until one day they decided to play truant and kidnap?

What do I think should be done to them? I won't say specifically but I hope when they do die they die in immense pain.

They didn't know what a real jail was! Trips out to football games, playstations etc. Family visits 3x weekly.Bollocks to that. That's not punishment, infact it's probably better than their childhood experiences.

I don't believe he should ever be released, especially not now. Sick sick b******. And yes, if he was my neighbour and I found out who he was I'd out him too I think. Disgusting excuse for human beings!

I agree, and £60 a month pocket money, I dare say, he had a better life in his 'prison' than at home. I think if he had truly suffered, shown remorse etc, people wouldnt be quite as passionately angry as they are, and rightly so imo xx
I think that he should be shot through the head like a fucking animal.

You think a 10 year old should be shot through the head?

You know my stance, I dont believe in this at all, but as she says about given the reoffending etc, I believe RedRose means now he should be shot through the head, because he clearly hasnt changed.

Again, I dont agree but think that is what was meant :flower:
Sick sick man, I read the whole story the other day of what they did to poor little jamie and I couldn't believe it. I was very young when it happened and never realised the full extent of what they did and I was shocked infact mortified by it. They both needed stringing up and Im not one for the death penalty but they certainlly deserved not a new life
bloody hell! that is sick hes been able to work near children if it is infact him. the picture looks so different but i suppose we all change as we age.

id love to hear that he gets what he deserves and the other one too but i doubt they ever will.

i was only young when it happened but i understood what they did and its haunted me since

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