July 1st anyone else in July2013

Hope everyone is doing ok :). Facebook group sounds lovely!
Eeeks libbysmum I hope you are feeling better. Did you get the results from the U/S?
Julie, how's the healing? Is it getting better? That sucks you have to go in 2x a day!
Myra, I hope Connor is doing well. You have had quite the battle and little Connor has proven to be a strong fighter :)
I started watching videos on baby massage and how to reduce gas. Tried a few techniques and they seem to work I think?! Lol. Let me know what you ladies think... I just googled baby massage to reduce colic and gas.
I also put up a breastfeeding rant/poem (video) done by a woman and I think it's brilliant. It's on my Facebook page. If I don't have you on fb, send me a private message on here and ill add you :)
Emerson had a good night last night. Woke at 245 and at 515 for feeding and went back to bed after. I think it helped that we installed a ceiling fan yesterday in my room to help with the heat. It has been over 40 degrees with the humidity for 4 days now. We haven't done much or gone out because its just too hot. Should have relief by Saturday.
We have another check up at the breastfeeding clinic tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs. He was born 7.14, dropped 9% body weight by day 3 (7.2) and as of last Saturday (day 7) was 7lbs 15oz. So I hope he's still gaining well!
Shanoa, I think walking all morning in the heat probably helped kick off my labour later that day! Sending baby/labour thoughts your way!
Thanks for your baby thoughts, Beachgal! I've just had the Clary Sage Oil bath and had no reaction yet so I'm going for a long walk in the heat tomorrow to see if that can work for me as well.

40 degrees? Wow! It's been early-mid 30s here this past week and I thought that was bad!

It sounds like you and Emerson are doing really well, Beachgal. How do you feel within yourself? Is your physical recovery going ok?
Physically - doing ok...I'm surprised how fast the belly goes down after birth. I still have a jelly belly but its weird to see my body back to a reasonable size. I think its funny when I put on my maternity shorts and tank tops...lol I feel like i'm swimming in them. I haven't tried to wear anything pre pregnancy yet...I think I'll give that a bit more time and save my self esteem a bit ;)
I'm tired beyond belief some days. I find i'm adjusting much better now. I get excited when I have 1.5 hours of sleep uninterrupted. It's the little things that mean so much now :wacko:
Energy wise - this heat is sucking the energy out of me. I can't wait for it to cool off a bit. Also so I can take him out for walks. I hate being stuck inside the house. Tomorrow I'll take him to the mall before our appt. and take advantage of the air conditioning!

Emotionally - I cry at the drop of a hat. The smallest things make me cry, especially anything involving children! I also know that i'm sleep deprived and i'm sure that doesn't help. It's more the feeling of I have this precious little bundle that I'm so worried and scared for. Watching the news terrifies me now!

How are the rest of the ladies feeling physically/emotionally? Does it get easier when you are on your 2nd/3rd, etc?

Shanoa, when was your due date? - nevermind - I see your ticker now! ;)
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Hey all I am home from hospital. All is not well. I have a suspected uterus infection? They say endometeritis - I really don't know how they diagnose it but I was having severe back pain and tummy pain I even vomited Saturday night I could barely move I was wincing over in pain so we called an ambulance and been in the ER all Saturday night then transferred up to the ward Sunday morning. Cause I am bfeeding they could not give me too much pain wise so was just mostly on panadol and antibiotics. It really sucked. I hated the Iv cause they had it right in my arm where it bends so was very frustrating getting Ethan on and off the nipple. I am now back home but still in a fair bit of pain. Will go to the Dr Monday and get a 2nd opinion I reckon.

By the Way Ethans US was fine.
Oh no!!! Did they say how you may have ended up with that? How long to go away?
I think a 2nd opinion is always a good idea. Have they done an ultrasound?
I went to Dr today and took DH as he said he was sick apparently he has a contagious throat infection...I hope he doesn't pass it on to me or Ethan! The Dr gave him antibiotics and me a script for some mortillium for my milk supply as the antibiotics seem to be slowing my supply down I am barely getting a few drops when I express! So frustrating. Poor Ethan has been constantly wanting my nipples. And great news...I weighed myself at the Drs office and am already back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Hooray!! It made my day!
They were going to give me an US at the hospital but then changed their minds...I don't know why. Maybe it was too time consuming or expensive for the hospuital budget? I thought it was lame.
Yay- pre pregnancy weight, definitely something to be cheering for!!! You go girl!

I weighed myself on Friday and I'm 9lbs away from my pre weight, woohoo! I started my daily walks ( thankfully the humidity and heat wave is over) and will start exercises at home as well. It's such a great feeling to see progress!

I hope the family feels better soon!

Myra- how's Connor doing?

Shanoa - any baby signs?

Barbi - how's everything?
Good morning ladies,

I have just caught up on 13 days worth of posts from you all, and can honestly say I feel very much supported with the amount of comments from you all about how I am doing. Thank you and expect that this post is going to be a long one as baby Maia was born by c section on Friday 12 July 2013 at 3.19am. It has taken me this long to get enough time to jump on here and tell you guys my story.

I had been in hospital with severe pre-eclampsia since 27 June 2013 and had been monitored since that time for signs and symptoms. The only symptom I had was that my blood pressure was high and kept increasing. I had been hoping that I could go home and just be monitored from there, as I had no other symptoms (such as blurred vision, headaches, starts and bright lights in front of the eyes), I had none of that, in fact on 27 June I took the day off from work and went to the doctors to get a certificate for the day off, plus get my results for the glucose challenge test. My doc did the usual blood pressure check and my bp was 160/100. He called the hospital who told me to come in. I drove myself from the doctor's surgery to the hospital, a 10 minute trip, but in hindsight I really shouldn't have, it is very risky doing that. Once at the hospital they got me to do a urine sample, which showed that not only was my bp high but I had high amounts of protein in my urine (9.6 when protein should never be in your urine) another sign of pre-eclampsia, and of course the fluid retention was astranomical (my ankles and legs looked like tree trunks). The fluid retention had been like that since about 20 weeks and I remember calling the hospital around 24 weeks to speak to them about it, they never got me to come in to do any tests, as they said it was way too early for pre-eclampsia to show its ugly head, but I would hazard a guess that I was already sick at that stage I just didn't know it.

Long story short, the docs at this hospital said they were 99.9% sure that I had pre-eclampsia but that if that was the case I had to be transferred to the Women's and Children's Hospital in the city, where they would likely deliver Maia immediately. I had to be transferred by ambulance with my partner driving behind us because my hospital was not equipped to deal with a prem baby at 28 weeks. The doc also told me that having PE at such an early gestation is very unusual and that because I didn't have any symptoms either, other than the fluid retention, it was a miracle they even became aware of it.

I ended up spending another two weeks in hospital at the antenatal ward before Maia started being affected by the pre-eclampsia and had to be delivered. I basically had an ultrasound on Thursday 11 July which the doctors were looking to see if the restriction between the placenta to the baby was still compromised, it had been shown to be compromised two days earlier and they were talking delivery soon at that stage. I was having blood tests and ultrasounds every two days. My blood test on Thursday 11 July showed that the creatinine levels had gone from 82, which is high, to 98, which is extremely high and baby in trouble, in two days. Not only that, several days before this Maia was not moving, even when I drank the trusty orange or apple juice and cold icy water. My obs were performed every four hours and days before she had slowed down her movements so much I was paniking. I was put on CTG traces every day and in the first week and a half that I was there, Maia's traces were star quality, midwives were jealous of how well her traces were going, then of course she started to throw a few bad ones and not moving too much, the nurses and doctors were looking for variability and if the baby was not giving them that variability then you had to be on the machine for a lot longer. Emotionally I was a wreck. My partner came to visit every day before he went to work and spent a lot more time with me in hospital during the weekends.

I got to go home only once on a Sunday while I was still pregnant, my cats were not coping, I had left home on 27 June and never came home as far as they knew.

Anyway, this is becoming a very long post, sorry, it has been such a huge ride.

I was taken upstairs one floor to the birthing suites where they immediately put me on a CTG trace. My last post to you guys was saying about being on the machine for over 3 hours. Well after that the doctors were vacillating between putting up a catheter with two balloons either side of my cervix to dilate me that way. They tried that method, did not work, my cervix was so tight and fully closed that they could even insert the balloon. So the doc spoke to another doctor and they ended up inserting the gels to dilate my cervix at 10.30pm that night. One of the risks with the gels was that I would develop contractions as a result and because we were talking about prem birth that was a risk for Maia that she may not cope with the contractions. Basically I did get contractions, which I could cope with myself, they were coming every minute and lasted 30 seconds, but the problem was Maia dropped her heart rate at every contraction to below 100 bpm, which was basically saying she wasn't coping with this. The doctors walked into my room, my other half trying to sleep on the floor, and told me Maia won't survive 24 hours unless they deliver her by c section now. The doctor then told me all the risks associated with ceasearean, including the risks of uncontrollable bleeding and that if that happens that they may have to take out my uterus to save my life, but that they won't know that until they are in there.

I was wheeled into surgery at 2.40am and Maia was born at 3.19am Friday 12 July 2013. The surgery was highly eventful as well, as they performed an epidural on me and part of that epidural was morphine put in for 24 hour pain relief after the surgery. I immediately vomitted everywhere, my partner holding the bowl as I could not stop, although the anaesthetic doctor went through her repertoire of drugs to stop me from vomiting without any success. I could not stop, and did not stop till 2pm Friday afternoon. Everytime they touched my stomach to examine me I lost control and threw up everywhere. I was really hard on me, if I wasn't being sick I was completely out of it sleeping, could not keep my eyes open.

I vaguely remember seeing Maia brought to me in theatre and having no concept of her being born at all, I was so unwell all I could concentrate on is not being sick.

Now for how well Maia is doing. Today she is 13 days old in the outside world. She has made progress in leaps and bounds, from being born on 12 July, she was in NICU1, high care to 3 days later in NICU2, which is lower intensity care, to SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit 1) early last week, to having been transferred back to the hospital that I was supposed to have her in yesterday afternoon 12 days after her birth. She was on oxygen for only 5 hours after she was born then she started breathing on her own without the machine. She did take rapid steps forward, but then went back a couple of times, first back onto oxygen for a few days, then not tolerating feeding every two hours directly into her stomach through a tube in her nose. She is now above her birth weight, which she was born 1260 grams, she lost some weight down to about 1200 grams in the first few days, but is now about 1380 grams as of yesterday, only 12 days after living in the outside world. She is my star princess and daddy and mummy is so very proud of her. I cannot believe I am a mum.

I have been expressing since day one, although I started late with expressing my colostrum, I was in no condition to express while I was sick. Yesterday I had my first appointment with the doctor to check my bp one week after I was discharged and my bp is back to normal 100/70. I have also lost 12 kilos since giving birth and I am below my pre-baby weight.

My milk supply is going really well, I think I have about 3 and a half days supply in the fridge so even if I didn't go in every day to see Maia, they would have pleanty of milk to feed her with. Expressing is hard. My mother returned to Australia on the day I was discharged from hospital, she was overseas for my brother's wedding when I was admitted into hospital and baby Maia didn't wait for her return.

I shall end my post here, it is a very long one, will post some more and pictures as well soon. I am on my way to hospital to be with my darling daughter.

Take care all, chat soon.
Barbi, I appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience! I'm so glad that you and Maia are ok :) I look forward to reading more and seeing pictures. Give your little princess a big hug for me and update us when you can. Also, if you are on Facebook, let me know :)
Big hugs!
Barbi, I appreciate you taking the time to write about your experience! I'm so glad that you and Maia are ok :) I look forward to reading more and seeing pictures. Give your little princess a big hug for me and update us when you can. Also, if you are on Facebook, let me know :)
Big hugs!

Beachgal, yes I am on facebook. Can you tell me how to send a private message to you on this forum? I have never done that and don't know where to look. I will send you my full name, unless you can send me your full name and we'll connect on fb that way.

I saw in one of your posts that you get emotional at the drop of a hat. I totally know how you feel, I am exactly the same. I try not to watch the news as it gets really upsetting. Since Maia has been born, my perspective on life has changed dramatically, to the point that I don't even spend time with my cats any more, whereas before she was born I was really worried about them and missed them terribly while I was in hospital.

Chat soon.
Barbi thanks for your lovely news of Maria...she sounds like she is feeding well even if with EBM. You must have better luck with your supply than I have...I struggle to get any for storing up...Ethan is such a ferocious feeder. He would feed 24/7 if I let him!
I am taking supply meds now to try and boost it so he isn't constantly on the boob. Just got both kids down for naps...silence is golden!
Barbi, I sent you a private message with my facebook info . Let me know if you have any troubles with opening it. :)

Libbysmum - enjoy the silence! I bet it doesn't come around often with two little ones!

Emerson has been napping like a champ today. Let's hope this continues into the night. Last night he was up every hour/hour and a half! I think I have a night owl on my hands. :dohh:
been in and out of hospital...grrr stupid pain in my side and back...they think it is an inflammation of my uterus but not 100% so annoying. I had an ultrasound today to see if they could see any product or pus but it came back clear. Not sure what is going on so will go back to my doctor tomorrow. They may have to do a transvaginal one to see better picture. I really was hoping to avoid that as I still have stitches down below. Still taking antibiotics and pain killers. Gone up a notch with the pain killers and now they are making Ethan sleepy...not going to complain too much about that as I can focus more on Libby when he sleeps but I also dont want a drug dependent infant.
Hi all,

Things have been hectic my end, but starting to get into a routine. Maia gave us a scare today, nothing too bad, but she lost 10 grams overnight, so she will be monitored to make sure she doesn't make a habit of that. The docs/nurses aren't too sure why she lost that weight, so we will just have to wait and see. Even though its only 10 grams, it is still significant when we talk about her being a premy baby.

We are starting to train her to get her sucking reflex organised when she is being fed, so that we can train her for breastfeeding. The nurses got me to bring in her dummy so that when she is being fed trough her nasal tube and feels her stomach getting full, that at the same time she associates that feeling with sucking at the same time. I tried it with her for the first time today and she seems to suck well on the dummy. She needs to get used to it, she was making some funny faces, but she did continue to do it. I hope it won't take too much time to get her feeding, but of course I worry that she won't be able to do it.

Libbysmum, I know how you feel about taking medication and passing it onto Ethan, I feel the same way. I was taking synthetic morphine tablets for pain killer purposes in the first few days after the surgery, and I was worried that it would affect Maia also, but the doctors told me that there wasn't much to worry about. In the end I went home with panadeine forte, but never took any once I left the hospital. Plus the drugs were giving me severe constipation, which was really difficult to deal with.

Dove and Beachgal, I received both your private messages for the link to the facebook page. Dove, yours worked, Beachgal, yours didn't, it told me that time had run out for me to enter the page and that I didn't have access. Either way, I have requested to be part of the group from your link Dove. Thank you, now all I have to do is get to know you guys with your real names.

Alas, time for me to express and then get some sleep, will chat to everyone soon.

Hello Moms...

It is good to hear all of us have delivered.

Emily, are you feeling better? What is the next step for you medically? Has Ethan's reflux gotten better?

Eileen, has the weather eased up? I do not know what I would do without central air. Glad to hear your breast feeding is going well.

Barbi, Maia doing well? Will she have to stay in the hospital until her original birth date?

Kylie, I love the name Zara. She is beautiful. How are you adjusting?

I am still going to the Dr everyday to get my wound changed. I feel like it will never end. I have been so emotional and depressed lately. We received a call on Monday from Children's hospital. It was regarding Stone's blood work from the hospital. His came back with one mutation for Cystic Fibrosis. I could not stop crying. They want to check and see if he is a carrier or has the disease. They can not test him until he is 4 weeks. It is called a sweat test, it measures the salt level. This will tell us if he has it it just a carrier. I had the blood work in the beginning and was negative for all mutations. This means it came from my DH. Our daughter did not have problem with her newborn blood work so we had no clue he was carrying this. The pediatric Dr said Stone's chances are lower because only one parent is a carrier. And he told me to stop reading things on the internet. I was just sitting and rocking him and crying. My perfect baby could have this life threatening disease. I have 4 other healthy kids why can't he be healthy. My DH said I am dooming our son before we know the results. We go for the test 15 of Aug and we actually get the results before we leave.
I did not want to share this on our Facebook because we have only told immediate family. And when we post it shows on our wall.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
OMG Julie...how awful for you! I would be upset too. How scary! As if you don't have enough on your plate! I don't know much about CF...did they give you a support group number or agency or anything like that? I wouldn't know what to do with that news. Hope that everything is okay for him! I guess I would be reading everything too...I hate not knowing. August still seems so far away! Just pray that all turns out fine :)
Barbie...I was on the panadine forte too...it made Ethan really sleepy so I am not taking it anymore. I hear you too about the constipation...gosh that sucks. I was told to get a laxative - it is a liquid medication that makes the stools soft and easier to pass. I got it at the local pharmacy. I just take one dose before bed and it seems to work wonders.
Ethan's reflux doesnt seem too bad...pretty sure it was nothing but him being a greedy guts. He has had some explosive poops recently...pretty sure it is a side effect from the antibiotics. I can't wait til I stop taking them.
DH wants to go out tonight to a work colleagues birthday party. I said he would have to catch a train or something cause I am not driving him into the city with the two little ones. I was invited too but am not going cause it seems pointless while I am still bfeeding and can't enjoy a glass of wine or whatever.
My goal is to pump off enough express milk so I can drink a glass or two on our wedding anniversary. It is this coming Wednesday. We have no money right now to get presents but I am sure planning a night out without the kids! Hopefully my mother will babysit for us.
Julie, my heart feels your pain :(. I'm sorry that you are going through this right now. We will all be waiting along side you for the testing in August.
How is your dH - is he handling everything ok? Supportive for you?
How is stone doing? Any cute pics to share?

I'm so glad the heat wave is over here. The temps are finally comfortable and lovely and cool at night- perfect!

Emily - date night out for your anniversary sounds perfect- I hope your mom will babysit!
Are you pumping regularly? I want to start pumping to store
Some in the freezer but I read that I should wait until 4-6 weeks? Also to avoid nipple confusion on the bottles? Anyone follow that or have you found there was no problems? Emerson is 3 weeks old today so I was thinking of starting in a week...
It's crazy how fast time goes. I get emotional thinking about how I can see these little changes in him and I'm so worried time is going too fast! I've also noticed that I have some anxiety when going out with him. I'm afraid we are going to get into an accident or I won't have a place to breastfeed him (bizarre I know considering I can feed him anywhere but I think it's more the social stigma of BF)
I'm working thru the anxiety and trying to get out everyday so I don't go crazy in the house.
Other little things: (sorry possibly tmi) heartburn gone right after birth - hallelujah!
Bleeding has pretty much stopped - phew
Hemorrhoids have gone down considerably -Yay!
Lol, it's the little things ;)
How's everyone else feeling!?

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