July 2017 Rainbows (13 Rainbows-4 pink -1 blue- 2 yellow- 2 angels)

I found baby's heartbeat on the Doppler for the first time today! It's thanksgiving here in the us and since we've had a good ultrasound we decided to tell my in laws. They are excited for us. :) I haven't been feeling great lately. A lot of nausea and exhaustion. I am always ready to fall into bed by 8pm.
Sil- That's great you heard the heartbeat! What kind of Doppler do you have? We just bought the sonoline b.
Sil - that's really exciting you found baby with the doppler! I can't wait to use ours. So awesome you told family :)

Blessedmomma - I used a sonoline B with DD and have it again this time around, I really like the doppler.

AFM - We didn't tell my in laws, there was just never a good moment. But everyone saw my seabands so I'm sure they did the math. Oh well, I think we'll wait until later in the week when we can just tell my in laws in a relaxed setting. Thank God for Zofran, I got to eat Thanksgiving dinner!! I can't wait to be able to try out our doppler, I wonder what the soonest baby could be heard would be... do you think trying at 7 weeks would be too early/silly?
The only thing I'd worry about with trying the Doppler this really is if you can't find the heartbeat... Getting worried about it. And it might just be to soon.
Dragonfly- I was gonna try at 7 weeks. I've decided I won't get upset knowing it may be too soon if I don't hear anything. I tried to skim the internet to see how early others have heard and the earliest I found was right before 8 weeks. I honestly don't think too many women use it much before then. And I did see a lot of women didn't hear anything until 10 weeks, but hey I figure I have it here why not! And I completely agree about the zofran. We had to get our Christmas shopping done today and there is no way I could even function without some relief. A couple nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night so sick I thought I was gonna throw up right there. I had to have hubs run downstairs and get me one. I'm so thankful.
Blessed I have a sonaline b too. I started trying a 8 weeks and first found it at 8+5. With DS2 I found it at 8+2. I didn't have it with ds1.
Blessedmomma - I may wait until 7 and a half weeks so it might be a little easier. I know I wont flip out if I don't find it, and I'm really hopeful that my appt at 8w2d they'll do an u/s. Seriously thankful for Zofran, I wish I could use other medications but they don't seem to work as well. My midwife assured me they wouldn't prescribe anything harmful. There's a few bad studies, but she felt the benefits outweighed the statistics.

AFM - I know I napped a lot when I was pregnant with DD but oh man, I started making lunch and I had to sit down because I felt so tired and just couldn't function anymore. Thankful DH ran errands with me this morning before he left for work, picked up some sour hard candies to suck on when my saliva gets too much and to try for the nausea.
Dragonfly- I have some other meds but nothing works as well as zofran for me either. And the 'natural' remedies don't work at all for me. I saw when they came out with the possibly bad side effects, but I've also read that the 'bad' things they witnessed are no different than the general population results are without zofran so I think it was bad research. My ob is friends with a high risk perinatologist who said the research was all bogus. I'm not worried about it at all. I've used it for my last 6 babies with no problems.
Blessed - That makes me feel so much better, I can't even begin to express the guilt I feel when I take one but it's what gets me through the day so I can be a mother to DD and actually eat food. I still have break through nausea with the zofran, but those moments I just take it easy and hope for the best.

My nipples are super sore this morning, I've bf DD for 23 months. I imagine as I get further along my milk will dry up and she'll wean herself. We have to start looking into moving her into a big girl bed too. We still cosleep and it works best for our family, but as my tummy grows and once #2 arrives she can't be in bed with us unless this one will sleep in a bassinet next to the bed. DD would never sleep in a bassinet, we started cosleeping because it was the way we all got sleep! Now I love the cuddles.
Dragonfly maybe you can try a big girl bed but still in your bedroom so it's not as big of a change for her. I breastfed my son until I got pregnant as well but he actually quickly self weaned when I hit about 6-7 weeks (he was 15 months old). I know some babies/toddlers continue to breastfeed through pregnancy and then cofeed when baby is born which is sweet (if it is something you and your dd wanted of course)
Dragonfly maybe you can try a big girl bed but still in your bedroom so it's not as big of a change for her. I breastfed my son until I got pregnant as well but he actually quickly self weaned when I hit about 6-7 weeks (he was 15 months old). I know some babies/toddlers continue to breastfeed through pregnancy and then cofeed when baby is born which is sweet (if it is something you and your dd wanted of course)

I'm hoping DH will agree to it, he's loved cosleeping as well. He slept with her on his chest while we were still in the hospital (I had a rough recovery). But lately her feet keep winding up in his face so he's saying it's time for her to move out to her own bed:haha: I would love to have her bed attached to ours that way she's still close enough to feel us if she wakes.
Hi ladies! :wave: I totally had something types up last night and then fell asleep before posting. Lol

So sorry for you ladies with such bad MS. And jealous of you ladies who get to hear their baby's heartbeat on the doppler! We didn't use one with the girls but I might have to get one this time!

I can totally relate to nursing and your nipples hurting! DD2 is still nursing at 20 months. There are times when I'm nursing her and get super nauseous. This is the first time I've nursed while pregnant but she only nurses at most 3 times a day. Tonight she didn't want any milk before bed, which was shocking!

I'm no help with co-sleeping. We moved DD1 to a bug girl bed before #2 and we'll likely out both the girls in bunkbeds for #3. We only co-sleeping the first 8-12 weeks though.
Maybe she's on her way to weaning herself if she went to bed without nursing. DD still likes to nurse to sleep, although I got DH to get her to fall asleep with him last night because she just wanted to play with me. Sorry you've gotten super nauseous while nursing, probably the hormones that wake up while nursing. Yikes, like the feeling when your uterus is shrinking back up after delivery and it's contractions while nursing, I remember those being very intense.
Yes, it seems as if she might be weaning which is bittersweet. I love nursing but getting nauseous while nursing is hard plus the nipple sensitivity. Her latch is horrible because we've gotten lazy but even when it's good it still hurts! And yes, I remember such intense cramping while nursing with both girls. I'm excited to feel kicks again. This is likely our last baby so I'm trying to enjoy it fully.
When I nurse DD I frequently get hungry all of a sudden, which then brings the nausea. Do you get hungry quickly? It's like we'll start nursing then all of a sudden I'm so hungry like I haven't eaten in hours, it only happens when we're nursing.
Dragonfly- I still have breakthrough nausea with the zofran too, but nowhere near as bad if I don't take it. I refused meds with my first 3 babies and that 3rd one I almost lost due to it. I had gotten dehydrated which made me have contractions. Then they found out he wasn't growing like he should. He wasn't getting the nutrients he needs. I felt so guilty! I was only trying to do what I thought was best and in doing so I was harming him. Please don't feel guilty for taking something. Your baby needs you to eat and drink and function! And we have co-slept with all 8 of ours. We both absolutely love it. Sometimes we have 2 in bed for a while if the next one comes while the last is little still. When we do move them to their own bed we put them in a toddler bed right next to ours. When we had a couple really fast we had a toddler bed on each side of us and one in bed with us haha. Right now my 10 month old is in bed with us and our almost 3 year old is in her toddler bed next to DH's side.

When I was nursing a baby and got pregnant my milk never actually dried up. Tandem nursing wasn't something I wanted to do so I started weaning over half through the pregnancy both times. My babies were about 18-19 mos both times. It was very emotional for me and seemed easier on them than it was for me.

Nika- oh my goodness my nipples were sore when I was nursing my last two babies and pregnant again!!! With the first baby I nursed (which was my 6th child) I would feel nauseous at the start of every feed. So when I got pregnant it intensified so much it was horrible. I'm not sure why it didn't happen with the others after nursing him.
Welcome baseball mom! I added you.

Hey ladies :wave:, glad the zofran is helping you blessed and dragonfly.

So how do you ladies feel about doing a fun sort of questions post every Monday? (chose this because it happens to be today lol). Just to see where everyone is and keep the conversation going. Basically I type out some questions and you all answer. I saw this being done at a different board and it seemed fun. I'll start by answering the questions myself.

How far along are you? Size of baby?

5+6 by LMP. Technically 6+2 by early ovulation. So either an apple seed or blueberry?

What are your symptoms this week?

Nausea has definitely come in full force. No vomiting but I can't even think about food without getting gaggy.

Do you have any appointments this week?

No. Still a month away. I feel like I won't be confident about this pregnancy at all until we have a scan and the wait is dragging :sad1:.

Will this be your first baby? If not, how many kids do you have?

Should be baby #2. I have a 15 month old DD.

Do you have a non pregnancy related rant?

I DREAD giving my daughter her naps. She fights me and fights me and I end up tired and super frustrated by the time she sleeps. I have to bounce on the yoga ball or drive her around to get her to sleep. And if she skips her nap she's a nightmare all day.

Oh and I hate deciding what to make for and actually making dinner. I wish I could delegate that duty to someone else.

What are you hoping for as far as your birth experience?

Hoping for an unmedicated VBAC but not stuck in my ways about it. Whatever is safest for me and baby.
How far along are you? Size of baby?

5+0 by LMP. I just moved from the poppy seed to the apple seed today but we have given the baby the nickname poppy :)

What are your symptoms this week?

I have been a little nauseous here and there. I gagged this morning brushing my teeth and I have a metal taste in my mouth today. I have had bad pressure headaches but that is from the condition I have. I’m also having cramping. Oh and exhaustion!

Do you have any appointments this week?

I went for bloods this morning. I have one more blood draw to do on Wednesday and then we are going to “talk” about next steps. If I don’t get a scan soon, I’m going to get upset. If I don’t get the answers I want from the nurse, I’m going to talk to the doctor. I just feel like this nurse that I have been talking to is blowing me off and snotty that I keep calling because I’m anxious. I can’t help it. We have been trying for 2 years with a chemical back in May. I have every right to want every test that will give me some peace.

Will this be your first baby? If not, how many kids do you have?

This will be #3 for me but #1 for my SO. I have 2 beautiful kids (14 yo DD and 9 yo DS) from a previous marriage.

Do you have a non pregnancy related rant?

I feel your pain about deciding what to make for dinner. I find that if I don’t plan out the week dinners ahead of time, it makes it so much harder.

What are you hoping for as far as your birth experience?

I’m hoping for an epidural as soon as my water breaks. I had my son so fast they couldn’t give me the epidural. The obgyn that delivered him said that if I ever have any more children that I can’t wait to get to the hospital.
Ok this should be fun!!

How far along are you? Size of baby?

6w5d by LMP and 6w3d by ultrasound so a blueberry.

What are your symptoms this week?
Constipation, heartburn, nausea, and bloating.

Do you have any appointments this week?

No. Ultrasound scheduled for December 7.

Will this be your first baby? If not, how many kids do you have?
First baby for us

Do you have a non pregnancy related rant?

I Can't say I do right now..

What are you hoping for as far as your birth experience?
Whatever is safest for me and baby
Ooh, fun!

How far along are you? Size of baby?

5+5 by LMP so apple seed at the moment, nicknamed Pip

What are your symptoms this week?
Insane hunger, and the nausea has truly kicked in today

Do you have any appointments this week?

No, but I did bump into the community midwife at work today. First appt with her booked for next week.

Will this be your first baby? If not, how many kids do you have?
Second baby, we have a 3yo DD

Do you have a non pregnancy related rant?

So many, yet all forgotten in this moment in time while I quiver next to a sick bowl and try not to puke :sick:

What are you hoping for as far as your birth experience?
Home water birth. I had a drug free water birth in a midwife unit with DD, she was born in less that 3.5hrs. There's a chance I may not make it to the hospital this time as I barely did with her, I laboured mostly in the car. So providing I stay low risk again, I'm staying home.

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