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July Babies!

Wow thanks canada and bug222 for sharing your pics. Both babies are gorgeous and making me really really wish my little one would arrive NOW! Canada that sounds like my kind of birth! xxx
Congratulations Bean! Maybe not the delivery you wanted, but your little one is here and healthy, which is exactly what you wanted! Looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing her name.

Canada, what a fantastic story! Celina is a beautiful little girl and obviously she's going to be accommodating right from the beginning. Really looking forward to that birth story.

Bug, what a gorgeous little man! And you look so happy and content in the picture where you're holding him.

Are all of you ladies moved over to the other thread for after we've had our babies? I'm relying on all of you to get it warmed up for us -- although at this stage it feels like Tiddler will never be here. I'm madly jealous of all these amazing babies who are already here. :blush:
so excited about all the babies!! how many ladies are hoping the full moon tonight might get things going? I know I am!
At my appointment today the Dr. said I'm 1-2 cm dilated cervix is soft. And he sceduled me an induction for the 17th! Hopefully I'll go before that.
quick update from me

Celina Susan was born June 30th at 6:52pm, 2wks early, vaginal delivery. A completely painless labour and delivery as I got dpi asap cause doc had to go do other surgeries....i will share the rest later....oh, no stitches as well....so no downstairs pain at all....will catch up and send pics in a bit:cloud9::happydance:

Your daughter is beautiful--I can't wait for your story and you had a easy labour--it does not get any better than that:thumbup: and how much did she weigh?
anyone else getting seriously bored of waiting? i'm only 5 days over and i'm going nuts already! had a sweep today but don't think it's done anything. just got to hope baby boy is this laid back and chilled when he's born!!
Yeah, very bored (and im not even due yet). Midwife said baby was engaged yesterday so i got all excited but after reading up on it, it means nothing really :( Good luck.. its surely only a matter of days now for you...
Yep definitely, and I'm not even due yet, getting loads of pains, BUT I was like this with DD2 for like the 1 to 2 weeks before hand :dohh: I hate the waiting game
I am fed up waiting, due tomorrow! Midwife is coming to do a sweep tomorrow so keeping my fingers crossed it gets things moving. I've tried all the natural methods with no joy at all!

Hope it happens for you soon albs and anyone else overdue xx
I'm seriously fed up of waiting. My due date isn't for another 9 days, but younger DD was born at 34 weeks so I've been mentally ready since then.

I lost my mucous plug about 2-3 weeks ago and got very excited, but there's been a whole lot of nothing since then, and I don't feel like Tiddler's going to be making a big entrance any time soon.
Had a headache yesterday and decided to take my blood pressure, was a little higher than normal. Took tylenol and rested on my lunch break and it went back down. Had a headaches again this morning and went away after some tylenol , I have a doc appt tomorrow so I'll definitely mention it. Hope its not the start of something serious....
bummer! I hope those headaches go away! could it be the heat?
I have an appt tomorrow, I get to see her on the screen hopefully for the last time before shes here! Ive been getting a ton of contractions that I can feel, but they arent consistent :wacko:
I have 13 days left. Getting impatient too but doing ok. I've been bouncing on my yogo ball everyday and eating pineapple everyday hoping they'll get things moving along.
We have decided to name our daughter Madeleine Grace. Unfortunately she doesn't really want to feed and we are stuck on the postnatal ward which is fairly tough going emotionally watching people arrive after us and leave before us. Feel fairly shellshocked and clueless but after getting a bit teary yesterday am getting lots of support from mw and feeding team. Hopefully it won't take too much longer for her to get the idea....
Oh Beanhunter she is beautiful!!!!!

I will type up my birth story when I get a few spare moments :)

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