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July Babies!

Oh beanhunter she is beautiful, good luck with the feeding, you will be out of there before you know xxxxxxxx
Gorgeous girl beanhunter! And a lovely name too. Hope shes feeding soon xx
beautiful name for a beautiful girl beanhunter! Glad your getting some support I hope she takes to feeding and you can both be home soon!
Beanhunter, Madeleine is absolutely gorgeous!!

I hope she clicks with the feeding idea soon and you can both get home to get settled into your proper routine.
Anyone else getting stabbing and jabbing pains in your cervix ? Like the baby is pushing down very hard? I had QUITE a few today where it has stopped me in my tracks and I couldn't walk.
Anyone else getting stabbing and jabbing pains in your cervix ? Like the baby is pushing down very hard? I had QUITE a few today where it has stopped me in my tracks and I couldn't walk.

Unfortunately yes, that combined with my back aching I think I'm falling apart :dohh:
Anyone else getting stabbing and jabbing pains in your cervix ? Like the baby is pushing down very hard? I had QUITE a few today where it has stopped me in my tracks and I couldn't walk.

yup, pretty much always at night when bubs decides it's time to party. they can be so bad they make me jump and pull faces. fortunately DH is working such long hours at the mo that he sleeps through, otherwise i'm sure he'd have thought i was in labour every night this week!

i was really hoping they meant i was dilating loads, but i had a sweep yesterday and i was only 1cm. better than nothing but i had hoped to be on my way by now.

oh well, 1 week anniversary of my due date tomorrow :dohh:
Ahh at least you're close Hun. I just had my midwife round and she couldn't do my sweep as cervix was too high and closed. Baby isn't on the way anytime soon!
last night I had such bad back pain with my BH I was almost crying.. I have an appt today so hopefully I get some good news on dilation and MAYBE an idea as to when she might make her appearance :thumbup: we are almost done ladies!
Yep, that's how mine feels. But mine mostly happen when I'm standing straight up. I went to the pool yesterday and after I got out I could def. feel the gravity pulling downwards when I got out of the pool.
Hi all...congrats to all you mommies! You have such beautiful little ones!!

Well, a big week for us is coming up. First off, hubby got a new job :happydance: and I can already tell a difference in our family!

Secondly (not so exciting) is my ultrasound didn't go as planned. My daughter is measuring small which I expected because My son was 6lbs 8oz at 41 weeks so I guess my hubby makes small babies. My fluid level is borderline low. I have more monitoring tomorrow. Another appt on tuesday and they are inducing me on the 12th. I really had hoped she would come on her own but I'm sort of giving up on that. She is mostly quiet now except for when we get on the monitors. It's almost over!
oh goodness overcomer, I hope your little one is just small and that theres nothing wrong! I had my appt today too and they said she was small as well, (I guess my DH makes them small too :haha: ) Im also 3cm and 50% effaced though which is where I was around this time with our first DD and she came at 38.5 weeks (born 6lbs 11ozs) This one is measuring about 5lbs 14ozs right now and Im 37 weeks now so if she follows in her sisters footsteps I could possibly have a baby next week!! :thumbup:
I have to have a sono every week from now until she comes though just to make sure there isnt a circulation issue with the placenta :shrug: the dr said she could just be small and thats just how my body makes them hahaha
That's the thing...they didn't check the placenta...so how are these non stress tests supposed to make me feel better????

I just got a call saying that they are monitoring tomorrow and since she is small...they want me to stay later after my appt on tuesday for monitoring and even said about fitting another one in but I'm being induced on thursday so don't know?????? I'm getting very frustrated with this..
thats odd... if youre already being induced thursday why do they want you to do so much testing?
Good luck overcomer, it seems they can't make up their mind what to do, hopefully she is just a petit baby :hugs:

Anyone else really struggling with sleeping, I can get off to sleep fine but I wake up at 5am EVERY morning and can't get back to sleep even though I'm tired and it's not like I can nap during the day :coffee:
i'm not doing too badly with sleeping, other than the fact i wake up about every 90 minutes needing to pee! one night i slept 3 1/2 hours in one go and it was like the biggest treat ever! i'm just looking at it as training for when the baby gets here. i am looking forward to getting possession of my bladder back!!
Overcomer that does sound odd, but it's reassuring that they want to keep such a close eye on LO before your induction date. You and Frisbee obviously bake the petite variety!!

Albs, not long to wait now. At least you know that the baby will be in your arms in the next few days no matter what! Not surprised that you're frustrated, though.

Ann, I'm really not enjoying those jabs straight down into the cervix. I'm trying to convince myself that each one is helping with dilation and effacement, but really they're just painful!

Hel, I haven't been too bad with sleeping (bathroom trips 4 and 5 times a night, but I fall right back to sleep afterwards), except for last night when I just couldn't get to sleep at all. It was 4am and I was still staring at the ceiling!

Not long at all now ladies, we're into the final straight. I still have a sneaking suspicion that Tiddler won't be here until Christmas, but I've got everything organised just in case.
Thanks for all your support. It really is starting to take a toll on me as I can't sleep at night...its elevating my bp (woke up to it being 158/85) but it will behave itself in the office. I'm just exhausted and frustrated. If they are that concerned looks like they would just go ahead and induce. Over here, the more they do, the more I will owe in the end. If I was 34 weeks, I would be ok with it ya know?
I was going to try to work until next Friday, had my doc appt yesterday and she told me to dial it back and that today should be my last day. I'm fine with that! :) wrapping up my last day today, can't wait to start my leave!

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