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July Babies!

hey all,

sorry I haven't been on for a while...we are in the process of moving and have been staging my house to prepare the sale. I wanted to share my birth story.

Saturday morning around 5am, I felt a little bit of water on my leg. For a second I forgot I was pregnant and was looking to see if I had a water bottle in my bed as I usually go to sleep with water near by. I jumped up and went to the bathroom to go pee....after I went, I realized that I was the one leaking and started to panic as I thought I would get contractions immediately. Thankfully nothing....I woke up hubby and said I think my water broke...I not in pain and think they might send us home if we go to the hospital, so let's go to Denny's and have breakfast lol

When we got to Denny's more of my water started to come out, but again, I felt completely normal. I changed my pants in the bathroom and then ate breakfast. After, I went to my grandma's house to drop off my son and step son as my mother was there. I was going to just wait there for a bit, but decided to go to the hospital just to make sure all was well.

When the doc came and checked me, my cervix was still closed and baby's head was high, and I was not in labour, but my water def broke. The doc decided to keep me there and start the labour incase baby started to get stressed. I was shocked because I could have sworn I would be sent home.

Because the anestegiologist had 2 major surgeries and he did not have a back up, I got the epidural right away, so......I had a contraction free labour....I did not feel anything

My grandma, mother and hubby were in the room for my delivery. My grandma requested last minute to come as she wanted to experience a delivery as she never seen hers and was always interested. She is from Trinidad and was so amazed at the technology we now have and the fact that hubby's can also be in the room...it was actually very special her being there.

I was in labour for 13hrs and Celina came our screaming.....It was a wonderful experience.

The only issue I have is, I started to get these pains in my spine at the top by my head and I am scared it was due to the epidural...if it continues, I will go to my docs on Monday.

Sorry for the novel, but this is actually the short form version. Im looking forward to reading everyone's experiences!


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congratulation canada! she is just gorgeous and i'm glad things seemed to go really well for you.

overcomer79 i hope things work out ok and you at least manage to relax and get some rest. you're on the home stretch now!

afisppq congrats on starting maternity leave. i LOVE it!

i've had mild period pain all day so am hoping that's a good sign. my doc is unavailable this weekend so if i go into labour i'll have the on call doc which i'm not too happy about, but at this point i just want to get him out! my induction is booked for tuesday so i still have a couple of days for things to get going.

if one more person tells me to go for a walk/have a curry/dtd i may hit them! it's all we've been doing for weeks!! (not that i'm complaining :blush:)
Wow - a contraction-less labour! Im jealous.. Congratulations Canada she is absolutely gorgeous.
oh what a wonderful story! Thats amazing you werent dilated yet when your water broke! I cant wait until this lo is out, Ive been put on bedrest with the whole possible circulation issue.. its driving me INSANE!!!
Hi all, now time is starting to drag and I'm somewhat afraid she is going to talk me out of my induction on thursday. I'm so miserable. I forgot my labender salts for my bath at the store yesterday so guess who gets to go back in 100 degree temperatures???

I'm hoping it helps with my swelling. I'm retaining fluid so bad that I have a burning pain when I bend my ankles and wrists. I have my next appt on tuesday and we are so close to declining the last NST. She is very active.

They didn't even schedule me an appt which means I could have to wait and I won't be waiting. We have a lot to do before thursday as it is.

I'm just ready for it to be over lol.
Hi ladies! Tiny girl is now 9 days old! Wow!
My water broke while I was asleep on June 28th. It was a rush of fluid. Called the hospital because I was not having contractions just cramping. Turns out this first time mother was feeling contractions all along. No one told me they felt like cramps!!! Went to he hospital and was at 3. Got my epidural at 6 after 1.5 hours of contractions! They checked me again three hours later, after the shift change I might add and we were completely dilated an effaced. Wonder how long I ha been like that? Pushed for an hour with really sporadic contractions and out she came! Beautiful and perfectly healthy. Spent four days in the hospital for jaundice which was entirely too long. Bad hospital staff experience! Overall thrilled to have this gift from God! Hope you ladies are doing well!
Awww peace thats brilliant news you have your tiny girl, and sounds like not too bad a first time labour! Has girl got a name yet?
Canada and Peace, congratulations to both of you -- sounds like they were both great experiences!!

Babynewbie, a big welcome to the world for baby Violet! Are you home yet -- and any pictures for us?

Overcomer, at least you have an end in sight. I bet she won't have any chance of talking you out of your induction on Thursday. :haha:

Albs, anything doing with you?

Me, I'm just ready for this little one to be here.
ah, so exciting to hear about all the new babies. helps me remember what's at the end of all this!

still nothing happening here. bit of cramping and lost some plug but nothing dramatic. i'm hoping that at least means i'm nearly ready to go and they won't have to get to involved with my induction. maybe just the gel will be enough to push me into action?? anyway, worst case senario it will all be over by wednesday.

good luck to everyone else approaching or past their d-date.
So Saturday at 2:30 pm I felt my water pop, my husband even heard it. Got to the hospital about 3:30 and got put in a room. She checked me around 4 and I was only 1cm and I was having contractions but I couldn't feel them. They put me on pitocin at 8 and got the epidural at 2am. Didn't get any sleep. When I was checked at 2 am I was only 3 cm. By 6:30 am I was in a lot of pain and they topped off my epi,she also checked me and I was fully dilated with her head right there
Doctor came at 7:30 and Madelyn was born at 7:45. Got a second degree tear which hurts like hell but so worth it! I will post pics as soon as I'm back home. Did not expect her 2 weeks early!
Thanks :flower: we are we came home yesterday, as soon as I can get on my laptop ill show off my little beauty :)
Congrats afisppq and babynewbie. Great news that everyone babies seem to be arriving! xx
So Saturday at 2:30 pm I felt my water pop, my husband even heard it. Got to the hospital about 3:30 and got put in a room. She checked me around 4 and I was only 1cm and I was having contractions but I couldn't feel them. They put me on pitocin at 8 and got the epidural at 2am. Didn't get any sleep. When I was checked at 2 am I was only 3 cm. By 6:30 am I was in a lot of pain and they topped off my epi,she also checked me and I was fully dilated with her head right there
Doctor came at 7:30 and Madelyn was born at 7:45. Got a second degree tear which hurts like hell but so worth it! I will post pics as soon as I'm back home. Did not expect her 2 weeks early!

Congratulations! Love the name - my girl is a Madeleine but rapidly becoming known as Maddie.

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