Kya Laraine was born 5th July at 205pm, weighing 10pound 8, 2 days of labour ending in a c-section, great experence all the same, she is just perfect, came home yesterday so after we get settled will update on birth story
Well, her growth has stalled more...she didn't graw a "week" this time so induction for tomorrow is set. Now the only issue is my head infection with my ears is coming back. I will push for something after delivery as I know the amoxicillin didn't take care of it. Heck it took over 2 weeks to completely get my hearing back. I hope my dr will give me something. Fingers crossed.
Ginny has passed every single NST so thankful for that. I will do my best to update tomorrow .
Overcomer, very exciting to know that you'll be meeting her tomorrow! Hopefully that ear infection will clear up quickly when you have something to treat it. Keep us posted!
Albs, been thinking about you today and waiting impatiently for news!!!
Do any of you ladies have issues with your legs feeling like rubber. I got up this morning and was make breakfast for my son. I had just started and all I had done was peeled a banana and I felt like my legs were going to give out on me and I felt so tired it was crazy I had to go sit down.
Congratulations MsHope, and welcome to your little girl! Looking forward to reading that birth story.
Try4, I've had a lot of tiredness issues over the past few weeks, and finding out I was low on iron explained some of them. I can't seem to stand up for long these days at all. Hope you feel more yourself soon.
Yeah ive nearly fallen over cos of weird legs a few times. I think its when the little monster moves her head onto the nerves that supply the legs... it always seems like she does this when im out in public too! xx
well, after 27 hours Jack Ewan arrived at 5:30pm on July 12th.
it was very difficult, all my birth plans went out of the window, i took all the drugs available and he had to be assisted out with the vacuum cup, but all was well in the end.
he weighed it at a whopping 4.34kg (9lb9oz!) and is just gorgeous.
will post more details and photos soon.
good luck to everyone still going.
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