July Babies!

ok, serious case of baby brain, it was july 11th, not the 12th! days have all kind of merged into one.

sorry if this is a bit long. feel free to skip forward to the photos at the end...

we came in 11am on tuesday for our induction. i was given one dose of prostoglandin gel and it kicked in almost straight away. by 2:30 i was contracting every couple of minutes. they got stronger and stronger and for about 12 hours i contracted every 1 1/2 minutes, each one lasting 45 seconds to a minute. this was absolutely exhausting and they weren't really getting me anywhere. at about 3am i had a shot of morphine - something i never intended to do, but i was so tired and knew i still had a long long way to go. it allowed us both to get an hour or two sleep which was great. wednesday morning my doc examined me and after 16 hours of constant contractions i was only 2cm dilated. i could have cried. i was 1 - 2cm dilated before i even started! i tried gas and air but it didn't do anything except make me feel dizzy inbetween contractions. about 9am i asked for an epidural and it took about 45minutes for the on call anaesthatist to arrive. he was brilliant. apparently my back was very awkward and it took a little while to do, but it was amazing. the pain from the constractions went, but i could still move my legs.
about 3pm i started to push. i couldn't feel the contractions but the whole thing was still hugely uncomfortable as my epidural was allowed to wear off a little to give me the best chance of pushing correctly and at the right time. he began labour posterior and although he had turned a little he wasn't quite in the right position and after two hours he was almost there but we couldn't quite make the last little bit so the doc got the vacuum cup. it took 3 more contractions and pushes to get him out which was excrutiating and the doc said it was the hardest vacuum delivery she had done and her arms were very sore afterwards. however, he arrived, was put on my chest while the doc stictched me up and everything was fabulous!
my doctor was amazing, so calm, but also making sure i didn't give up and she really helped me through it. dh was amazing too, couldn't have done it without him.
he's sleeping pretty well and after a shaky start seems to be getting the hang of breastfeeding.
i'm absolutely exhausted and feel like i've been beaten up but it's just amazing. he's absolutely gorgeous and i love him to pieces.
like i said before, it wasn't at all the birth we'd planned, but i feel we made all the right decisions at the time.

anyway, enough rambling. here her is...


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congratulations Albs! Gorgeous pics. My birth plan went out the window too, but mostly because i didn't realise what was happening until baby's head was practically out!
Glad you're okay with how it went.
Oh albs he is gorgeous!! Thanks for posting your story, brought a tear to my eye!! Congrats hun. Hope to see you in baby club when I join soon :)
Congrats to everyone

Well my yellow bump turned blue, little james was born on tues 10th at 17.15pm weighing 8lb 4.5, quick labour (again) but managed to make it to the hosp this time!! Got to the hosp at 1ish, got seen at about 2, I was barely 1cm, but having contractions and due to my history they sent me up to the ward at about 3.30, by 4.15 I made it to 3 cm so got taken to the labour ward, james was fine but my bp was high and my heart rate was at like 154!! so at 5ish she broke my waters (only 4ish cm) all clear, but I then had the urge to push! So 5 mins later he was born!

But later that evening james got taken down to neo-natal as he was grunting and they thought he could have an infection, so he had 48 hrs of anti-biotics, an iv drip and was in an incubator - he was not interested in feeding, but eventually managed to get him to feed at 3pm on wed and on thurs afternoon he came back up to the ward to me - it was horrible being on the ward by myself but the nurses in neo-natal were fab, I could go down any time I liked and take him out to cuddle.

Just got home today and luckily both the girls are besotted with him! Xx
Congratulations ms_hope, albs and hel_5!!!!!!
Congratulations Hel_5!! cant wait to see pictures! that sounds like an awesome labor!
Congrats hel_5!! And yay for little boys!

Only 4 days till my induction!
Congratulations Albs!!! He's a real stunner, and that's quite the birth story. I bet you're exhausted.

And Hel, it can't have been easy to be on the ward without your wee James. I'm so glad he's home and healthy.

Well, my yellow bump also turned blue -- Dimitri arrived at 1:09am today, right on his due date.

I had an OB appointment yesterday, where they found protein in my urine and my BP was ridiculously high. When I booked in, though, my BP was fine and they decided the anomaly was an artefact of the recording process in the clinic. They decided to keep me overnight and make a decision on induction in the morning as I still had a lot of protein in my urine.

My waters broke at exactly midnight last night, and the contractions were strong and frequent from the beginning. At 12:20 I let the ward midwife know, and at 12:30 she hooked me onto the trace machine for half an hour. Baby's heartrate was strong, but I found it difficult to lie so still through the strong contractions. Because I deal well with pain, midwife told me I had a long way to go, and asked about my plans for pain relief. But, just after 1am, as I leaned forward from the trace machine bed, I felt the head right there and had the strongest urge to push.

I had to call the midwife back, she whipped my pyjama bottoms off and saw that baby's head was beginning to descend. I was tossed onto a wheelchair with a towel barely covering my modesty while they literally ran with me to an empty room. Dimitri arrived a few minutes later after three pushes, I never even made it to the labour ward.

So, no pain relief, no episiotomy or tearing, labour of just over an hour and we came home at lunchtime. I couldn't have asked for a better experience, except of course that I was all on my own.

My baby boy is just perfect -- I'll post pictures very soon.
Congratulations Albs!!! He's a real stunner, and that's quite the birth story. I bet you're exhausted.

And Hel, it can't have been easy to be on the ward without your wee James. I'm so glad he's home and healthy.

Well, my yellow bump also turned blue -- Dimitri arrived at 1:09am today, right on his due date.

I had an OB appointment yesterday, where they found protein in my urine and my BP was ridiculously high. When I booked in, though, my BP was fine and they decided the anomaly was an artefact of the recording process in the clinic. They decided to keep me overnight and make a decision on induction in the morning as I still had a lot of protein in my urine.

My waters broke at exactly midnight last night, and the contractions were strong and frequent from the beginning. At 12:20 I let the ward midwife know, and at 12:30 she hooked me onto the trace machine for half an hour. Baby's heartrate was strong, but I found it difficult to lie so still through the strong contractions. Because I deal well with pain, midwife told me I had a long way to go, and asked about my plans for pain relief. But, just after 1am, as I leaned forward from the trace machine bed, I felt the head right there and had the strongest urge to push.

I had to call the midwife back, she whipped my pyjama bottoms off and saw that baby's head was beginning to descend. I was tossed onto a wheelchair with a towel barely covering my modesty while they literally ran with me to an empty room. Dimitri arrived a few minutes later after three pushes, I never even made it to the labour ward.

So, no pain relief, no episiotomy or tearing, labour of just over an hour and we came home at lunchtime. I couldn't have asked for a better experience, except of course that I was all on my own.

My baby boy is just perfect -- I'll post pictures very soon.


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