July Firecrackers 2018

eppgirl I'm sorry you are going through this, but crazy to believe you will have a baby in about a week. Sorry also to everyone else going through pain and discomfort. I've had a unicorn pregnancy until the last couple of weeks- I've started to get really bad lower back pain on my right side when standing or walking more than a few minutes. I was doing so well and working out a lot and then boom, now I have this bad pain out of nowhere. Luckily it goes away when I sit down, but makes doing anything that involves moving or standing a bit difficult.

It's really hard to believe that we will all have babies here in the next month or so. Time is certainly flying by now!
JWC it sounds like you might have an engaging baby. All that pressure and trouble walking usually is caused from the baby dropping. You're at about the time when it happens too.

I had another bout of BH today... they are still continuing :brat:

On a positive note we finally bought a crib and set it up. We also bought baby a car seat and clothes. We're ready for him if he decides to make an unexpected early appearance but I'm really hoping he holds off until 36/37 weeks at least. Only thing I still need to do is pack my hospital bag.
Last night I had terrible back pain as well. I wonder if baby dropped? I don't feel a ton of pressure and I've had bad pelvic pain for weeks/months now and that is still there, so who knows. At my appointment Friday she was head down but not engaged. My little one is also super active, less kicks now but more movements and pushes and I also feel little hands down low, and headbuts hahaha.
I have an appointment on the 6th at the hospital with the consultant and then midwife on the 12th. I had to have bloods taken cause my iron levels dropped a little but I’ve been craving ice so much recently and I’ve read it’s a sign of low iron so I think I’m going to ask for some iron tablets just to be on the safe side.
I have an appointment on the 6th at the hospital with the consultant and then midwife on the 12th. I had to have bloods taken cause my iron levels dropped a little but I’ve been craving ice so much recently and I’ve read it’s a sign of low iron so I think I’m going to ask for some iron tablets just to be on the safe side.

I was going to ask if anyone else has been craving ice. I’m eating it by the handful. It’s all I want!! Plus it’s super hot here...
Anyone else used red raspberry leaf tea in previous pregnancies? I did my last one and she was out in 3 contractions so I guess it can’t hurt? I ordered it again this time. What about evening primrose oil? My cervix hasn’t dilated by itself in either of my labors. Does it make a difference whether taken orally or inserted?
I can’t get enough of ice. I think I’ve gone through 100 icepoles in the last month :haha: frozen raspberries are lush too. I’ve never used raspberry leaf tea.
Anyone else used red raspberry leaf tea in previous pregnancies? I did my last one and she was out in 3 contractions so I guess it can’t hurt? I ordered it again this time. What about evening primrose oil? My cervix hasn’t dilated by itself in either of my labors. Does it make a difference whether taken orally or inserted?

I drank raspberry leaf tea in my last pregnancy and daughter was also out in 3 pushes. Have started drinking again, i like the taste if nothing else! And seems a good alternative to tea and coffee.
So for those not on Facebook

I had a bleed Saturday so spent 5 hours up the hospital being checked. All seemed ok.

I am negative blood so had to have anti d. However the bloods they took before my injection have come back high levels of anti bodies:( so I have to have a repeat blood test tonight which is 72 hours after the first. Not sure what happens if it's increased again but it can cause issues with baby if baby is positive which of course I won't no until birth
Thinking of you glong. Keep us posted. Hope all goes well with the repeat tests!

So I have been having mild period like cramps for about 12 hours, since last night. I had a bath last night and that helped a bit but they didn't clear up completely. I was able to sleep but of course got to sleep late and I sleep terribly all the time anyway, up to pee and shift positions, and I noticed a little cramping throughout the night and again this morning. It's mild, and comes and goes but not really with any consistency that I can tell. Normal??
Could they be mild braxton hicks, Ali?

Hope the est comes back fine, going.

I had my consultant appointment today and that’s my last, now I carry on seeing the midwife. My legs and feet are pretty swollen today but my blood pressure was perfectly fine at the appointment. She noted that baby was 4/5th engaged so I’m guessing that’s why walking is a little harder lol
Unique that's possible, they have gone away now which is good. I have noticed few BH this pregnancy and they've been painless, just the discomfort of the tight belly feeling (like it's stretching my skin almost?), these felt just like period cramps. They've gone away since yesterday afternoon and I've not noticed them since so I am assuming it was a growing pain or something normal! She's been active the last few days too so maybe I'm bruised in there hahaha!
Not to scare you Aligator but those period type pains are usually associated with effacement and dilation of your cervix. It doesn't necessarily mean labor is imminent but it does mean that things are happening like they should be. I usually get them during my last month.
Oh really?! That's crazy! None of my googling told me that haha. Although I admittedly didn't Google a lot, I just wanted to make sure it was okay and once I read it was mostly normal I stopped. The pains have gone away...I would be ok if she came in a few weeks but I do want her to cook a little longer to avoid any possible NICU stays or preemie issues.
I am over 36w now and get period pains randomly since 34w. I never had it with my other two pregnancies, so I was getting worried, but have heard it is normal. And if it is labour it will get worse. You'll know it's labour ;)
Many people have said there's no mistaking labour pains!!!

So another new symptom...lightning crotch. Baby's movements are really painful and I think she's dropped some and it hurts SO MUCH down there :(
Ooh the lightning. I’ve been having that for about 3 weeks now and it feels as though it’s getting heavier when I walk. I have the midwife on Tuesday so I’m intrigued to know if baby’s head had dropped any more, it’s only 4/5th at the moment.
I had my husband buy 2 huge bags of pellet ice. It's the best way to stay cool and hydrated. I craved it in my last pregnancy too.

My sister just had her baby, so I'm getting anxious to get my little guy here. Feeling huge and uncomfortable. Back pain is ramping up again as is poor sleep. Also, probably TMI, but my boobs have started leaking at night already!! Guess they just remember what to do from my first. I'm so annoyed that I'm already having to use nursing pads.

I've pretty much given up on anything but dresses at this point. Nothing else is as cool or comfortable!! May this last month go quickly for us all!
I live in dresses too! I hope these last 5 weeks go fast...physically this is so tough!
I keep having labor dreams... as much as I want this pregnancy to be over, I am so not ready for labor!

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