Hey peeps, just back from our private nuchal (NHS don't offer it here in NI) and celebratory café brunch. Wee Bagel bang on for size, nuchal at 1.5 mm, adjusted Downs risk 1630 which is fab for my age. Husband is a scientist though and likes a more definite answer so is shelling out 400 smackers for the Harmony test. I could buy a handwoven sling for that

but if it reassures him, then great.
Sonographer said baby is impeccably behaved and she'll be using some of the pics for her re-accreditation.
The skull looks perfect - it was the first thing she checked to reassure me - and the spine (as far as you can tell at 13w) looked good too, but hospital will double check that in 3 weeks
Here he/she is, sucking thumb or picking nose - either way, definitely my child

Think pink for me!
I'm new at this nub/skull theory stuff, but based on skull and comparing yours to my kids' ultrasounds, yours looks very close to my girls' ultrasounds.
Hi everyone, I've been following this thread for quite some time now but I've never posted anything (I'm new to babyandbump--not even sure if I'm doing this correctly). Thought I'd finally jump in! I'm 15 weeks today and get to find out the gender next Thursday. So.Excited.
I love catching up with everyone's post each day and feel grateful that this little forum exists
Wow, baby bond 'justgender' scan is £39, that's cheap!
I wish! Gender Only's here are $90!
Wow, baby bond 'justgender' scan is £39, that's cheap!
Blimey that is cheap!
Tulip - great advice
anyone else still exhausted all the time? I was never this tired with my other pregnancies.
I find I'm MORE tired lately than early on. No matter how much sleep I'm getting, I'm still exhausted.
Hi Ladies,
The scan and testing went very well, we are very low risk for Downs, 1 in 3000 chance.
Baby was very uncooperative, did not want to lay properly, they had to wake her up, and she was not impressed, she showed them the hand, lol
I heard the heart beat, OMG, I can just cry and cry some more.....
We saw every little thing, the kidneys, the bladder, 5 fingers and 5 toes on each hand and foot...
And we are TEAM PINK!!!!!!!!!!
ITS A GIRL, I am beyond excited...
They are a bit worried for gestational diabetes for me, and told me to stay away from all juices and fruits, I am only allowed 2 fruits a day.
Because of the insulin resistant and PCOS, I have a higher risk of getting it.
They also picked up 2 fibroids, but she said it will not harm baby at all... Thank God...
here are the pics, and one of my bump, or flabby tummy.... LOL
YAY! Congrats on Team Pink!
Sorry I haven't been around ladies. Last week, when my son got bronchitis, it set off a chain of sickness in my house, and of course, the deadbeat has been ditching his kids and refusing his visitations, leaving me to miss work, and thus, money. I'm the only one of us working. Then he tried to tell me he can't take them because he's on morphine for pneumonia. I know morpine depresses breathing, so no doctor would give that, which just tells me he's a liar sack of meconium. When I called him on it, his only response was to call me a pig and other names. Saturday night, took my oldest to the hospital after she spiked from 103.1 to 104.3 in half an hour despite Advil and she was having trouble breathing and rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. They did an xray, blood, urine, and an IV and sent us home at 4:30am telling me it was just a bladder infection.
Monday, the fever finally broke and she went to school Tuesday morning, the extremely cold day where we had the ONLY school board who didn't close school. I sent them only cuz I had a lawyer appointment and my midwife appointment. (Midwife got pushed ahead again cuz of another delivery) 4 hours after school started, I got a call to come get her because she was lethargic and not acting herself. They couldn't interest her in anything, and could barely get her to look at them, let alone respond. She seemed okay once she got home, no fever and active, so we all went to my midwife appointment that afternoon. She went to bed two hours early that night, at 6:30pm and when I went to wake the kids for school the next day, she was burning hot again and had a fever of 103. I looked up fevers that go away and come back again a day later, and found pneumonia. So I got my son on the bus and took her back to the hospital. Once she was registered, she fell asleep again on the waiting room chairs. This is a child who has autism and NEVER sleeps. She slept the rest of the day. Every time a nurse or doctor came to see her, or check her temp or vitals, she could barely open her eyes. She didn't budge when they did another set of blood work. They roused her long enough to get another chest xray, and then she fell aleep again. She was practically comatose.
After her xray, they told me she was being admitted to pediatrics, but we had to wait for a room to be available. Well, doesn't it turn out, there's an hour til school ends, and I have NO ONE to get my son from school. I called his dad, who refused to answer the phone, and then finally texted back about the morphine crap. I asked him to ask his family, because all mine live out of town, and he refused. I couldn't find a friend to get him, so my last resort was CPS, who said it needed to be scheduled two weeks in advance, but the worker was going to make my ex do it. Once my son was picked up, I got a text from him stating he was driving while stoned on morphine, and that I am a pathetic, stupid and irresponsible mother. Yes, completely irresponsible for not being able to leave my sick and comatose child at the hospital alone to get my other child. I sent him a message back that if he was that sick, he could bring Isaiah to me at the hospital, as I already had other arrangements for care for them while I stayed with Zoe. He turned around and told me no, that I could call the police to go get him and that he would gladly tell the police he illegally drove intoxicated and then proceeded to call me names again. Once Zoe was admitted upstairs to paeds, a friend leant me some money to put gas in my van and get the court order from my house (police were no help and stated they would not remove my son without seeing the court order, even though my ex was admitting to posing a danger, and they would not even look at the texts unless I presented the court order).
Anyway, got the court order from my house, went across town and got my son, came back to the hospital where Zoe was STILL out cold. I made arrangements for my other two kids, but the babysitter was late because of supper with her family, and the only time Zoe would rouse was to beg me to make her brother and sister leave so she could sleep.
The next morning, she woke up and was more awake through the day, but not up to her normal self. The doctor came in and said it wasn't pneumonia but there was a big possibility of H1N1 because all her symptoms fit. He went to go look for the swab results from the night before but they weren't back yet so we had to wait til after supper. He came back and said the swab was negative, but it was being sent out of town for further testing and that we were staying another night. Through the night, she broke out in a bad rash and her cheeks were bright red, but no fever. When the doctor came back Friday morning, he diagnosed Fifth Disease and sent us home.
GAH! And of course, my youngest came down with bronchitis yesterday a few hours after her sister was released, and while my daughter was inpatient, I went and registered in emerge cuz I KNEW I had a UTI. Well, I went to go fill the script only to LOSE it, and the nurse at 5:30am with an empty waiting room said she would not look up my visit from a whole 36 hours beforehand and have the doc rewrite a script for me, that I had to give another sample and wait "hours"...I couldn't do that.
Anyway, when Anberlin was given her script for bronchitis, I asked for another script for the UTI and we went on our way.
And this morning my engine light started flashing again, meaning my van is breaking down...again.
I'm soooooo ready for this bad luck streak to be over with.
But court for full custody is on Tuesday, and thankfully, my laptop being stolen did not hinder my ability to gather the evidence that mattered. I'm kinda seeing it as a blessing in disguise, cuz I would have sent in a lot of stuff that didn't matter. I also have my IPS Screening ultrasound on Tuesday and FINALLY back to work on Wednesday.