July Jelly Beans!! 2014!

Wow brandi I feel so sorry for you. I used to knit and crochet. But with working 2 jobs I just don't find the time.

On another note my dad is doing much better.

I think the ms has gone completely now..

Although I am more tired than ever........

Regarding cloth nappies I pretty much wont be doing that. I had my fair share when my nephews and nieces were babies.... lol
Oh my, you ladies have inspired me.

I can decide whether to learn to crochet or knit, is one a better way to start than the other or are they both on a similar level in terms of difficulty

I learnt to knit as a child and taught myself to crochet (with a bit of help from my mum) last summer. I have never mastered the art of holding knitting needles properly with the result that I'm a very slow knitter as i have to release one needle to wrap the wool around (proper knitters can do this without letting go!). However, with crochet, i have a much better technique and can crochet much more fluidly. I'm not sure whether this is because i learnt as an adult. As Tulip said, crochet work also grows much more quickly although the language of the patterns is a bit less clear than the way in which knitting patterns appear to be written. I think crochet is easier to pick up quickly in that you can learn some fairly complicated looking stitches early on. I will try to post a picture of the first two pieces that I crocheted last summer in a bit.
This was the first thing that I made. It still needs to be pressed, so is a bit curly at the edges at the moment.

The second thing I made was a baby's cardigan, but that is stuck upstairs in a cupboard somewhere!


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Ooh it's gorgeous! Looks like it's been done by a pro!

Once I've submitted my essay on Friday I'm going to look into learning :)

How's everyone doing? I'm going to put up a bump pic soon, it's properly coming along now :happydance:

I want to see everyone elses!
My bump pic's a week late. My daughter hasn't been to daycare last week because of all the sickness going through so one hasn't been taken.

I just had three girls show up at my house with a cat. Apparently someone responded to a Kijiji ad and said I wanted a cat and gave my address. My son is allergic to cats. And I had a cat when I was pregnant with my oldest and there is a correlation between microcephaly and toxoplasmosis. I haven't have a cat during the pregnancy with either of my other two.

Anyway, almost done cleaning! Can't wait to rest!

Hope everyone's having a great day!
I'm so jealous of everyone's bumps. I still don't have one. My anxiety levels are climbing because I'm weaning off my meds and I've had 2 unexplained panic attacks in the last fortnight. Now I have 2 New sources of anxiety, "why isn't my bump growing?" and "what am I going to do about the buggy"
I bought a travel system off a friend because it sounded amazing but when they've delivered it and I've had chance to look the front wheels don't turn to steer and I think it will be too big for my car. I've sent them a message but I haven't heard back yet so I'm in a panic that I'm going to have the extra stress of selling it on.
I've also been worried today as my bump seems to be getting smaller! No doubt it's because the bump is not baby but just fat accumulated from two holidays/vacations and Christmas. I guess I'm just naturally shedding a bit of weight now I'm eating normally again. Went out for my first gentle jog this morning. It was the first time I've done any exercise since the IVF so I was a bit worried I might cause some harm but I actually feel much better for doing it. It's amazing how fast my lung capacity has deteriorated though. I had two stitches and had to walk up all the hills! Is anyone else exercising whilst pregnant? I'm due to start pregnancy yoga next week and also want to try to fit in one gentle PT session a week as well as the running. I'm hoping the exercise will make me better prepared for the birth.

Speaking of buggies, how on earth do you determine which one is right for you? There seems to be a worrying array to chose from. I had a quick look on the John Lewis website the other day and I didn't know where to start!
I've been doing no excercise and I must say I feel crap - Went for a swim on friday night and felt tons better after, so think that'll be a good start to getting back into it - yoga is meant to be really good, let us know how it goes frustrated!
I want to start swimming regularly again, and want to find a pregnancy yoga DVD to do at home.

With regards to buggies, the best thing to do is try them out for real in a shop like mothercare or babies r us or a department store etc. see how easy they are to push, what their turning circle is like, whether you can push them easily one handed, if they have a decent amount of storage underneath + handles that allow you to put your handbag/ nappy bag over them. See how easy they are to fold/ unfold and how small they get - are they easy to transport when folded? (For example if you're folding it up to get on a bus or train) - again, can you fold them one handed, in case you're holding the baby in your other arm etc. Do they have the option of being forward or parent facing? (Good for interaction with baby if it parent faces), do they come with rainwear or extras, do you want a neutral colour so you can reuse it for future children?

Once you've decided if you like it, then go online and look at reviews, in case there are issues that arise through actual use that you might not have thought of etc :)
I've been doing no excercise and I must say I feel crap - Went for a swim on friday night and felt tons better after, so think that'll be a good start to getting back into it - yoga is meant to be really good, let us know how it goes frustrated!

Will do. I've done yoga in the past and found it really relaxing so hopefully the pregnancy yoga will be much the same.

I want to start swimming regularly again, and want to find a pregnancy yoga DVD to do at home.

With regards to buggies, the best thing to do is try them out for real in a shop like mothercare or babies r us or a department store etc. see how easy they are to push, what their turning circle is like, whether you can push them easily one handed, if they have a decent amount of storage underneath + handles that allow you to put your handbag/ nappy bag over them. See how easy they are to fold/ unfold and how small they get - are they easy to transport when folded? (For example if you're folding it up to get on a bus or train) - again, can you fold them one handed, in case you're holding the baby in your other arm etc. Do they have the option of being forward or parent facing? (Good for interaction with baby if it parent faces), do they come with rainwear or extras, do you want a neutral colour so you can reuse it for future children?

Once you've decided if you like it, then go online and look at reviews, in case there are issues that arise through actual use that you might not have thought of etc :)

Thanks for the tips. I guess we will have to dedicate an afternoon to checking them out! Sounds like a trip over to the mainland is required as we don't have much selection over here in Jersey!
Sorry you're going through so much anxiety charlie. I hope it settles for you :hugs:

I'm not really going out of my way to exercise. Running around at work is enough exercise, combined with chasing 3 kiddos.

Don't worry about disappearing bumps, ladies. It's common around this stage as you transitions from the bloat to the real belly and the uterus starts coming out of the pelvic bone.

I kinda made the mistake of buying my travel system on cuteness. I wanted monkeys, and found monkeys (then fell in love with the same travel system with an owl theme), and it's a good system, cute, sturdy, warm, large storage underneath...BUT, my least favourite feature is that it is not easy to fold. There are two different switch buttons to unlock it while it's in the upright position, and then it folds forward, instead of backwards, which is kinda stiff to do, and then it's a fight to turn the wheels properly so that you can get the latch to lock it closed. It's enough to make me want to return it, but I already registered it, and put it together so the store wouldn't take it back. I'll learn to deal with it...cuz it's so cute.
After spending all morning miserable and close to tears for no reason I've now made a doctor's appointment. I've suffered with bouts of depression on and off for nearly 15 year so I know the signs. I decided rather than waiting for it to get worse I'd see a doctor and hopefully get back to enjoying this pregnancy.
Hope you feel better soon Charlie. I'm sure coming off all the IVF meds must also have an effect. I was like the b*tch from hell for two days last week for no apparent reason. In addition to feeling really grumpy I also felt really miserable (just like a really bad dose of PMT), when I've got everything to be thankful for at the moment. Happily it passed and I hope it was just my body readjusting to not being on all the medication. Obviously, I understand that your situation is different if you're coming off anti-depression meds too. Hopefully the doc will be able to help :hugs:
Charlie - Positive move!:thumbup: Hope your doctor can suggest something for you X
I wanted to agree with trying out buggies and also confront parents, no really, if you see a aprent pushing a buggy that you are keen on ask them about it, what have you got to lose right?

I had my gender scan this morning and was releived to see HER kicking about <3 cant beleive im going to have another wee baby girl!
Congrats Celine. I'm hoping to find out Wednesday. Good suggestion on asking a parent who you see pushing one you've had your eye on.

I haven't even looked at strollers/travel systems in depth or anything else baby related yet. Just cruised the aisles and checked things out. Guess I need to get serious soon. It all seems a lil overwhelming with all the options available these days. And I'm a sucker for going with cuteness but will try to refrain from letting that be the decision maker.

Sorry you are having a rough time Charlie. Very wise of you to go ahead and see a dr now instead of waiting or trying to deal with it on your own.

Oh my Brandi, your new year has started off with a bang! Good luck in court. I'll soon be having to go back to court with my ex and I dread it but it needs to happen before baby gets here and my job ends. That is a scary thing to hear about your daughter. I would be a nervous wreck but it seems you handle it very well. I wish you had a better support system to help with the kiddos as I know the ex is a douche to put it mildly. You are a very strong woman and I admire that about you.

I've been off of my ivf meds since 11wks and I think it's all finally out of my system. Seems like my weight gain has leveled off and I'm happy about that. I finally got a new scale the other day since mine bit the dust. I weighted myself this morning and I'm still holding at what I was at 9wks. I'm not trying to pack on too much too soon. I haven't started exercising but today I am going to troll the internet and find me a yoga dvd. I've never done yoga and would like to start.

I'm not into knitting or crocheting. However my youngest daughter has learned how to knit, self taught. I would love to be super crafty but it seems to come and go with me, lol. My mom and aunt can sew like there is no tomorrow...I am lucky to sew a straight seam! I hope to get into doing some projects once my job is finished and I have more time. We shall see

Sorry if I missed anyone, I'm usually always MIA on the weekends. Who has an appt this week?
Congratulations, Celine! Two girls will be lovely!

Good idea about asking other parents. I found myself staring at the pushchairs people had last week. Unfortunately I was judging them on the basis of what they looked like rather than how practical they were!
Thanks everyone. I'm feeling a little better this afternoon so I think my normal coping mechanisms are kicking in. I'll try have an early night though because being tired makes me worse. I had a brief Google and discovered pre-natal depression is a thing and people who had trouble conceiving (check), a history of depression (check) and some other situations can be more prone to it so I'll definitely keep my doctors appointment.
Scan went well my confirmed edd : 21 july 2014 wen anyone has time please put me on the front page good luck ladies n thanks :)
Congrats Celine. I'm hoping to find out Wednesday. Good suggestion on asking a parent who you see pushing one you've had your eye on.

I haven't even looked at strollers/travel systems in depth or anything else baby related yet. Just cruised the aisles and checked things out. Guess I need to get serious soon. It all seems a lil overwhelming with all the options available these days. And I'm a sucker for going with cuteness but will try to refrain from letting that be the decision maker.

Sorry you are having a rough time Charlie. Very wise of you to go ahead and see a dr now instead of waiting or trying to deal with it on your own.

Oh my Brandi, your new year has started off with a bang! Good luck in court. I'll soon be having to go back to court with my ex and I dread it but it needs to happen before baby gets here and my job ends. That is a scary thing to hear about your daughter. I would be a nervous wreck but it seems you handle it very well. I wish you had a better support system to help with the kiddos as I know the ex is a douche to put it mildly. You are a very strong woman and I admire that about you.

I've been off of my ivf meds since 11wks and I think it's all finally out of my system. Seems like my weight gain has leveled off and I'm happy about that. I finally got a new scale the other day since mine bit the dust. I weighted myself this morning and I'm still holding at what I was at 9wks. I'm not trying to pack on too much too soon. I haven't started exercising but today I am going to troll the internet and find me a yoga dvd. I've never done yoga and would like to start.

I'm not into knitting or crocheting. However my youngest daughter has learned how to knit, self taught. I would love to be super crafty but it seems to come and go with me, lol. My mom and aunt can sew like there is no tomorrow...I am lucky to sew a straight seam! I hope to get into doing some projects once my job is finished and I have more time. We shall see

Sorry if I missed anyone, I'm usually always MIA on the weekends. Who has an appt this week?

I have mine this week and I just wish it would be here already :growlmad:

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