I wish I had never gone in. Now I know I won't relax until I see a heartbeat. And if this pregnancy IS in the uterus, and does go to term, it will for sure be my last one, because I never want to feel this state of panic again.
So after the doctor came to tell me that the OB was coming down, she was 45 minutes late so I went to ask the nurse if she was still coming. She said yes, but that she was probably running behind and I needed to stay because my ultrasound was "questionable". Panic set in again. Keep in mind, I've now been there for 9 hours.
So the OB comes in, finally, a few minutes later and starts asking about the history, and when she asks when my LMP was, I told her October 15...and she got upset. The emerge doctor told her that I was 5 weeks pregnant!!! So, here, she's ready to tell me my uterus was empty and there was no pregnancy and try and get me to end the pregnancy!
So, it turns out she studied with the surgeon and fertility specialist who is following me, and she did say that there were some abnormal findings on my ultrasound, which is likely related to having the surgery, and that it's just way too early to see anything...but, we cannot rule out an ectopic. She reiterated to me that based on my levels, 16 on Thursday, 70.48 on Sunday, 112 today, that it is unlikely that it is ectopic and that I really need to keep a close eye on my levels until they are high enough for an ultrasound. She said that right now, all looks good, with the exception of the abnormal findings (minor, and again, probably related to surgery) and is falling in line with an intrauterine pregnancy. I asked what I need to look out for and she said falling levels, or levels that just stall, so on Thursday, my levels should be over 500. If they're lower than that, then ectopic needs to be considered again.
So, I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but I likely am out of the woods.