the sickess is slowly creeping in. the nausea lasts all day long. i have to literally keep something in my mouth at all times to keep it bay. over the weekend, i threw up a few times, but nothing excessive and i was able to function afterwards. today alone, i've thrown up 5 times and i feel weak and dizzy. it takes me almost an hour to feel better after every time only to have to run to the bathroom and repeat the process. it's getting depressing. my dr is out all week, so there's no relief for me until next week or if i go in to the emergency room to get fluids, but even that seems like such a chore, i'd rather just lie down on the bathroom floor and pass out.
dh is off traveling again for work, but it's not international travel this time, so he's only a quick flight home away. he is still having a hard time dealing with this news and went as far as to ask me to consider terminating the pregnancy because he thinks it will financially ruin us to add one more to the family. i was shocked and appalled. i guess i never expected the man that i love, the man who helped create this life that is growing inside me, to put money before the value and meaning of life and love. i'm disheartened and disappointed in him. just a few months ago, we were actively trying to conceive. sure, we stopped trying and didn't expect it to happen, but guess what, it happened! we should happy and overjoyed that once we stopped trying, we were successful! so, we've just decided not to even talk about the pregnancy anymore for now. i feel like he's putting a tremendous amount of pressure and stress on me and i just can't deal with it. he's sympathetic to me being sick and he's not being a complete jerk, he does try to help me get through the moments following the bouts of vomiting, but he makes comments like, "you see how sick you are, why would you put yourself through that on purpose?" i really wish i could backhand him.
anyway, i'm excited to see the first scan pic posted!! can't wait to start seeing more. i'm so glad to hear good news from you ladies, you keep my spirits up.