It seems like forever since I've been on. This forum seems to move very quickly.
Brief Update.
I spend all day not feeling well. No throwing up but not comfortable either. I did ask my mid-wife if there was anything that would help and she recommended "Preggie Pop Drops" found in most drug stores, or peppermints, or chewing gum. Seems to help

Headaches seem to be an everyday thing now as well.
Went to the Doctors Monday and they drew blood. They dont really check HCG levels and you dont get a call back on blood work unless there is something to worry about.... NO call back

Also had my first scan

and Baby is in Uterus and saw the heart beat.
Amazing how quickly they still your heart.
Picked names out this weekend. My first two are named after Family so it only seems right to continue the tradition.
If its a girl... Ashlynn (Lynn after baby sister) Jenny (Middle sisters name) Ann (mothers middle name) Yes 2 middle name.
If its a Boy Andrew (Always like that name) Loren (Step-fathers name)
Hope everyone else is doing well. Take Care