Need to catch up on all the posts I've missed over the weekend. In the meantime, here's an update from today's first OB appt! Mainly they just collected some information/family history, a brief checkup (where the doc said I definitely felt like I was 6-7 weeks along - Good thing, since I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow!), and some discussion on what to expect from future visits. We also looked at my hCG levels from last week, which were nearing 25,000! I'll go to the lab this week to have blood taken for another hCG and a list of other things. I was cleared to continue crossfit, which I'm happy about. Wasn't sure how the doc would react - I've read that some don't seem to mind, while other's are sticklers about not lifting more than 20 lbs.
And now for the countdown to December 19th. According to the schedule of events, the 2nd appointment (which should be 12 weeks, but I'll be 10 w, 2 d at that point) is when the first u/s occurs. Fingers crossed they don't make me wait the extra 2 weeks, as right before Christmas is perfect timing!