So the nesting hormones have definitely started to kick in. This whole time my husband has been looking for other jobs out of the area and some seemed very positive so we just assumed we would be moving before the baby was born. Well, with three months to go and nothing panning out I'm starting to think about getting the room ready. My DD already has her bedroom and a playroom down in the basement with her larger toys (play kitchen, bouncy horse, etc.) but there are no windows down there and it's so depressing with the fluorescent lighting that I hate going down there, especially when it's nice out. We had wanted to put the two girls in the same bedroom but since my DD has toys (like a dollhouse, bookshelf, play clothes in her closet) in her room there's no more room for the crib and another dresser. I just had a thought to take our spare room and make that into the play room so all of the toys could go in there (along with baby gear) since it has a nice big window then the bedroom could be mostly that-toddler bed, crib, two dressers and the closet for mostly just clothes. Then the spare bed could go somewhere in the basement. I have a lot of stuff packed up that I'm sure I could go through and get rid of; I was planning on doing that once we moved. I have a very strong urge to go through stuff we have in storage and in the garage that we don't use or need and donate it so I can rearrange our rooms. I'm just afraid that if I tell this to my DH that he'll say no...just this weekend I moved some of my daughter's arts and craft stuff into a hall closet that was practically empty anyway and he said I was turning the whole house into a play room. we have no toys in any of the common areas...since we have a one-story house my daughter will either bring toys out to the living room to play with them or just play with them in her room.
Sorry for the long post!